* Copyright 2011 gitblit.com.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.build;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.gitblit.Constants;
import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
* The Build class downloads runtime and compile-time jar files from the Apache
* or Eclipse Maven repositories.
* It also generates the Keys class from the gitblit.properties file.
* Its important that this class have minimal compile dependencies since its
* called very early in the build script.
* @author James Moger
public class Build {
* BuildType enumeration representing compile-time or runtime. This is used
* to download dependencies either for Gitblit GO runtime or for setting up
* a development environment.
public static enum BuildType {
public static void main(String... args) {
public static void runtime() {
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JCOMMANDER, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JETTY, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SERVLET, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SLF4JAPI, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SLF4LOG4J, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.LOG4J, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_EXT, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_AUTH_ROLES, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_GOOGLE_CHARTS, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.MARKDOWNPAPERS, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.BOUNCYCASTLE, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.BOUNCYCASTLE_MAIL, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JSCH, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.ROME, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JDOM, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromEclipse(MavenObject.JGIT, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromEclipse(MavenObject.JGIT_HTTP, BuildType.RUNTIME);
public static void compiletime() {
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JUNIT, BuildType.RUNTIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JCOMMANDER, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JETTY, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SERVLET, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SLF4JAPI, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.SLF4LOG4J, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.LOG4J, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_EXT, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_AUTH_ROLES, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.WICKET_GOOGLE_CHARTS, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.MARKDOWNPAPERS, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.BOUNCYCASTLE, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.BOUNCYCASTLE_MAIL, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JSCH, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.ROME, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.JDOM, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromEclipse(MavenObject.JGIT, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
downloadFromEclipse(MavenObject.JGIT_HTTP, BuildType.COMPILETIME);
// needed for site publishing
downloadFromApache(MavenObject.COMMONSNET, BuildType.RUNTIME);
* Builds the Keys class based on the gitblit.properties file and inserts
* the class source into the project source folder.
public static void buildSettingKeys() {
// Load all keys
Properties properties = new Properties();
FileInputStream is = null;
try {
is = new FileInputStream(Constants.PROPERTIES_FILE);
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(properties.stringPropertyNames());
// Determine static key group classes
Map<String, List<String>> staticClasses = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
staticClasses.put("", new ArrayList<String>());
for (String key : keys) {
String clazz = "";
String field = key;
if (key.indexOf('.') > -1) {
clazz = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('.'));
field = key.substring(key.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (!staticClasses.containsKey(clazz)) {
staticClasses.put(clazz, new ArrayList<String>());
// Assemble Keys source file
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("package com.gitblit;\n");
sb.append(" * This class is auto-generated from the properties file.\n");
sb.append(" * Do not version control!\n");
sb.append(" */\n");
sb.append("public final class Keys {\n");
List<String> classSet = new ArrayList<String>(staticClasses.keySet());
for (String clazz : classSet) {
List<String> keySet = staticClasses.get(clazz);
if (clazz.equals("")) {
// root keys
for (String key : keySet) {
"\tpublic static final String {0} = \"{1}\";\n\n",
key.replace('.', '_'), key));
} else {
// class keys
sb.append(MessageFormat.format("\tpublic static final class {0} '{'\n\n", clazz));
"\t\tpublic static final String _ROOT = \"{0}\";\n\n", clazz));
for (String key : keySet) {
"\t\tpublic static final String {0} = \"{1}\";\n\n",
key.replace('.', '_'), clazz + "." + key));
// Save Keys class definition
try {
File file = new File("src/com/gitblit/Keys.java");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, false);
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Download a file from the official Apache Maven repository.
* @param mo
* the maven object to download.
* @return
private static List<File> downloadFromApache(MavenObject mo, BuildType type) {
return downloadFromMaven("http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/", mo, type);
* Download a file from the official Eclipse Maven repository.
* @param mo
* the maven object to download.
* @return
private static List<File> downloadFromEclipse(MavenObject mo, BuildType type) {
return downloadFromMaven("http://download.eclipse.org/jgit/maven/", mo, type);
* Download a file from a Maven repository.
* @param mo
* the maven object to download.
