* Roundcube functions for default skin interface
* Settings
function rcube_init_settings_tabs()
var tab = '#settingstabdefault';
if (window.rcmail && rcmail.env.action)
tab = '#settingstab' + (rcmail.env.action=='preferences' ? 'default' : (rcmail.env.action.indexOf('identity')>0 ? 'identities' : rcmail.env.action.replace(/\./g, '')));
$(tab + '> a').removeAttr('onclick').click(function() { return false; });
function rcube_show_advanced(visible)
$('tr.advanced').css('display', (visible ? (bw.ie ? 'block' : 'table-row') : 'none'));
// Fieldsets-to-tabs converter
// Warning: don't place "caller" <script> inside page element (id)
function rcube_init_tabs(id, current)
var content = $('#'+id),
fs = content.children('fieldset');
if (!fs.length)
current = current ? current : 0;
// first hide not selected tabs
fs.each(function(idx) { if (idx != current) $(this).hide(); });
// create tabs container
var tabs = $('<div>').addClass('tabsbar').appendTo(content);
// convert fildsets into tabs
fs.each(function(idx) {
var tab, a, elm = $(this), legend = elm.children('legend');
// create a tab
a = $('<a>').text(legend.text()).attr('href', '#');
tab = $('<span>').attr({'id': 'tab'+idx, 'class': 'tablink'})
.click(function() { rcube_show_tab(id, idx); return false })
// remove legend
// style fieldset
// style selected tab
if (idx == current)
// add the tab to container
function rcube_show_tab(id, index)
var fs = $('#'+id).children('fieldset');
fs.each(function(idx) {
// Show/hide fieldset (tab content)
$(this)[index==idx ? 'show' : 'hide']();
// Select/unselect tab
$('#tab'+idx).toggleClass('tablink-selected', idx==index);
* Mail UI
function rcube_mail_ui()
this.popups = {
markmenu: {id:'markmessagemenu'},
replyallmenu: {id:'replyallmenu'},
forwardmenu: {id:'forwardmenu', editable:1},
searchmenu: {id:'searchmenu', editable:1},
messagemenu: {id:'messagemenu'},
listmenu: {id:'listmenu', editable:1},
dragmessagemenu:{id:'dragmessagemenu', sticky:1},
groupmenu: {id:'groupoptionsmenu', above:1},
mailboxmenu: {id:'mailboxoptionsmenu', above:1},
composemenu: {id:'composeoptionsmenu', editable:1, overlap:1},
// toggle: #1486823, #1486930
uploadmenu: {id:'attachment-form', editable:1, above:1, toggle:!bw.ie&&!bw.linux },
uploadform: {id:'upload-form', editable:1, toggle:!bw.ie&&!bw.linux }
var obj;
for (var k in this.popups) {
obj = $('#'+this.popups[k].id)
if (obj.length)
this.popups[k].obj = obj;
else {
delete this.popups[k];
rcube_mail_ui.prototype = {
show_popup: function(popup, show)
if (typeof this[popup] == 'function')
return this[popup](show);
return this.show_popupmenu(popup, show);
show_popupmenu: function(popup, show)
var obj = this.popups[popup].obj,
above = this.popups[popup].above,
ref = rcube_find_object(popup+'link');
if (typeof show == 'undefined')
show = obj.is(':visible') ? false : true;
else if (this.popups[popup].toggle && show && this.popups[popup].obj.is(':visible') )
show = false;
if (show && ref) {
var parent = $(ref).parent(),
win = $(window),
pos = parent.hasClass('dropbutton') ? parent.offset() : $(ref).offset();
if (!above && pos.top + ref.offsetHeight + obj.height() > win.height())
above = true;
if (pos.left + obj.width() > win.width())
pos.left = win.width() - obj.width() - 30;
obj.css({ left:pos.left, top:(pos.top + (above ? -obj.height() : ref.offsetHeight)) });
if (bw.ie6 && this.popups[popup].overlap) {
$('select').css('visibility', show?'hidden':'inherit');
$('select', obj).css('visibility', 'inherit');
dragmessagemenu: function(show)
forwardmenu: function(show)
$("input[name='forwardtype'][value="+(rcmail.env.forward_attachment ? 1 : 0)+"]", this.popups.forwardmenu.obj)
.prop('checked', true);
this.show_popupmenu('forwardmenu', show);
uploadmenu: function(show)
if (typeof show == 'object') // called as event handler
