// Iloha MIME Library (IML)
// (C)Copyright 2002 Ryo Chijiiwa <Ryo@IlohaMail.org>
// This file is part of IlohaMail. IlohaMail is free software released
// under the GPL license. See enclosed file COPYING for details, or
// see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html
FILE: include/mime.inc
Provide functions for handling mime messages.
Use iil_C_FetchStructureString to get IMAP structure stirng, then pass that through
iml_GetRawStructureArray() to get root node to a nested data structure.
Pass root node to the iml_GetPart*() functions to retreive individual bits of info.
function iml_ClosingParenPos($str, $start) {
$len = strlen($str);
$in_quote = 0;
for ($i=$start; $i<$len; $i++) {
if ($str[$i] == '"' && $str[$i-1] != "\\")
$in_quote = ($in_quote + 1) % 2;
if (!$in_quote) {
if ($str[$i]=="(") $level++;
else if (($level > 0) && ($str[$i]==")")) $level--;
else if (($level == 0) && ($str[$i]==")")) return $i;
function iml_ParseBSString($str){
$id = 0;
$a = array();
$len = strlen($str);
$in_quote = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
if ($str[$i] == '"') {
$in_quote = ($in_quote + 1) % 2;
} else if (!$in_quote) {
if ($str[$i] == " ") { //space means new element
while ($str[$i+1] == " ") $i++; // skip additional spaces
} else if ($str[$i]=="(") { //new part
$endPos = iml_ClosingParenPos($str, $i);
$partLen = $endPos - $i;
if ($partLen < 0) break;
$part = substr($str, $i, $partLen);
$a[$id] = iml_ParseBSString($part); //send part string
$i = $endPos;
} else
$a[$id].=$str[$i]; //add to current element in array
} else if ($in_quote) {
if ($str[$i]=="\\") {
$i++; //escape backslashes
if ($str[$i] == '"' || $str[$i] == "\\")
$a[$id] .= $str[$i];
} else
$a[$id] .= $str[$i]; //add to current element in array
return $a;
function iml_GetRawStructureArray($str){
$line=substr($str, 1, strlen($str) - 2);
$line = str_replace(")(", ") (", $line);
$struct = iml_ParseBSString($line);
if ((strcasecmp($struct[0], "message")==0) && (strcasecmp($struct[1], "rfc822")==0)){
$struct = array($struct);
return $struct;
function iml_GetPartArray($a, $part){
if (!is_array($a)) return false;
if (strpos($part, ".") > 0){
$original_part = $part;
$pos = strpos($part, ".");
$rest = substr($original_part, $pos+1);
$part = substr($original_part, 0, $pos);
if ((strcasecmp($a[0], "message")==0) && (strcasecmp($a[1], "rfc822")==0)){
$a = $a[8];
//echo "m - part: $original_part current: $part rest: $rest array: ".implode(" ", $a)."<br>\n";
return iml_GetPartArray($a[$part-1], $rest);
}else if ($part>0){
if ((strcasecmp($a[0], "message")==0) && (strcasecmp($a[1], "rfc822")==0)){
$a = $a[8];
//echo "s - part: $part rest: $rest array: ".implode(" ", $a)."<br>\n";
if (is_array($a[$part-1])) return $a[$part-1];
else return $a;
}else if (($part==0) || (empty($part))){
return $a;
function iml_GetNumParts($a, $part){
if (is_array($a)){
$parent=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ((strcasecmp($parent[0], "message")==0) && (strcasecmp($parent[1], "rfc822")==0)){
$parent = $parent[8];
while (( list ($key, $val) = each ($parent) )&&($is_array)){
if ($is_array) $c++;
return $c;
return false;
function iml_GetPartTypeString($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])){
$type_str = "MULTIPART/";
if (!is_array($part_a[$n])){
return $type_str;
}else return $part_a[0]."/".$part_a[1];
}else return false;
function iml_GetFirstTextPart($structure,$part){
if ($part==0) $part="";
$typeCode = -1;
while ($typeCode!=0){
