Till Brehm
2016-07-24 b9a3ef486ebcde18a5ade37865ff8f397185d24f
commit | author | age
e22f1e 1 <?php
T 2 /*
89623d 3 Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009, Till Brehm, projektfarm Gmbh
e22f1e 4 All rights reserved.
T 5
6 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
7 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
9     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
10       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
12       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
13       and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
14     * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors
15       may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
16       specific prior written permission.
28 */
31 /******************************************
32 * Begin Form configuration
33 ******************************************/
ac3b1f 35 $tform_def_file = "form/mail_user.tform.php";
e22f1e 36
T 37 /******************************************
38 * End Form configuration
39 ******************************************/
7fe908 41 require_once '../../lib/config.inc.php';
MC 42 require_once '../../lib/app.inc.php';
e22f1e 43
910093 44 //* Check permissions for module
T 45 $app->auth->check_module_permissions('mail');
e22f1e 46
T 47 // Loading classes
48 $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions');
49 $app->load('tform_actions');
51 class page_action extends tform_actions {
7fe908 52
MC 53
22e7f9 54     function onShowNew() {
T 55         global $app, $conf;
7fe908 56
22e7f9 57         // we will check only users, not admins
T 58         if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'user') {
3cebc3 59             if(!$app->tform->checkClientLimit('limit_mailbox')) {
T 60                 $app->error($app->tform->wordbook["limit_mailbox_txt"]);
61             }
62             if(!$app->tform->checkResellerLimit('limit_mailbox')) {
63                 $app->error('Reseller: '.$app->tform->wordbook["limit_mailbox_txt"]);
22e7f9 64             }
T 65         }
7fe908 66
22e7f9 67         parent::onShowNew();
T 68     }
7fe908 69
e22f1e 70     function onShowEnd() {
T 71         global $app, $conf;
7fe908 72
e22f1e 73         $email = $this->dataRecord["email"];
7fe908 74         $email_parts = explode("@", $email);
MC 75         $app->tpl->setVar("email_local_part", $email_parts[0]);
d6363b 76         $email_parts[1] = $app->functions->idn_decode($email_parts[1]);
7fe908 77
e22f1e 78         // Getting Domains of the user
8cf78b 79         // $sql = "SELECT domain, server_id FROM mail_domain WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r').' ORDER BY domain';
T 80         $sql = "SELECT domain, server_id FROM mail_domain WHERE domain NOT IN (SELECT SUBSTR(source,2) FROM mail_forwarding WHERE type = 'aliasdomain') AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r')." ORDER BY domain";
e22f1e 81         $domains = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
T 82         $domain_select = '';
ac3b1f 83         if(is_array($domains)) {
T 84             foreach( $domains as $domain) {
7fe908 85                 $domain['domain'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($domain['domain']);
b5a23a 86                 $selected = ($domain["domain"] == @$email_parts[1])?'SELECTED':'';
ac3b1f 87                 $domain_select .= "<option value='$domain[domain]' $selected>$domain[domain]</option>\r\n";
T 88             }
e22f1e 89         }
7fe908 90         $app->tpl->setVar("email_domain", $domain_select);
daff5c 91         unset($domains);
T 92         unset($domain_select);
7fe908 93
daff5c 94         // Get the spamfilter policys for the user
2af58c 95         $tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
ed1d29 96         $sql = "SELECT id, policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r') . " ORDER BY policy_name";
daff5c 97         $policys = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
89623d 98         $policy_select = "<option value='0'>".$app->tform->lng("no_policy")."</option>";
daff5c 99         if(is_array($policys)) {
T 100             foreach( $policys as $p) {
101                 $selected = ($p["id"] == $tmp_user["policy_id"])?'SELECTED':'';
102                 $policy_select .= "<option value='$p[id]' $selected>$p[policy_name]</option>\r\n";
103             }
104         }
7fe908 105         $app->tpl->setVar("policy", $policy_select);
daff5c 106         unset($policys);
T 107         unset($policy_select);
108         unset($tmp_user);
7fe908 109
ac3b1f 110         // Convert quota from Bytes to MB
7fe908 111         if($this->dataRecord["quota"] != -1) $app->tpl->setVar("quota", $this->dataRecord["quota"] / 1024 / 1024);
MC 112
75ae20 113         // Is autoresponder set?