show = false;
// clear upload form
if (!show) {
try { $('#attachment-form form')[0].reset(); }
catch(e){} // ignore errors
this.show_popupmenu('uploadmenu', show);
if (!document.all && this.popups.uploadmenu.obj.is(':visible'))
$('#attachment-form input[type=file]').click();
searchmenu: function(show)
var obj = this.popups.searchmenu.obj,
ref = rcube_find_object('searchmenulink');
if (typeof show == 'undefined')
show = obj.is(':visible') ? false : true;
if (show && ref) {
var pos = $(ref).offset();
obj.css({ left:pos.left, top:(pos.top + ref.offsetHeight + 2)})
.find(':checked').prop('checked', false);
if (rcmail.env.search_mods) {
var n, mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox, mods = rcmail.env.search_mods;
if (rcmail.env.task != 'addressbook') {
mods = mods[mbox] ? mods[mbox] : mods['*'];
for (n in mods)
$('#s_mod_' + n).prop('checked', true);
else {
if (mods['*'])
$('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]').map(function() {
this.checked = true;
this.disabled = this.value != '*';
else {
for (n in mods)
$('#s_mod_' + n).prop('checked', true);
set_searchmod: function(elem)
var task = rcmail.env.task,
mods = rcmail.env.search_mods,
mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox;
if (!mods)
mods = {};
if (task == 'mail') {
if (!mods[mbox])
mods[mbox] = rcube_clone_object(mods['*']);
if (!elem.checked)
mods[mbox][elem.value] = 1;
else { //addressbook
if (!elem.checked)
mods[elem.value] = 1;
// mark all fields
if (elem.value == '*') {
$('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]').map(function() {
if (this == elem)
if (elem.checked) {
mods[this.value] = 1;
this.checked = true;
this.disabled = true;
else {
this.disabled = false;
rcmail.env.search_mods = mods;
listmenu: function(show)
var obj = this.popups.listmenu.obj,
ref = rcube_find_object('listmenulink');
if (typeof show == 'undefined')
show = obj.is(':visible') ? false : true;
if (show && ref) {
var pos = $(ref).offset(),
menuwidth = obj.width(),
pagewidth = $(document).width();
if (pagewidth - pos.left < menuwidth && pos.left > menuwidth)
pos.left = pos.left - menuwidth;
obj.css({ left:pos.left, top:(pos.top + ref.offsetHeight + 2)});
// set form values
$('input[name="sort_col"][value="'+rcmail.env.sort_col+'"]').prop('checked', true);
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="DESC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order == 'DESC');
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="ASC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order != 'DESC');
$('input[name="view"][value="thread"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.threading ? true : false);
$('input[name="view"][value="list"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.threading ? false : true);
// list columns
var found, cols = $('input[name="list_col[]"]');
for (var i=0; i<cols.length; i++) {
if (cols[i].value != 'from')
found = jQuery.inArray(cols[i].value, rcmail.env.coltypes) != -1;
found = (jQuery.inArray('from', rcmail.env.coltypes) != -1
|| jQuery.inArray('to', rcmail.env.coltypes) != -1);
$(cols[i]).prop('checked', found);
if (show) {
var maxheight=0;
$('#listmenu fieldset').each(function() {
var height = $(this).height();
if (height > maxheight) {
maxheight = height;
$('#listmenu fieldset').css("min-height", maxheight+"px")
// IE6 complains if you set this attribute using either method:
//$('#listmenu fieldset').css({'height':'auto !important'});
//$('#listmenu fieldset').css("height","auto !important");
open_listmenu: function(e)
save_listmenu: function()
var sort = $('input[name="sort_col"]:checked').val(),
ord = $('input[name="sort_ord"]:checked').val(),
thread = $('input[name="view"]:checked').val(),
cols = $('input[name="list_col[]"]:checked')