$typeCode = iml_GetPartTypeCode($structure, $part);
if ($typeCode == 1){
$part .= (empty($part)?"":".")."1";
}else if ($typeCode > 0){
$parts_a = explode(".", $part);
$lastPart = count($parts_a) - 1;
$parts_a[$lastPart] = (int)$parts_a[$lastPart] + 1;
$part = implode(".", $parts_a);
}else if ($typeCode == -1){
return "";
return $part;
function iml_GetPartTypeCode($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) $str="multipart";
else $str=$part_a[0];
while ( list($key, $val) = each($types)) if (strcasecmp($val, $str)==0) $code=$key;
return $code;
}else return -1;
function iml_GetPartEncodingCode($a, $part){
$encodings=array("7BIT", "8BIT", "BINARY", "BASE64", "QUOTED-PRINTABLE", "OTHER");
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
else $str=$part_a[5];
while ( list($key, $val) = each($encodings)) if (strcasecmp($val, $str)==0) $code=$key;
return $code;
}else return -1;
function iml_GetPartEncodingString($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
else return $part_a[5];
}else return -1;
function iml_GetPartSize($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
else return $part_a[6];
}else return -1;
function iml_GetPartID($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
else return $part_a[3];
}else return -1;
function iml_GetPartDisposition($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
$id = count($part_a) - 2;
if (is_array($part_a[$id])) return $part_a[$id][0];
else return "";
}else return "";
function iml_GetPartName($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
$name = "";
if (is_array($part_a[2])){
//first look in content type
while ( list($key, $val) = each ($part_a[2])){
if ((strcasecmp($val, "NAME")==0)||(strcasecmp($val, "FILENAME")==0))
if (empty($name)){
//check in content disposition
$id = count($part_a) - 2;
if ((is_array($part_a[$id])) && (is_array($part_a[$id][1]))){
$array = $part_a[$id][1];
while ( list($key, $val) = each($array)){
if ((strcasecmp($val, "NAME")==0)||(strcasecmp($val, "FILENAME")==0))
return $name;
}else return "";
function iml_GetPartCharset($a, $part){
$part_a=iml_GetPartArray($a, $part);
if ($part_a){
if (is_array($part_a[0])) return -1;
if (is_array($part_a[2])){
while ( list($key, $val) = each ($part_a[2])) if (strcasecmp($val, "charset")==0) $name=$part_a[2][$key+1];
return $name;
else return "";
}else return "";
function iml_GetPartList($a, $part){
//echo "MOO?"; flush();
$data = array();
$num_parts = iml_GetNumParts($a, $part);
//echo "($num_parts)"; flush();
if ($num_parts !== false){
//echo "<!-- ($num_parts parts)//-->\n";
for ($i = 0; $i<$num_parts; $i++){
$part_code = $part.(empty($part)?"":".").($i+1);
$part_type = iml_GetPartTypeCode($a, $part_code);
$part_disposition = iml_GetPartDisposition($a, $part_code);
//echo "<!-- part: $part_code type: $part_type //-->\n";
if (strcasecmp($part_disposition, "attachment")!=0 &&
(($part_type == 1) || ($part_type==2))){
$data = array_merge($data, iml_GetPartList($a, $part_code));
$data[$part_code]["typestring"] = iml_GetPartTypeString($a, $part_code);
$data[$part_code]["disposition"] = $part_disposition;
$data[$part_code]["size"] = iml_GetPartSize($a, $part_code);
$data[$part_code]["name"] = iml_GetPartName($a, $part_code);
$data[$part_code]["id"] = iml_GetPartID($a, $part_code);
return $data;
function iml_GetNextPart($part){
if (strpos($part, ".")===false) return $part++;
$parts_a = explode(".", $part);
$num_levels = count($parts_a);
return implode(".", $parts_a);