a8b07f 114         if (!empty($this->dataRecord['autoresponder']) && $this->dataRecord['autoresponder'] == 'y') {
75ae20 115             $app->tpl->setVar("ar_active", 'checked="checked"');
W 116         } else {
117             $app->tpl->setVar("ar_active", '');
d4c760 118         }
7fe908 119
10b4c8 120         if($this->dataRecord['autoresponder_subject'] == '') {
T 121             $app->tpl->setVar('autoresponder_subject', $app->tform->lng('autoresponder_subject'));
122         } else {
123             $app->tpl->setVar('autoresponder_subject', $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_subject']);
124         }
7fe908 125
MC 126         $app->uses('getconf');
127         $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail');
d4c760 128         if($mail_config["enable_custom_login"] == "y") {
7fe908 129             $app->tpl->setVar("enable_custom_login", 1);
d4c760 130         } else {
7fe908 131             $app->tpl->setVar("enable_custom_login", 0);
75ae20 132         }
7fe908 133
e22f1e 134         parent::onShowEnd();
T 135     }
7fe908 136
e22f1e 137     function onSubmit() {
T 138         global $app, $conf;
7fe908 139
89623d 140         //* Check if Domain belongs to user
b658fe 141         if(isset($_POST["email_domain"])) {
2af58c 142             $domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id, domain FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = ? AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'), $app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"]));
d6363b 143             if($domain["domain"] != $app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"])) $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("no_domain_perm");
b658fe 144         }
7fe908 145
89623d 146         //* if its an insert, check that the password is not empty
965795 147         if($this->id == 0 && $_POST["password"] == '') {
89623d 148             $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("error_no_pwd")."<br>";
965795 149         }
7fe908 150
89623d 151         //* Check the client limits, if user is not the admin
965795 152         if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { // if user is not admin
T 153             // Get the limits of the client
604c0c 154             $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]);
cc7a82 155             $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_mailbox, limit_mailquota, parent_client_id FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = ?", $client_group_id);
7fe908 156
965795 157
22e7f9 158             // Check if the user may add another mailbox.
965795 159             if($this->id == 0 && $client["limit_mailbox"] >= 0) {
cc7a82 160                 $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(mailuser_id) as number FROM mail_user WHERE sys_groupid = ?", $client_group_id);
22e7f9 161                 if($tmp["number"] >= $client["limit_mailbox"]) {
89623d 162                     $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_mailbox_txt")."<br>";
22e7f9 163                 }
T 164                 unset($tmp);
165             }
7fe908 166
965795 167             // Check the quota and adjust
ede489 168             if(isset($_POST["quota"]) && $client["limit_mailquota"] >= 0 && (($app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["quota"]) * 1024 * 1024 != $this->oldDataRecord['quota']) || ($_POST["quota"] <= 0))) {
2af58c 169                 $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(quota) as mailquota FROM mail_user WHERE mailuser_id != ? AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('u'), $this->id);
ba747c 170                 $mailquota = $tmp["mailquota"] / 1024 / 1024;
65ea2e 171                 $new_mailbox_quota = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["quota"]);
27b8b8 172                 if(($mailquota + $new_mailbox_quota > $client["limit_mailquota"]) || ($new_mailbox_quota == 0 && $client["limit_mailquota"] != -1)) {
965795 173                     $max_free_quota = $client["limit_mailquota"] - $mailquota;
89623d 174                     $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_mailquota_txt").": ".$max_free_quota."<br>";
965795 175                     // Set the quota field to the max free space
T 176                     $this->dataRecord["quota"] = $max_free_quota;
177                 }
178                 unset($tmp);
179                 unset($tmp_quota);
22e7f9 180             }
009b2d 181
SC 182             if($client['parent_client_id'] > 0) {
183                 // Get the limits of the reseller
2af58c 184                 $reseller = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_mailquota, limit_maildomain FROM client WHERE client_id = ?", $client['parent_client_id']);
009b2d 185
SC 186                 //* Check the website quota of the client
187                 if(isset($_POST["quota"]) && $reseller["limit_mailquota"] >= 0 && $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["quota"]) * 1024 * 1024 != $this->oldDataRecord['quota']) {
2af58c 188                     $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(quota) as mailquota FROM mail_user, sys_group, client WHERE mail_user.sys_groupid=sys_group.groupid AND sys_group.client_id=client.client_id AND ? IN (client.parent_client_id, client.client_id) AND mailuser_id != ?", $client['parent_client_id'], $this->id);
009b2d 189
SC 190                     $mailquota = $tmp["mailquota"] / 1024 / 1024;
191                     $new_mailbox_quota = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["quota"]);
192                     if(($mailquota + $new_mailbox_quota > $reseller["limit_mailquota"]) || ($new_mailbox_quota == 0 && $reseller["limit_mailquota"] != -1)) {
193                         $max_free_quota = $reseller["limit_mailquota"] - $mailquota;
194                         if($max_free_quota < 0) $max_free_quota = 0;
195                         $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_mailquota_txt").": ".$max_free_quota."<br>";
196                         // Set the quota field to the max free space
197                         $this->dataRecord["quota"] = $max_free_quota;
198                     }
199                     unset($tmp);
200                     unset($tmp_quota);
201                 }
202             }
965795 203         } // end if user is not admin
22e7f9 204
7fe908 205
MC 206         $app->uses('getconf');
207         $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config(!empty($domain["server_id"]) ? $domain["server_id"] : '', 'mail');
f339eb 209         // Set Maildir format
D 210         if ($this->id == 0) {
ef6e5d 211             $this->dataRecord['maildir_format'] = $mail_config['maildir_format'];
f339eb 212         }
D 213         else {
214             // restore Maildir format
215             $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT maildir_format FROM mail_user WHERE mailuser_id = ".$app->functions->intval($this->id));
216             $this->dataRecord['maildir_format'] = $tmp['maildir_format'];
217         }
89623d 219         //* compose the email field
b658fe 220         if(isset($_POST["email_local_part"]) && isset($_POST["email_domain"])) {
d6363b 221             $this->dataRecord["email"] = strtolower($_POST["email_local_part"]."@".$app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"]));
7fe908 222
b658fe 223             // Set the server id of the mailbox = server ID of mail domain.
