edit | blame | history | raw

Remote Management, Administration and Integration

SINCE 0.7.0

Gitblit optionally allows a remote client to administer the Gitblit server. This client could be a Java-based tool or perhaps a tool written in another language.


https is strongly recommended because passwords are insecurely transmitted form your browser/rpc client using Basic authentication!

The Gitblit JSON RPC mechanism, like the Gitblit JGit servlet, syndication/feed servlet, etc, supports request-based authentication. Making an admin request will trigger Gitblit's basic authentication mechanism. Listing of repositories, generally, will not trigger this authentication mechanism unless web.authenticateViewPages=true. That means its possible to allow anonymous enumeration of repositories that are not view restricted or clone restricted. Of course, if credentials are provided then all private repositories that are available to the user account will be enumerated in the JSON response.

Gitblit Manager

Gitblit Manager is an example Java/Swing application that allows remote management (repository and user objects) and administration (server settings) of a Gitblit server.

This application uses a combination of RSS feeds and the JSON RPC interface, both of which are part of the Gitblit API library, to present live information from a Gitblit server. Some JSON RPC methods from the utility class com.gitblit.utils.RpcUtils are not currently used by the Gitblit Manager.

Gitblit Manager stores your login credentials INSECURELY in homedir/.gitblit/config.

Eclipse/EGit "Import from Gitblit" Feature (Planning)

One obvious goal of a Gitblit RPC mechanism would be to have an Eclipse/EGit Feature that allows authentication and enumeration of Gitblit repositories from the Eclipse Import... menu. Batch cloning would be supported and delegated to EGit.

This particular project should not be difficult as the only external dependency for com.gitblit.utils.RpcUtils is google-gson which is already a dependency of the EGit/GitHub Mylyn feature.

One proposal from the EGit team is to define a common JSON RPC method for enumeration of repositories which can be implemented by Git hosts. The EGit team would then implement the UI and the client-side enumeration code. This idea was raised as part of this feature request for EGit.

Currently this project is in the planning stage.

RSS Query Interface

At present, Gitblit does not yet support retrieving Git objects (commits, etc) via the JSON RPC mechanism. However, the repository/branch RSS feeds can be used to extract log/history information from a repository branch.

The Gitblit API includes methods for retrieving and interpreting RSS feeds. The Gitblit Manager uses these methods to allow branch activity monitoring and repository searching.

url parameter default description
standard query
repository required repository name is part of the url (see examples below)
h= optional
default: HEAD
starting branch, ref, or commit id
l= optional
default: web.syndicationEntries
maximum return count
pg= optional
default: 0
page number for paging
(offset into history = pagenumber*maximum return count)
search query
s= required search string
st= optional
default: COMMIT
search type

Example RSS Queries


JSON Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Interface

RPC Protocol Versions

Release Protocol Version
Gitblit v0.7.0 1 (inferred version)
Gitblit v0.8.0 2

RPC Request and Response Types

url parameters required
req= name= post body response body
GET_PROTOCOL - - 2 - Integer
LIST_REPOSITORIES - - 1 - Map<String, RepositoryModel>
LIST_BRANCHES - - 1 - Map<String, List<String>>
LIST_SETTINGS - - 1 - ServerSettings (basic keys)
CREATE_REPOSITORY repository name admin 1 RepositoryModel -
EDIT_REPOSITORY repository name admin 1 RepositoryModel -
DELETE_REPOSITORY repository name admin 1 - -
LIST_USERS - admin 1 - List<UserModel>
CREATE_USER user name admin 1 UserModel -
EDIT_USER user name admin 1 UserModel -
DELETE_USER user name admin 1 - -
LIST_TEAMS - admin 2 - List<TeamModel>
CREATE_TEAM team name admin 2 TeamModel -
EDIT_TEAM team name admin 2 TeamModel -
DELETE_TEAM team name admin 2 - -
LIST_REPOSITORY_MEMBERS repository name admin 1 - List<String>
SET_REPOSITORY_MEMBERS repository name admin 1 List<String> -
LIST_REPOSITORY_TEAMS repository name admin 2 - List<String>
SET_REPOSITORY_TEAMS repository name admin 2 List<String> -
LIST_SETTINGS - admin 1 - ServerSettings (management keys)
LIST_FEDERATION_REGISTRATIONS - admin 1 - List<FederationModel>
LIST_FEDERATION_RESULTS - admin 1 - List<FederationModel>
LIST_FEDERATION_PROPOSALS - admin 1 - List<FederationProposal>
LIST_FEDERATION_SETS - admin 1 - List<FederationSet>
LIST_SETTINGS - admin 1 - ServerSettings (all keys)
EDIT_SETTINGS - admin 1 Map<String, String> -
LIST_STATUS - admin 1 - ServerStatus (see example below)

