#!/usr/bin/env php
| bin/installto.sh |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2011, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Update an existing Roundcube installation with files from |
| this version |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> |
define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/' );
require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'program/include/clisetup.php';
$target_dir = unslashify($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
if (empty($target_dir) || !is_dir(realpath($target_dir)))
die("Invalid target: not a directory\nUsage: installto.sh <TARGET>\n");
// read version from iniset.php
$iniset = @file_get_contents($target_dir . '/program/include/iniset.php');
if (!preg_match('/define\(.RCMAIL_VERSION.,\s*.([0-9.]+[a-z-]*)/', $iniset, $m))
die("No valid Roundcube installation found at $target_dir\n");
$oldversion = $m[1];
if (version_compare($oldversion, RCMAIL_VERSION, '>='))
die("Installation at target location is up-to-date!\n");
echo "Upgrading from $oldversion. Do you want to continue? (y/N)\n";
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if (strtolower($input) == 'y') {
$err = false;
echo "Copying files to target location...";
foreach (array('program','installer','bin','SQL','plugins','skins/default') as $dir) {
if (!system("rsync -avC " . INSTALL_PATH . "$dir/* $target_dir/$dir/")) {
$err = true;
foreach (array('index.php','.htaccess','config/main.inc.php.dist','config/db.inc.php.dist','CHANGELOG','README','UPGRADING') as $file) {
if (!system("rsync -av " . INSTALL_PATH . "$file $target_dir/$file")) {
$err = true;
echo "done.\n\n";
if (!$err) {
echo "Running update script at target...\n";
system("cd $target_dir && bin/update.sh --version=$oldversion");
echo "All done.\n";
echo "Update cancelled. See ya!\n";