T 224             $this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $domain["server_id"];
7fe908 225
b658fe 226             unset($this->dataRecord["email_local_part"]);
T 227             unset($this->dataRecord["email_domain"]);
7fe908 228
b658fe 229             // Convert quota from MB to Bytes
4bf118 230             if($this->dataRecord["quota"] != -1) $this->dataRecord["quota"] = $this->dataRecord["quota"] * 1024 * 1024;
7fe908 231
b658fe 232             // setting Maildir, Homedir, UID and GID
7fe908 233             $maildir = str_replace("[domain]", $domain["domain"], $mail_config["maildir_path"]);
MC 234             $maildir = str_replace("[localpart]", strtolower($_POST["email_local_part"]), $maildir);
b658fe 235             $this->dataRecord["maildir"] = $maildir;
T 236             $this->dataRecord["homedir"] = $mail_config["homedir_path"];
0e2978 237             
DM 238             // Will be overwritten by mail_plugin
cb0be9 239             if ($mail_config["mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps"] == 'y') {
TB 240                 $this->dataRecord['uid'] = -1;
241                 $this->dataRecord['gid'] = -1;
242             } else {
243                 $this->dataRecord['uid'] = intval($mail_config["mailuser_uid"]);
244                 $this->dataRecord['gid'] = intval($mail_config["mailuser_gid"]);
245             }
0e2978 246                 
89623d 247             //* Check if there is no alias or forward with this address
2af58c 248             $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(forwarding_id) as number FROM mail_forwarding WHERE active = 'y' AND source = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
89623d 249             if($tmp['number'] > 0) $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("duplicate_alias_or_forward_txt")."<br>";
T 250             unset($tmp);
7fe908 251
b658fe 252         }
7fe908 253
MC 254         $sys_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail');
255         if($sys_config["enable_custom_login"] == "y") {
256             if(!isset($_POST["login"]) || $_POST["login"] == '') $this->dataRecord["login"] = $this->dataRecord["email"];
257             elseif(strpos($_POST["login"], '@') !== false && $_POST["login"] != $this->dataRecord["email"]) $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("error_login_email_txt")."<br>";
d4c760 258         } else {
7fe908 259             $this->dataRecord["login"] = isset($this->dataRecord["email"]) ? $this->dataRecord["email"] : '';
d4c760 260         }
75ae20 261         //* if autoresponder checkbox not selected, do not save dates
96ae77 262         if (!isset($_POST['autoresponder'])) {
TB 263             $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_start_date'] = '';
264             $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_end_date'] = '';
75ae20 265         }
7fe908 266
e22f1e 267         parent::onSubmit();
T 268     }
7fe908 269
22e7f9 270     function onAfterInsert() {
T 271         global $app, $conf;
7fe908 272
22e7f9 273         // Set the domain owner as mailbox owner
2af58c 274         $domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid, server_id FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = ? AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'), $app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"]));
MC 275         $app->db->query("UPDATE mail_user SET sys_groupid = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $domain["sys_groupid"], $this->id);
7fe908 276
daff5c 277         // Spamfilter policy
65ea2e 278         $policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
daff5c 279         if($policy_id > 0) {
2af58c 280             $tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
daff5c 281             if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
T 282                 // There is already a record that we will update
3a11d2 283                 $app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
daff5c 284             } else {
T 285                 // We create a new record
3a11d2 286                 $insert_data = array(
MC 287                     "sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
288                     "sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
289                     "sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
290                     "sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
291                     "sys_perm_other" => '',
292                     "server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
293                     "priority" => 10,
294                     "policy_id" => $policy_id,
295                     "email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
296                     "fullname" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
297                     "local" => 'Y'
298                 );
f66929 299                 $app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
daff5c 300             }
T 301         }  // endif spamfilter policy
7fe908 302
MC 303
6cc49f 304         // Set the fields for dovecot
T 305         if(isset($this->dataRecord["email"])) {
306             $disableimap = ($this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
307             $disablepop3 = ($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
308             $disabledeliver = ($this->dataRecord["postfix"] == 'y')?'n':'y';
44c2dd 309             $disablesmtp = ($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
7fe908 310
2af58c 311             $sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disabledoveadm = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