RPC/HTTP Response Codes

code name description
200 success Gitblit processed the request successfully
401 unauthorized Gitblit requires user credentials to process the request
403 forbidden Gitblit can not process the request for the supplied credentials
405 method not allowed Gitblit has disallowed the processing the specified request
500 server error Gitblit failed to process the request likely because the input object created a conflict
501 unknown request Gitblit does not recognize the RPC request type


url: https://localhost/rpc?req=LIST_REPOSITORIES
response body: Map<String, RepositoryModel> where the map key is the clone url of the repository

"https://localhost/git/libraries/xmlapache.git": {
"name": "libraries/xmlapache.git",
"description": "apache xmlrpc client and server",
"owner": "admin",
"lastChange": "2010-01-28T22:12:06Z",
"hasCommits": true,
"showRemoteBranches": false,
"useTickets": false,
"useDocs": false,
"accessRestriction": "VIEW",
"isFrozen": false,
"showReadme": false,
"federationStrategy": "FEDERATE_THIS",
"federationSets": [
"isFederated": false,
"skipSizeCalculation": false,
"skipSummaryMetrics": false,
"size": "102 KB"
"https://localhost/git/libraries/smack.git": {
"name": "libraries/smack.git",
"description": "smack xmpp client",
"owner": "admin",
"lastChange": "2009-01-28T18:38:14Z",
"hasCommits": true,
"showRemoteBranches": false,
"useTickets": false,
"useDocs": false,
"accessRestriction": "VIEW",
"isFrozen": false,
"showReadme": false,
"federationStrategy": "FEDERATE_THIS",
"federationSets": [],
"isFederated": false,
"skipSizeCalculation": false,
"skipSummaryMetrics": false,
"size": "4.8 MB"

Example: EDIT_REPOSITORY (rename)

The original repository name is specified in the name url parameter. The new name is set within the JSON object.

url: https://localhost/rpc?req=EDIT_REPOSITORY&name=libraries/xmlapache.git
post body: RepositoryModel

"name": "libraries/xmlapache-renamed.git",
"description": "apache xmlrpc client and server",
"owner": "admin",
"lastChange": "2010-01-28T22:12:06Z",
"hasCommits": true,
"showRemoteBranches": false,
"useTickets": false,
"useDocs": false,
"accessRestriction": "VIEW",
"isFrozen": false,
"showReadme": false,
"federationStrategy": "FEDERATE_THIS",
"federationSets": [
"isFederated": false,
"skipSizeCalculation": false,
"skipSummaryMetrics": false,
"size": "102 KB"


url: https://localhost/rpc?req=LIST_USERS
response body: List<UserModel>

"username": "admin",
"password": "admin",
"canAdmin": true,
"excludeFromFederation": true,
"repositories": []
"username": "test",
"password": "test",
"canAdmin": false,
"excludeFromFederation": false,
"repositories": [


url: https://localhost/rpc?req=LIST_SETTINGS
response body: ServerSettings

"settings": {
"web.siteName": {
"name": "web.siteName",
"currentValue": "",
"defaultValue": "",
"description": "Gitblit Web Settings\nIf blank Gitblit is displayed.",
"since": "0.5.0",
"caseSensitive": false,
"restartRequired": false,
"spaceDelimited": false
"web.summaryCommitCount": {
"name": "web.summaryCommitCount",
"currentValue": "16",
"defaultValue": "16",
"description": "The number of commits to display on the summary page\nValue must exceed 0 else default of 16 is used",
"since": "0.5.0",
"caseSensitive": false,
"restartRequired": false,
"spaceDelimited": false


url: https://localhost/rpc?req=LIST_STATUS
response body: ServerStatus

"bootDate": "2011-10-22T12:13:00Z",
"version": "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT",
"releaseDate": "PENDING",
"isGO": true,
"systemProperties": {
"file.encoding": "Cp1252",
"java.home": "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre",
"java.io.tmpdir": "C:\Users\JAMESM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\",
"java.runtime.name": "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment",
"java.runtime.version": "1.6.0_26-b03",
"java.vendor": "Sun Microsystems Inc.",
"java.version": "1.6.0_26",
"java.vm.info": "mixed mode",
"java.vm.name": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
"java.vm.vendor": "Sun Microsystems Inc.",
"java.vm.version": "20.1-b02",
"os.arch": "amd64",
"os.name": "Windows 7",
"os.version": "6.1"
"heapAllocated": 128057344,
"heapFree": 120399168,
"heapSize": 1899560960,
"servletContainer": "jetty/7.4.3.v20110701"