James Moger
2011-10-25 486ee115abb831b2ec78be6777fb1bca9e931df0
commit | author | age
1e47ab 1 gb.repository = repository
JM 2 gb.owner = owner
3 gb.description = description
4 gb.lastChange = last change
5 gb.refs = refs
6 gb.tag = tag
7 gb.tags = tags
8 gb.author = author
9 gb.committer = committer
10 gb.commit = commit
11 gb.tree = tree
12 gb.parent = parent
13 gb.url = URL
14 gb.history = history
15 gb.raw = raw
16 gb.object = object
17 gb.ticketId = ticket id
18 gb.ticketAssigned = assigned
19 gb.ticketOpenDate = open date
20 gb.ticketState = state
21 gb.ticketComments = comments
22 gb.view = view
23 gb.local = local
24 gb.remote = remote
25 gb.branches = branches
26 gb.patch = patch
27 gb.diff = diff
698678 28 gb.log = log
JM 29 gb.moreLogs = more commits...
30 gb.allTags = all tags...
31 gb.allBranches = all branches...
1e47ab 32 gb.summary = summary
JM 33 gb.ticket = ticket
34 gb.newRepository = new repository
35 gb.newUser = new user
36 gb.commitdiff = commitdiff
9802a7 37 gb.tickets = tickets
ef5c58 38 gb.pageFirst = first
JM 39 gb.pagePrevious prev
1a3fc5 40 gb.pageNext = next
608ece 41 gb.head = HEAD
87cc1e 42 gb.blame = blame
20165d 43 gb.login = login
JM 44 gb.logout = logout
a4d249 45 gb.username = username
JM 46 gb.password = password
f602a2 47 gb.tagger = tagger
JM 48 gb.moreHistory = more history...
98ce17 49 gb.difftocurrent = diff to current
JM 50 gb.search = search
51 gb.searchForAuthor = Search for commits authored by
9bc17d 52 gb.searchForCommitter = Search for commits committed by
JM 53 gb.addition = addition
54 gb.modification = modification
55 gb.deletion = deletion
45c0d6 56 gb.rename = rename
424fe1 57 gb.metrics = metrics
1fa5e8 58 gb.stats = stats
a645ba 59 gb.markdown = markdown
JM 60 gb.changedFiles = changed files 
61 gb.filesAdded = {0} files added
62 gb.filesModified = {0} files modified
63 gb.filesDeleted = {0} files deleted
64 gb.filesCopied = {0} files copied
f5d0ad 65 gb.filesRenamed = {0} files renamed
JM 66 gb.missingUsername = Missing Username
4910c1 67 gb.edit = edit
JM 68 gb.searchTypeTooltip = Select Search Type
8c5d72 69 gb.searchTooltip = Search {0}
1e8390 70 gb.delete = delete
JM 71 gb.docs = docs
dfb889 72 gb.accessRestriction = access restriction
c1c3c6 73 gb.name = name
JM 74 gb.enableTickets = enable tickets
bc9d4a 75 gb.enableDocs = enable docs
cf9550 76 gb.save = save
dfb889 77 gb.showRemoteBranches = show remote branches
JM 78 gb.editUsers = edit users
79 gb.confirmPassword = confirm password
f98825 80 gb.restrictedRepositories = restricted repositories
dfb889 81 gb.canAdmin can admin
f98825 82 gb.notRestricted = anonymous view, clone, & push
JM 83 gb.pushRestricted = authenticated push
84 gb.cloneRestricted = authenticated clone & push
85 gb.viewRestricted = authenticated view, clone, & push
86 gb.useTicketsDescription = distributed Ticgit issues
87 gb.useDocsDescription = enumerates Markdown documentation in repository
88 gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription = show remote branches
5450d0 89 gb.canAdminDescription = can administer Gitblit server
00afd7 90 gb.permittedUsers = permitted users
JM 91 gb.isFrozen = is frozen
9197d3 92 gb.isFrozenDescription = deny push operations
a1ea87 93 gb.zip = zip
JM 94 gb.showReadme = show readme
da0269 95 gb.showReadmeDescription = show a \"readme\" Markdown file on the summary page
