edit | blame | history | raw

Setup and Configuration

  1. Download and unzip Git:Blit.

    Its best to eliminate spaces in the path name as that can cause troubleshooting headaches.
  2. The server itself is configured through a simple text file.

    Open gitblit.properties in your favorite text editor and make sure to review and set:
    • git.repositoryFolder
    • server.tempFolder
    • server.httpBindInterface and server.httpsBindInterface

      NOTE: Consider using https exclusively because passwords for authentication are transmitted as clear text!
    • server.storePassword

      NOTE: The certificate password AND the keystore password must match!
  3. Execute gitblit.cmd or java -jar gitblit.jar from a command-line
  4. Wait a minute or two while all dependencies are downloaded and your self-signed certificate is generated.
  5. Open your browser to http://localhost or https://localhost depending on your chosen configuration.
  6. Click the Login link and enter the default administrator credentials: admin / admin

    NOTE: Make sure to change the administrator username and/or password!!

Administering Repositories

Repositories can be created, edited, renamed, and deleted through the web UI. They may also be created, edited, and deleted from the command-line using real Git or your favorite file manager and text editor.

All repository settings are stored within the repository .git/config file under the gitblit section.

    description = master repository
    owner = james
    useTickets = false
    useDocs = true
    showRemoteBranches = false
    accessRestriction = clone
    isFrozen = false

Repository Names

Repository names must be unique and are case-insensitive. The name must be composed of letters, digits, or / _ - .

Whitespace is illegal.

Repository Owner

The Repository Owner has the special permission of being able to edit a repository through the web UI. The Repository Owner is not permitted to rename the repository, delete the repository, or reassign ownership to another user.

Administering Users

All users are stored in the users.properties file or in the file you specified in gitblit.properties.

The format of users.properties follows Jetty's convention for HashRealms:



Usernames must be unique and are case-insensitive.

Whitespace is illegal.


User passwords are CASE-SENSITIVE and may be plain, md5, or crypt formatted (see gitblit.properties -> realm.passwordStorage).

User Roles

There is only one actual role in Git:Blit and that is #admin which grants administrative powers to that user. Administrators automatically have access to all repositories. All other roles are repository names. If a repository is access-restricted, the user must have the repository's name within his/her roles to bypass the access restriction. This is how users are granted access to a restricted repository.

Creating your own Self-Signed Certificate

Review the contents of the makekeystore.cmd or makekeystore_jdk.cmd script and execute it.

NOTE: The certificate password AND the keystore password must match!

Running as a Service

Review the contents of the installService.cmd or installService64.cmd, as appropriate for your JVM.

Set the JDK variable in the script to the location of your JDK, add any necessary start parameters, and execute the script.

Command-Line Parameters

--tempFolder           Server temp folder
--repositoriesFolder   Git Repositories Folder
--realmFile            Users Realm Hash File
--useNio               Use NIO Connector else use Socket Connector.
--httpPort             HTTP port for to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)
--httpsPort            HTTPS port to serve.  (port <= 0 will disable this connector)
--storePassword        Password for SSL (https) keystore.
--shutdownPort         Port for Shutdown Monitor to listen on. (port <= 0 will disable this monitor)


java -jar gitblit.jar --realmFile c:\myrealm.txt --storePassword something