* Copyright 2011 gitblit.com.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.utils;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import com.gitblit.GitBlitException.ForbiddenException;
import com.gitblit.GitBlitException.NotAllowedException;
import com.gitblit.GitBlitException.UnauthorizedException;
import com.gitblit.GitBlitException.UnknownRequestException;
import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryModel;
import com.gitblit.models.UserModel;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext;
import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext;
import com.google.gson.JsonSerializer;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
* Utility methods for json calls to a Gitblit server.
* @author James Moger
public class JsonUtils {
public static final Type REPOSITORIES_TYPE = new TypeToken<Map<String, RepositoryModel>>() {
public static final Type USERS_TYPE = new TypeToken<Collection<UserModel>>() {
* Creates JSON from the specified object.
* @param o
* @return json
public static String toJsonString(Object o) {
String json = gson().toJson(o);
return json;
* Convert a json string to an object of the specified type.
* @param json
* @param clazz
* @return an object
public static <X> X fromJsonString(String json, Class<X> clazz) {
return gson().fromJson(json, clazz);
* Convert a json string to an object of the specified type.
* @param json
* @param clazz
* @return an object
public static <X> X fromJsonString(String json, Type type) {
return gson().fromJson(json, type);
* Reads a gson object from the specified url.
* @param url
* @param type
* @return the deserialized object
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static <X> X retrieveJson(String url, Type type) throws IOException,
UnauthorizedException {
return retrieveJson(url, type, null, null);
* Reads a gson object from the specified url.
* @param url
* @param type
* @return the deserialized object
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static <X> X retrieveJson(String url, Class<? extends X> clazz) throws IOException,
UnauthorizedException {
return retrieveJson(url, clazz, null, null);
* Reads a gson object from the specified url.
* @param url
* @param type
* @param username
* @param password
* @return the deserialized object
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static <X> X retrieveJson(String url, Type type, String username, char[] password)
throws IOException {
String json = retrieveJsonString(url, username, password);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(json)) {
return null;
return gson().fromJson(json, type);
* Reads a gson object from the specified url.
* @param url
* @param clazz
* @param username
* @param password
* @return the deserialized object
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static <X> X retrieveJson(String url, Class<X> clazz, String username, char[] password)
throws IOException {
String json = retrieveJsonString(url, username, password);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(json)) {
return null;
return gson().fromJson(json, clazz);
* Retrieves a JSON message.
* @param url
* @return the JSON message as a string
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static String retrieveJsonString(String url, String username, char[] password)
throws IOException {
try {
URLConnection conn = ConnectionUtils.openReadConnection(url, username, password);
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, ConnectionUtils.CHARSET));
StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
char[] buffer = new char[4096];
int len = 0;
while ((len = reader.read(buffer)) > -1) {
json.append(buffer, 0, len);
return json.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage().indexOf("401") > -1) {
// unauthorized
throw new UnauthorizedException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("403") > -1) {
// requested url is forbidden by the requesting user
throw new ForbiddenException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("405") > -1) {
// requested url is not allowed by the server
throw new NotAllowedException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("501") > -1) {
// requested url is not recognized by the server
throw new UnknownRequestException(url);
throw e;
* Sends a JSON message.
* @param url
* the url to write to
* @param json
* the json message to send
* @return the http request result code
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static int sendJsonString(String url, String json) throws IOException {
return sendJsonString(url, json, null, null);
* Sends a JSON message.
* @param url
* the url to write to
* @param json
* the json message to send
* @param username
* @param password
* @return the http request result code
* @throws {@link IOException}
public static int sendJsonString(String url, String json, String username, char[] password)
throws IOException {
try {
byte[] jsonBytes = json.getBytes(ConnectionUtils.CHARSET);
URLConnection conn = ConnectionUtils.openConnection(url, username, password);
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=" + ConnectionUtils.CHARSET);
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" + jsonBytes.length);
// write json body
OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();
int status = ((HttpURLConnection) conn).getResponseCode();
return status;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage().indexOf("401") > -1) {
// unauthorized
throw new UnauthorizedException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("403") > -1) {
// requested url is forbidden by the requesting user
throw new ForbiddenException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("405") > -1) {
// requested url is not allowed by the server
throw new NotAllowedException(url);
} else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("501") > -1) {
// requested url is not recognized by the server
throw new UnknownRequestException(url);
throw e;
// build custom gson instance with GMT date serializer/deserializer
// http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/issues/detail?id=281
private static Gson gson() {
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
builder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new GmtDateTypeAdapter());
return builder.create();
private static class GmtDateTypeAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Date>, JsonDeserializer<Date> {
private final DateFormat dateFormat;
private GmtDateTypeAdapter() {
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US);
public synchronized JsonElement serialize(Date date, Type type,
JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
synchronized (dateFormat) {
String dateFormatAsString = dateFormat.format(date);
return new JsonPrimitive(dateFormatAsString);
public synchronized Date deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type,
JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) {
try {
synchronized (dateFormat) {
return dateFormat.parse(jsonElement.getAsString());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException(jsonElement.getAsString(), e);