a3bde6 96 gb.nameDescription = use '/' to group repositories.  e.g. libraries/mycoollib.git
4ab184 97 gb.ownerDescription = the owner may edit repository settings
1fa5e8 98 gb.blob = blob
JM 99 gb.commitActivityTrend = commit activity trend
100 gb.commitActivityDOW = commit activity by day of week
c22722 101 gb.commitActivityAuthors = primary authors by commit activity
20165d 102 gb.feed = feed
JM 103 gb.cancel = cancel
831469 104 gb.changePassword = change password
JM 105 gb.isFederated = is federated
106 gb.federateThis = federate this repository
107 gb.federateOrigin = federate the origin
108 gb.excludeFromFederation = exclude from federation
da0269 109 gb.excludeFromFederationDescription = block federated Gitblit instances from pulling this account
831469 110 gb.tokens = federation tokens
8f73a7 111 gb.tokenAllDescription = all repositories, users, & settings
JM 112 gb.tokenUnrDescription = all repositories & users
113 gb.tokenJurDescription = all repositories
831469 114 gb.federatedRepositoryDefinitions = repository definitions
JM 115 gb.federatedUserDefinitions = user definitions
116 gb.federatedSettingDefinitions = setting definitions
117 gb.proposals = federation proposals
118 gb.received = received
119 gb.type = type
120 gb.token = token
121 gb.repositories = repositories
122 gb.proposal = proposal
123 gb.frequency = frequency
124 gb.folder = folder
125 gb.lastPull = last pull
126 gb.nextPull = next pull
127 gb.inclusions = inclusions
128 gb.exclusions = exclusions
129 gb.registration = registration
130 gb.registrations = federation registrations
8f73a7 131 gb.sendProposal propose
831469 132 gb.status = status
JM 133 gb.origin = origin
134 gb.federationStrategy = federation strategy
135 gb.federationRegistration = federation registration
136 gb.federationResults = federation pull results
dd9ae7 137 gb.federationSets = federation sets
JM 138 gb.message = message
139 gb.myUrlDescription = the publicly accessible url for your Gitblit instance
140 gb.destinationUrl = send to
a7571b 141 gb.destinationUrlDescription = the url of the Gitblit instance to send your proposal
JM 142 gb.users = users
b7f591 143 gb.federation = federation
JM 144 gb.error = error
145 gb.refresh = refresh
146 gb.browse = browse
147 gb.clone = clone
148 gb.filter = filter
149 gb.create = create
150 gb.servers = servers
151 gb.recent = recent
152 gb.available = available
153 gb.selected = selected
154 gb.size = size
155 gb.downloading = downloading
156 gb.loading = loading
55a46b 157 gb.starting = starting
ee25c8 158 gb.general = general
f14f76 159 gb.settings = settings
JM 160 gb.manage = manage
3d293a 161 gb.lastLogin = last login
JM 162 gb.skipSizeCalculation = skip size calculation
fe3262 163 gb.skipSizeCalculationDescription = do not calculate the repository size (reduces page load time)
JM 164 gb.skipSummaryMetrics = skip summary metrics
f306ef 165 gb.skipSummaryMetricsDescription = do not calculate metrics on the summary page (reduces page load time)
2a99c3 166 gb.accessLevel = access level
JM 167 gb.default = default
4c837a 168 gb.setDefault = set default
486ee1 169 gb.since = since
JM 170 gb.status = status
171 gb.bootDate = boot date
172 gb.servletContainer = servlet container
173 gb.heapMaximum = maximum heap
174 gb.heapAllocated = allocated heap
175 gb.heapUsed = used heap
176 gb.free = free