* @return
private static List<File> downloadFromMaven(String mavenRoot, MavenObject mo, BuildType type) {
List<File> downloads = new ArrayList<File>();
String[] jars = { "" };
if (BuildType.RUNTIME.equals(type)) {
jars = new String[] { "" };
} else if (BuildType.COMPILETIME.equals(type)) {
jars = new String[] { "-sources", "-javadoc" };
for (String jar : jars) {
File targetFile = mo.getLocalFile("ext", jar);
if (targetFile.exists()) {
String expectedSHA1 = mo.getSHA1(jar);
if (expectedSHA1 == null) {
// skip this jar
float approximateLength = mo.getApproximateLength(jar);
String mavenURL = mavenRoot + mo.getRepositoryPath(jar);
if (!targetFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().exists()) {
boolean success = targetFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().mkdirs();
if (!success) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create destination folder structure!");
ByteArrayOutputStream buff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
URL url = new URL(mavenURL);
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int downloadedLen = 0;
float lastProgress = 0f;
updateDownload(0, targetFile);
while (true) {
int len = in.read(buffer);
if (len < 0) {
downloadedLen += len;
buff.write(buffer, 0, len);
float progress = downloadedLen / approximateLength;
if (progress - lastProgress >= 0.1f) {
lastProgress = progress;
updateDownload(progress, targetFile);
updateDownload(1f, targetFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error downloading " + mavenURL + " to " + targetFile, e);
byte[] data = buff.toByteArray();
String calculatedSHA1 = StringUtils.getSHA1(data);
if (expectedSHA1.length() == 0) {
updateProgress(0, "sha: " + calculatedSHA1);
} else {
if (!calculatedSHA1.equals(expectedSHA1)) {
throw new RuntimeException("SHA1 checksum mismatch; got: " + calculatedSHA1);
try {
RandomAccessFile ra = new RandomAccessFile(targetFile, "rw");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error writing to file " + targetFile, e);
return downloads;
private static void updateDownload(float progress, File file) {
updateProgress(progress, "d/l: " + file.getName());
private static void updateProgress(float progress, String url) {
String anim = "==========";
int width = Math.round(anim.length() * progress);
System.out.print(anim.substring(0, Math.min(width, anim.length())));
for (int i = 0; i < anim.length() - width; i++) {
System.out.print(' ');
System.out.print("] " + url);
* MavenObject represents a complete maven artifact (binary, sources, and
* javadoc). MavenObjects can be downloaded and checksummed to confirm
* authenticity.
private static class MavenObject {
public static final MavenObject JCOMMANDER = new MavenObject("jCommander", "com/beust",
"jcommander", "1.17", 34000, 32000, 141000,
public static final MavenObject JETTY = new MavenObject("Jetty",
"org/eclipse/jetty/aggregate", "jetty-webapp", "7.4.3.v20110701", 1000000, 680000,
2720000, "bde072b178f9650e2308f0babe58a4baaa469e3c",
public static final MavenObject SERVLET = new MavenObject("Servlet 2.5", "javax/servlet",
"servlet-api", "2.5", 105000, 158000, 0,
"021599814ad9a605b86f3e6381571beccd861a32", null);
public static final MavenObject SLF4JAPI = new MavenObject("SLF4J API", "org/slf4j",
"slf4j-api", "1.6.1", 25500, 45000, 182000,
public static final MavenObject SLF4LOG4J = new MavenObject("SLF4J LOG4J", "org/slf4j",
"slf4j-log4j12", "1.6.1", 9800, 9500, 52400,
public static final MavenObject LOG4J = new MavenObject("Apache LOG4J", "log4j", "log4j",
"1.2.16", 481000, 471000, 1455000, "7999a63bfccbc7c247a9aea10d83d4272bd492c6",
public static final MavenObject WICKET = new MavenObject("Apache Wicket",
"org/apache/wicket", "wicket", "1.4.17", 1960000, 1906000, 6818000,
