| Enigma Plugin for Roundcube |
| Version 0.1 |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along |
| with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., |
| 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
| |
| Author: Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> |
This class contains only hooks and action handlers.
Most plugin logic is placed in enigma_engine and enigma_ui classes.
class enigma extends rcube_plugin
public $task = 'mail|settings';
public $rc;
public $engine;
private $env_loaded;
private $message;
private $keys_parts = array();
private $keys_bodies = array();
* Plugin initialization.
function init()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->rc = $rcmail;
if ($this->rc->task == 'mail') {
// message parse/display hooks
$this->add_hook('message_part_structure', array($this, 'parse_structure'));
$this->add_hook('message_body_prefix', array($this, 'status_message'));
// message displaying
if ($rcmail->action == 'show' || $rcmail->action == 'preview') {
$this->add_hook('message_load', array($this, 'message_load'));
$this->add_hook('template_object_messagebody', array($this, 'message_output'));
$this->register_action('plugin.enigmaimport', array($this, 'import_file'));
// message composing
else if ($rcmail->action == 'compose') {
// message sending (and draft storing)
else if ($rcmail->action == 'sendmail') {
//$this->add_hook('outgoing_message_body', array($this, 'msg_encode'));
//$this->add_hook('outgoing_message_body', array($this, 'msg_sign'));
else if ($this->rc->task == 'settings') {
// add hooks for Enigma settings
$this->add_hook('preferences_sections_list', array($this, 'preferences_section'));
$this->add_hook('preferences_list', array($this, 'preferences_list'));
$this->add_hook('preferences_save', array($this, 'preferences_save'));
// register handler for keys/certs management
$this->register_action('plugin.enigma', array($this, 'preferences_ui'));
// grab keys/certs management iframe requests
$section = get_input_value('_section', RCUBE_INPUT_GET);
if ($this->rc->action == 'edit-prefs' && preg_match('/^enigma(certs|keys)/', $section)) {
* Plugin environment initialization.
function load_env()
if ($this->env_loaded)
$this->env_loaded = true;
// Add include path for Enigma classes and drivers
$include_path = $this->home . '/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
$include_path .= ini_get('include_path');
// load the Enigma plugin configuration
// include localization (if wasn't included before)
* Plugin UI initialization.
function load_ui()
if ($this->ui)
// load config/localization
// Load UI
$this->ui = new enigma_ui($this, $this->home);
* Plugin engine initialization.
function load_engine()
if ($this->engine)
// load config/localization
$this->engine = new enigma_engine($this);
* Handler for message_part_structure hook.
* Called for every part of the message.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function parse_structure($p)
$struct = $p['structure'];
if ($p['mimetype'] == 'text/plain' || $p['mimetype'] == 'application/pgp') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/signed') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/encrypted') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'application/pkcs7-mime') {
return $p;
* Handler for preferences_sections_list hook.
* Adds Enigma settings sections into preferences sections list.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function preferences_section($p)
// add labels
$p['list']['enigmasettings'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmasettings', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmasettings'),
$p['list']['enigmacerts'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmacerts', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmacerts'),
$p['list']['enigmakeys'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmakeys', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmakeys'),
return $p;
* Handler for preferences_list hook.
* Adds options blocks into Enigma settings sections in Preferences.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function preferences_list($p)
if ($p['section'] == 'enigmasettings') {
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
else if ($p['section'] == 'enigmacerts') {
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
else if ($p['section'] == 'enigmakeys') {
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
return $p;
* Handler for preferences_save hook.
* Executed on Enigma settings form submit.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function preferences_save($p)
if ($p['section'] == 'enigmasettings') {
$a['prefs'] = array(
// 'dummy' => get_input_value('_dummy', RCUBE_INPUT_POST),
return $p;
* Handler for keys/certs management UI template.
function preferences_ui()
* Handler for message_body_prefix hook.
* Called for every displayed (content) part of the message.
* Adds infobox about signature verification and/or decryption
* status above the body.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function status_message($p)
$part_id = $p['part']->mime_id;
// skip: not a message part
if ($p['part'] instanceof rcube_message)
return $p;
// skip: message has no signed/encoded content
if (!$this->engine)
return $p;
// Decryption status
if (isset($this->engine->decryptions[$part_id])) {
// get decryption status
$status = $this->engine->decryptions[$part_id];
// Load UI and add css script
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($status instanceof enigma_error) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$code = $status->getCode();
if ($code == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND)
$msg = Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($status->getData('id')),
else if ($code == enigma_error::E_BADPASS)
$msg = Q($this->gettext('decryptbadpass'));
$msg = Q($this->gettext('decrypterror'));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$msg = Q($this->gettext('decryptok'));
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Signature verification status
if (isset($this->engine->signed_parts[$part_id])
&& ($sig = $this->engine->signatures[$this->engine->signed_parts[$part_id]])
) {
// add css script
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($sig instanceof enigma_signature) {
if ($sig->valid) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$sender = ($sig->name ? $sig->name . ' ' : '') . '<' . $sig->email . '>';
$msg = Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->gettext('sigvalid')));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$sender = ($sig->name ? $sig->name . ' ' : '') . '<' . $sig->email . '>';
$msg = Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->gettext('siginvalid')));
else if ($sig->getCode() == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($sig->getData('id')),
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$msg = Q($this->gettext('sigerror'));
$msg .= ' ' . html::a(array('href' => "#sigdetails",
'onclick' => JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('enigma-sig-details')"),
// test
// $msg .= '<br /><pre>'.$sig->body.'</pre>';
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Display each signature message only once
return $p;
* Handler for plain/text message.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_plain(&$p)
* Handler for multipart/signed message.
* Verifies signature.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_signed(&$p)
* Handler for multipart/encrypted and application/pkcs7-mime message.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_encrypted(&$p)
* Handler for message_load hook.
* Check message bodies and attachments for keys/certs.
function message_load($p)
$this->message = $p['object'];
// handle attachments vcard attachments
foreach ((array)$this->message->attachments as $attachment) {
if ($this->is_keys_part($attachment)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $attachment->mime_id;
// the same with message bodies
foreach ((array)$this->message->parts as $idx => $part) {
if ($this->is_keys_part($part)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $part->mime_id;
$this->keys_bodies[] = $part->mime_id;
// @TODO: inline PGP keys
if ($this->keys_parts) {
* Handler for template_object_messagebody hook.
* This callback function adds a box below the message content
* if there is a key/cert attachment available
function message_output($p)
$attach_script = false;
foreach ($this->keys_parts as $part) {
// remove part's body
if (in_array($part, $this->keys_bodies))
$p['content'] = '';
$style = "margin:0 1em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; border:1px solid #999; width: auto"
." border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px";
// add box below messsage body
$p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => $style),
'href' => "#",
'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".enigma_import_attachment('".JQ($part)."')",
'title' => $this->gettext('keyattimport')),
html::img(array('src' => $this->url('skins/classic/key_add.png'), 'style' => "vertical-align:middle")))
. ' ' . html::span(null, $this->gettext('keyattfound')));
$attach_script = true;
if ($attach_script) {
return $p;
* Handler for attached keys/certs import
function import_file()
* Checks if specified message part is a PGP-key or S/MIME cert data
* @param rcube_message_part Part object
* @return boolean True if part is a key/cert
private function is_keys_part($part)
return (
// Content-Type: application/pgp-keys
$part->mimetype == 'application/pgp-keys'