2008-02-11 b85bf8b3f46b9927117777baa149eb4ac818693f
commit | author | age
a0109c 1 /*
S 2  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3  | RoundCube editor js library                                           |
4  |                                                                       |
5  | This file is part of the RoundCube web development suite              |
6  | Copyright (C) 2006, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland                      |
7  | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
8  |                                                                       |
9  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
10  | Author: Eric Stadtherr <>                         |
11  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
2c6337 12
a0109c 13  $Id: editor.js 000 2006-05-18 19:12:28Z roundcube $
S 14 */
16 // Initialize the message editor
18 function rcmail_editor_init(skin_path)
2c6337 19   {
S 20   tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'specific_textareas',
21                  accessibility_focus : false,
22                  apply_source_formatting : true,
23                  theme : 'advanced',
24                  plugins : 'emotions,media,nonbreaking,table,searchreplace,spellchecker,visualchars',
25                  theme_advanced_buttons1 : 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,separator,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,separator,link,unlink,emotions,forecolor,backcolor,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect',
26                  theme_advanced_buttons2 : 'undo,redo,image,media,hr,charmap,code,nonbreaking,visualchars,separator,search,replace,spellchecker,separator,tablecontrols',
27                  theme_advanced_buttons3 : '',
28                  theme_advanced_toolbar_location : 'top',
29                  theme_advanced_toolbar_align : 'left',
30                  extended_valid_elements : 'font[face|size|color|style],span[id|class|align|style]',
31                  content_css : skin_path + '/editor_content.css',
4315b0 32                  editor_css : skin_path + '/editor_ui.css',
S 33                  external_image_list_url : 'program/js/editor_images.js'
2c6337 34                });
S 35   }
a0109c 36
S 37 // Set the state of the HTML/Plain toggles based on the _is_html field value
38 function rcmail_set_editor_toggle_states()
2c6337 39   {
S 40   // set the editor toggle based on the state of the editor
a0109c 41
2c6337 42   var htmlFlag = document.getElementsByName('_is_html')[0];
S 43   var toggles = document.getElementsByName('_editorSelect');
44   for(var t=0; t<toggles.length; t++)
45     {
46     if (toggles[t].value == 'html')
47       {
48       toggles[t].checked = (htmlFlag.value == "1");
49       }
50     else
51       {
52       toggles[t].checked = (htmlFlag.value == "0");
53       }
a0109c 54     }
2c6337 55   }
a0109c 56
S 57 // Toggle between the HTML and Plain Text editors
59 function rcmail_toggle_editor(toggler)
2c6337 60   {
S 61   var selectedEditor = toggler.value;
a0109c 62
2c6337 63   // determine the currently displayed editor
a0109c 64
2c6337 65   var htmlFlag = document.getElementsByName('_is_html')[0];
S 66   var currentEditor = htmlFlag.value;
a0109c 67
2c6337 68   if (selectedEditor == currentEditor)
S 69     {
70     return;
71     }
a0109c 72
2c6337 73   // do the appropriate conversion
a0109c 74
2c6337 75   var composeElement = document.getElementById('compose-body');
a0109c 76
2c6337 77   if (selectedEditor == 'html')
S 78     {
79     var existingPlainText = composeElement.value;
80     var htmlText = "<pre>" + existingPlainText + "</pre>";
81     composeElement.value = htmlText;
82     tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, '_message');
83     htmlFlag.value = "1";
84     }
85   else
86     {
87     rcmail.set_busy(true, 'converting');
88     var thisMCE = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('_message');
89     var existingHtml = tinyMCE.getContent();
90     rcmail_html2plain(existingHtml);
91     tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', true, '_message');
92     htmlFlag.value = "0";
93     }
94   }
a0109c 95
S 96 function rcmail_html2plain(htmlText)
2c6337 97   {
S 98   var http_request = new rcube_http_request();
a0109c 99
2c6337 100   http_request.onerror = function(o) { rcmail_handle_toggle_error(o); };
S 101   http_request.oncomplete = function(o) { rcmail_set_text_value(o); };
809428 102   var url = rcmail.env.bin_path+'html2text.php';
S 103   console.log('HTTP request: ' + url);
2c6337 104   http_request.POST(url, htmlText, 'application/octet-stream');
S 105   }
a0109c 106
S 107 function rcmail_set_text_value(httpRequest)
2c6337 108   {
S 109   rcmail.set_busy(false);
110   var composeElement = document.getElementById('compose-body');
111   composeElement.value = httpRequest.get_text();
112   }
a0109c 113
S 114 function rcmail_handle_toggle_error(httpRequest)
2c6337 115   {
S 116   alert('html2text request returned with error ' + httpRequest.xmlhttp.status);
117   }