Thomas Bruederli
2013-10-10 a01f3b959abd9720ec1b33624cbd31bee4838c2b
commit | author | age
3983f5 1 <?php
TB 2
3 /*
4  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
aed581 5  | plugins/archive/localization/<lang>.inc                                |
3983f5 6  |                                                                       |
aed581 7  | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Archive plugin             |
TB 8  | Copyright (C) 2013, The Roundcube Dev Team                            |
9  |                                                                       |
10  | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
11  | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
12  | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
3983f5 13  |                                                                       |
TB 14  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
aed581 15
TB 16  For translation see
3983f5 17 */
fa3a61 18 $labels['buttontext'] = '存档';
413617 19 $labels['buttontitle'] = '存档该信息';
3983f5 20 $labels['archived'] = '存档成功';
413617 21 $labels['archivedreload'] = '存档成功。请刷新本页以查看新的存档文件夹。';
AM 22 $labels['archiveerror'] = '部分信息无法存档';
aed581 23 $labels['archivefolder'] = '存档';
413617 24 $labels['settingstitle'] = '存档';
AM 25 $labels['archivetype'] = '分类存档按';
26 $labels['archivetypeyear'] = '年(例如 存档/2012)';
27 $labels['archivetypemonth'] = '月(例如 存档/2012/06)';
28 $labels['archivetypefolder'] = '原始文件夹';
29 $labels['archivetypesender'] = '发件人邮件';
30 $labels['unkownsender'] = '未知';
aed581 31 ?>