.map(function(){ return this.value; }).get();
rcmail.set_list_options(cols, sort, ord, thread == 'thread' ? 1 : 0);
body_mouseup: function(evt, p)
var i, target = rcube_event.get_target(evt);
for (i in this.popups) {
if (this.popups[i].obj.is(':visible') && target != rcube_find_object(i+'link')
&& !this.popups[i].toggle
&& (!this.popups[i].editable || !this.target_overlaps(target, this.popups[i].id))
&& (!this.popups[i].sticky || !rcube_mouse_is_over(evt, rcube_find_object(this.popups[i].id)))
) {
window.setTimeout('rcmail_ui.show_popup("'+i+'",false);', 50);
target_overlaps: function (target, elementid)
var element = rcube_find_object(elementid);
while (target.parentNode) {
if (target.parentNode == element)
return true;
target = target.parentNode;
return false;
body_keydown: function(evt, p)
if (rcube_event.get_keycode(evt) == 27) {
for (var k in this.popups) {
if (this.popups[k].obj.is(':visible'))
this.show_popup(k, false);
switch_preview_pane: function(elem)
var uid, prev_frm = $('#mailpreviewframe');
if (elem.checked) {
rcmail.env.contentframe = 'messagecontframe';
if (mailviewsplit.layer) {
mailviewsplit.layer.elm.style.display = '';
if (bw.opera) {
$('#messagelistcontainer').css({height: ''});
if (uid = rcmail.message_list.get_single_selection())
rcmail.show_message(uid, false, true);
else {
if (bw.ie6 || bw.ie7) {
var fr = document.getElementById('mailcontframe');
fr.style.bottom = 0;
fr.style.height = parseInt(fr.parentNode.offsetHeight)+'px';
else {
$('#mailcontframe').css({height: 'auto', bottom: 0});
if (bw.opera)
$('#messagelistcontainer').css({height: 'auto'});
if (mailviewsplit.layer)
mailviewsplit.layer.elm.style.display = 'none';
rcmail.env.contentframe = null;
rcmail.command('save-pref', {name: 'preview_pane', value: (elem.checked?1:0)});
/* Message composing */
init_compose_form: function()
var f, field, fields = ['cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'followupto'],
div = document.getElementById('compose-div'),
headers_div = document.getElementById('compose-headers-div');
// Show input elements with non-empty value
for (f=0; f<fields.length; f++) {
if ((field = $('#_'+fields[f])) && field.length && field.val() != '')
// prevent from form data loss when pressing ESC key in IE
if (bw.ie) {
var form = rcube_find_object('form');
form.onkeydown = function (e) {
if (rcube_event.get_keycode(e) == 27)
$(window).resize(function() {
$('#compose-container').resize(function() {
div.style.top = (parseInt(headers_div.offsetHeight, 10) + 3) + 'px';
resize_compose_body: function()
var div = $('#compose-div .boxlistcontent'), w = div.width(), h = div.height();
w -= 8; // 2 x 3px padding + 2 x 1px border
h -= 4;
if (window.tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get('compose-body')) {
else {
resize_compose_body_ev: function()
window.setTimeout(function(){rcmail_ui.resize_compose_body();}, 100);
show_header_form: function(id)
var row, s,
link = document.getElementById(id + '-link');
if ((s = this.next_sibling(link)))
s.style.display = 'none';
else if ((s = this.prev_sibling(link)))
s.style.display = 'none';
link.style.display = 'none';
if ((row = document.getElementById('compose-' + id))) {
var div = document.getElementById('compose-div'),
headers_div = document.getElementById('compose-headers-div');
row.style.display = (document.all && !window.opera) ? 'block' : 'table-row';
div.style.top = (parseInt(headers_div.offsetHeight, 10) + 3) + 'px';
return false;
hide_header_form: function(id)
var row, ns,
link = document.getElementById(id + '-link'),
parent = link.parentNode,
links = parent.getElementsByTagName('a');
link.style.display = '';
for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
if (links[i].style.display != 'none')
for (var j=i+1; j<links.length; j++)
