commit | author | age
1 |
// UK lang variables
S |
2 |
3 |
4 |
theme_style_select : '-- Styles --',
5 |
theme_code_desc : 'Edit HTML Source',
6 |
theme_code_title : 'HTML Source Editor',
7 |
theme_code_wordwrap : 'Word wrap',
8 |
theme_sub_desc : 'Subscript',
9 |
theme_sup_desc : 'Superscript',
10 |
theme_hr_desc : 'Insert horizontal ruler',
11 |
theme_removeformat_desc : 'Remove formatting',
12 |
theme_custom1_desc : 'Your custom description here',
13 |
insert_image_border : 'Border',
14 |
insert_image_dimensions : 'Dimensions',
15 |
insert_image_vspace : 'Vertical space',
16 |
insert_image_hspace : 'Horizontal space',
17 |
insert_image_align : 'Alignment',
18 |
insert_image_align_default : '-- Not set --',
19 |
insert_image_align_baseline : 'Baseline',
20 |
insert_image_align_top : 'Top',
21 |
insert_image_align_middle : 'Middle',
22 |
insert_image_align_bottom : 'Bottom',
23 |
insert_image_align_texttop : 'TextTop',
24 |
insert_image_align_absmiddle : 'Absolute Middle',
25 |
insert_image_align_absbottom : 'Absolute Bottom',
26 |
insert_image_align_left : 'Left',
27 |
insert_image_align_right : 'Right',
28 |
theme_font_size : '-- Font size --',
29 |
theme_fontdefault : '-- Font family --',
30 |
theme_block : '-- Format --',
31 |
theme_paragraph : 'Paragraph',
32 |
theme_div : 'Div',
33 |
theme_address : 'Address',
34 |
theme_pre : 'Preformatted',
35 |
theme_h1 : 'Heading 1',
36 |
theme_h2 : 'Heading 2',
37 |
theme_h3 : 'Heading 3',
38 |
theme_h4 : 'Heading 4',
39 |
theme_h5 : 'Heading 5',
40 |
theme_h6 : 'Heading 6',
41 |
theme_blockquote : 'Blockquote',
42 |
theme_code : 'Code',
43 |
theme_samp : 'Code sample',
44 |
theme_dt : 'Definition term ',
45 |
theme_dd : 'Definition description',
46 |
theme_colorpicker_title : 'Select a color',
47 |
theme_colorpicker_apply : 'Apply',
48 |
theme_forecolor_desc : 'Select text color',
49 |
theme_backcolor_desc : 'Select background color',
50 |
theme_charmap_title : 'Select custom character',
51 |
theme_charmap_desc : 'Insert custom character',
52 |
theme_visualaid_desc : 'Toggle guidelines/invisible elements',
53 |
insert_anchor_title : 'Insert/edit anchor',
54 |
insert_anchor_name : 'Anchor name',
55 |
theme_anchor_desc : 'Insert/edit anchor',
56 |
theme_insert_link_titlefield : 'Title',
57 |
theme_clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
58 |
theme_path : 'Path',
59 |
cut_desc : 'Cut',
60 |
copy_desc : 'Copy',
61 |
paste_desc : 'Paste',
62 |
link_list : 'Link list',
63 |
image_list : 'Image list',
64 |
browse : 'Browse',
65 |
image_props_desc : 'Image properties',
66 |
newdocument_desc : 'New document',
67 |
class_name : 'Class',
68 |
newdocument : 'Are you sure you want clear all contents?',
69 |
about_title : 'About TinyMCE',
70 |
about : 'About',
71 |
license : 'License',
72 |
plugins : 'Plugins',
73 |
plugin : 'Plugin',
74 |
author : 'Author',
75 |
version : 'Version',
76 |
loaded_plugins : 'Loaded plugins',
77 |
help : 'Help',
78 |
not_set : '-- Not set --',
79 |
close : 'Close',
80 |
toolbar_focus : 'Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, Jump to editor - Alt-Z, Jump to element path - Alt-X',
S |
81 |
invalid_data : 'Error: Invalid values entered, these are marked in red.'
82 |