This is not exactly a formal roadmap but it is a priority list of what might be implemented in future releases.
This list is volatile.
TODO (high priority)
- Eclipse: create plugin to enumerate repositories and delegate cloning to EGit
- Manager: support federation RPCs
- Manager: redesign ref indicators in log, search, and activity views to support multiple local branches, remote branches, and tags
TODO (medium priority)
- Gitblit: editable settings page in GO/WAR
- Gitblit: tag repositories and offer views of repositories by tag (issue-27)
- Gitblit: aggregate RSS feeds by tag or subfolder
- Gitblit: investigate create-on-push possibility
- Gitblit: Clone Repository feature (issue-5)
- optional scheduled pulls
- optional automatic push to origin/remotes?
- optional manual push to origin/remotes?
- Gitblit: Lucene integration with multi-repository search (issue-16)
- Gitblit: Repository regex substitutions should be stored in .git/.config, not
TODO (low priority)
- Gitblit: Blame coloring by author (issue-2)
- Gitblit: View binary files in blob page (issue-6)
- Gitblit: Stronger ticgit integration (issue-8)