public static final MavenObject WICKET_EXT = new MavenObject("Apache Wicket Extensions",
"org/apache/wicket", "wicket-extensions", "1.4.17", 1180000, 1118000, 1458000,
public static final MavenObject WICKET_AUTH_ROLES = new MavenObject(
"Apache Wicket Auth Roles", "org/apache/wicket", "wicket-auth-roles", "1.4.17",
44000, 45000, 166000, "86d20ff32f62d3026213ff11a78555da643bc676",
public static final MavenObject WICKET_GOOGLE_CHARTS = new MavenObject(
"Apache Wicket Google Charts Add-On", "org/wicketstuff", "googlecharts", "1.4.17",
34000, 18750, 161000, "c567b98b0c5efe4147e77ef2d0d3c2d45c49dea5",
public static final MavenObject JUNIT = new MavenObject("JUnit", "junit", "junit", "4.8.2",
237000, 0, 0, "c94f54227b08100974c36170dcb53329435fe5ad", "", "");
public static final MavenObject MARKDOWNPAPERS = new MavenObject("MarkdownPapers",
"org/tautua/markdownpapers", "markdownpapers-core", "1.1.0", 87000, 58000, 278000,
public static final MavenObject BOUNCYCASTLE = new MavenObject("BouncyCastle",
"org/bouncycastle", "bcprov-jdk16", "1.46", 1900000, 1400000, 4670000,
public static final MavenObject BOUNCYCASTLE_MAIL = new MavenObject("BouncyCastle Mail",
"org/bouncycastle", "bcmail-jdk16", "1.46", 502000, 420000, 482000,
public static final MavenObject JGIT = new MavenObject("JGit", "org/eclipse/jgit",
"org.eclipse.jgit", "", 1318000, 1354000, 2993000,
public static final MavenObject JGIT_HTTP = new MavenObject("JGit", "org/eclipse/jgit",
"org.eclipse.jgit.http.server", "", 68000, 62000, 99000,
public static final MavenObject JSCH = new MavenObject("JSch", "com/jcraft", "jsch",
"0.1.44-1", 214000, 211000, 413000, "2e9ae08de5a71bd0e0d3ba2558598181bfa71d4e",
public static final MavenObject COMMONSNET = new MavenObject("commons-net", "commons-net",
"commons-net", "1.4.0", 181000, 0, 0, "eb47e8cad2dd7f92fd7e77df1d1529cae87361f7",
"", "");
public static final MavenObject ROME = new MavenObject("rome", "rome", "rome", "0.9",
208000, 196000, 407000, "dee2705dd01e79a5a96a17225f5a1ae30470bb18",
public static final MavenObject JDOM = new MavenObject("jdom", "org/jdom", "jdom", "1.1",
153000, 235000, 445000, "1d04c0f321ea337f3661cf7ede8f4c6f653a8fdd",
public final String name;
public final String group;
public final String artifact;
public final String version;
public final int approxLibraryLen;
public final int approxSourcesLen;
public final int approxJavadocLen;
public final String librarySHA1;
public final String sourcesSHA1;
public final String javadocSHA1;
private MavenObject(String name, String group, String artifact, String version,
int approxLibraryLen, int approxSourcesLen, int approxJavadocLen,
String librarySHA1, String sourcesSHA1, String javadocSHA1) {
this.name = name;
this.group = group;
this.artifact = artifact;
this.version = version;
this.approxLibraryLen = approxLibraryLen;
this.approxSourcesLen = approxSourcesLen;
this.approxJavadocLen = approxJavadocLen;
this.librarySHA1 = librarySHA1;
this.sourcesSHA1 = sourcesSHA1;
this.javadocSHA1 = javadocSHA1;
private String getRepositoryPath(String jar) {
return group + "/" + artifact + "/" + version + "/" + artifact + "-" + version + jar
+ ".jar";
private File getLocalFile(String basePath, String jar) {
return new File(basePath, artifact + "-" + version + jar + ".jar");
private String getSHA1(String jar) {
if (jar.equals("")) {
return librarySHA1;
} else if (jar.equals("-sources")) {
return sourcesSHA1;
} else if (jar.equals("-javadoc")) {
return javadocSHA1;
return librarySHA1;
private int getApproximateLength(String jar) {
if (jar.equals("")) {
return approxLibraryLen;
} else if (jar.equals("-sources")) {
return approxSourcesLen;
} else if (jar.equals("-javadoc")) {
return approxJavadocLen;
return approxLibraryLen;
public String toString() {
return name;