if (links[j].style.display != 'none')
if ((ns = this.next_sibling(links[i]))) {
ns.style.display = '';
document.getElementById('_' + id).value = '';
if ((row = document.getElementById('compose-' + id))) {
var div = document.getElementById('compose-div'),
headers_div = document.getElementById('compose-headers-div');
row.style.display = 'none';
div.style.top = (parseInt(headers_div.offsetHeight, 10) + 1) + 'px';
return false;
next_sibling: function(elm)
var ns = elm.nextSibling;
while (ns && ns.nodeType == 3)
ns = ns.nextSibling;
return ns;
prev_sibling: function(elm)
var ps = elm.previousSibling;
while (ps && ps.nodeType == 3)
ps = ps.previousSibling;
return ps;
var rcmail_ui;
function rcube_init_mail_ui()
rcmail_ui = new rcube_mail_ui();
rcube_event.add_listener({ object:rcmail_ui, method:'body_mouseup', event:'mouseup' });
rcube_event.add_listener({ object:rcmail_ui, method:'body_keydown', event:'keydown' });
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
rcmail.addEventListener('menu-open', 'open_listmenu', rcmail_ui);
rcmail.addEventListener('menu-save', 'save_listmenu', rcmail_ui);
rcmail.addEventListener('aftersend-attachment', 'uploadmenu', rcmail_ui);
rcmail.addEventListener('aftertoggle-editor', 'resize_compose_body_ev', rcmail_ui);
rcmail.gui_object('message_dragmenu', 'dragmessagemenu');
if (rcmail.gui_objects.mailboxlist) {
rcmail.addEventListener('responseaftermark', rcube_render_mailboxlist);
rcmail.addEventListener('responseaftergetunread', rcube_render_mailboxlist);
rcmail.addEventListener('responseaftercheck-recent', rcube_render_mailboxlist);
rcmail.addEventListener('aftercollapse-folder', rcube_render_mailboxlist);
if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose')
else if (rcmail.env.task == 'addressbook') {
rcmail.addEventListener('afterupload-photo', function(){ rcmail_ui.show_popup('uploadform', false); });
// Events handling in iframes (eg. preview pane)
function iframe_events()
// this==iframe
var doc = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow ? this.contentWindow.document : null;
rcube_event.add_listener({ element: doc, object:rcmail_ui, method:'body_mouseup', event:'mouseup' });
// Abbreviate mailbox names to fit width of the container
function rcube_render_mailboxlist()
if (bw.ie6) // doesn't work well on IE6
$('#mailboxlist > li a, #mailboxlist ul:visible > li a').each(function(){
var elem = $(this);
var text = elem.data('text');
if (!text) {
text = elem.text().replace(/\s+\(.+$/, '');
elem.data('text', text);
if (text.length < 6)
var abbrev = fit_string_to_size(text, elem, elem.width() - elem.children('span.unreadcount').width());
if (abbrev != text)
elem.attr('title', text);
elem.contents().filter(function(){ return (this.nodeType == 3); }).get(0).data = abbrev;
// inspired by https://gist.github.com/24261/7fdb113f1e26111bd78c0c6fe515f6c0bf418af5
function fit_string_to_size(str, elem, len)
var result = str;
var ellip = '...';
var span = $('<b>').css({ visibility:'hidden', padding:'0px' }).appendTo(elem).get(0);
// on first run, check if string fits into the length already.
span.innerHTML = result;
if (span.offsetWidth > len) {
var cut = Math.max(1, Math.floor(str.length * ((span.offsetWidth - len) / span.offsetWidth) / 2)),
mid = Math.floor(str.length / 2);
var offLeft = mid, offRight = mid;
while (true) {
offLeft = mid - cut;
offRight = mid + cut;
span.innerHTML = str.substring(0,offLeft) + ellip + str.substring(offRight);
// break loop if string fits size
if (span.offsetWidth <= len || offLeft < 3)
// build resulting string
result = str.substring(0,offLeft) + ellip + str.substring(offRight);
return result;
// Optional parameters used by TinyMCE
var rcmail_editor_settings = {
skin : "default", // "default", "o2k7"
skin_variant : "" // "", "silver", "black"