MC 312             $app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disableimap, $this->id);
6cc49f 313         }
22e7f9 314     }
7fe908 315
22e7f9 316     function onAfterUpdate() {
T 317         global $app, $conf;
7fe908 318
22e7f9 319         // Set the domain owner as mailbox owner
b658fe 320         if(isset($_POST["email_domain"])) {
2af58c 321             $domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid, server_id FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = ? AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'), $app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"]));
MC 322             $app->db->query("UPDATE mail_user SET sys_groupid = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $domain["sys_groupid"], $this->id);
7fe908 323
b658fe 324             // Spamfilter policy
65ea2e 325             $policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
2af58c 326             $tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
b658fe 327             if($policy_id > 0) {
T 328                 if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
329                     // There is already a record that we will update
3a11d2 330                     $app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
b658fe 331                 } else {
T 332                     // We create a new record
3a11d2 333                     $insert_data = array(
MC 334                         "sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
335                         "sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
336                         "sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
337                         "sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
338                         "sys_perm_other" => '',
339                         "server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
340                         "priority" => 10,
341                         "policy_id" => $policy_id,
342                         "email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
343                         "fullname" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
344                         "local" => 'Y'
345                     );
f66929 346                     $app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
b658fe 347                 }
T 348             }else {
349                 if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
350                     // There is already a record but the user shall have no policy, so we delete it
f66929 351                     $app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
b658fe 352                 }
T 353             } // endif spamfilter policy
354         }
7fe908 355
6cc49f 356         // Set the fields for dovecot
T 357         if(isset($this->dataRecord["email"])) {
a8b07f 358             $disableimap = (isset($this->dataRecord["disableimap"]) && $this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
X 359             $disablepop3 = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
6cc49f 360             $disabledeliver = ($this->dataRecord["postfix"] == 'y')?'n':'y';
44c2dd 361             $disablesmtp = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
7fe908 362
2af58c 363             $sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, `disablesieve-filter` = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disabledoveadm = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
MC 364             $app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disableimap, $this->id);
6cc49f 365         }
7fe908 366
95ed0d 367         //** If the email address has been changed, change it in all aliases too
98302d 368         if(isset($this->dataRecord['email']) && $this->oldDataRecord['email'] != $this->dataRecord['email']) {
7fe908 369             //if($this->oldDataRecord['email'] != $this->dataRecord['email']) {
MC 370
95ed0d 371             //* Update the aliases
2af58c 372             $forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE destination = ?", $this->oldDataRecord['email']);
95ed0d 373             if(is_array($forwardings)) {
T 374                 foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
3a11d2 375                     $destination = $this->dataRecord['email'];
MC 376                     $app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("destination" => $destination), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id']);
95ed0d 377                 }
T 378             }
7fe908 379
95ed0d 380         } // end if email addess changed
7fe908 381
f17718 382         //* Change backup options when user mail backup options have been changed
FS 383         if(isset($this->dataRecord['backup_interval']) && ($this->dataRecord['backup_interval'] != $this->oldDataRecord['backup_interval'] || $this->dataRecord['backup_copies'] != $this->oldDataRecord['backup_copies'])) {
3a11d2 384             $backup_interval = $this->dataRecord['backup_interval'];
d9443d 385             $backup_copies = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord['backup_copies']);
3a11d2 386             $app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("backup_interval" => $backup_interval, "backup_copies" => $backup_copies), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']);
f17718 387             unset($backup_copies);
FS 388             unset($backup_interval);
389         } // end if backup options changed
22e7f9 391     }
7fe908 392
e22f1e 393 }
T 394
395 $app->tform_actions = new page_action;
396 $app->tform_actions->onLoad();
690cfe 398 ?>