@charset "UTF-8";
* "Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" - (X)HTML/CSS Framework
* (en) YAML core stylesheet - print layout
* (de) YAML Core-Stylesheet - Druck Layout
* Don't make any changes in this file!
* Your changes should be added to 'print_xyz_draft.css' drafts from 'yaml/print/' folder.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2008, Dirk Jesse
* @license CC-A 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/),
* YAML-C (http://www.yaml.de/en/license/license-conditions.html)
* @link http://www.yaml.de
* @package yaml
* @version 3.0.6
* @revision $Revision: 202 $
* @lastmodified $Date: 2008-06-07 14:29:18 +0200 (Sa, 07 Jun 2008) $
@media print
* @section layout preparation
* @see http://www.yaml.de/en/documentation/css-components/layout-for-print-media.html
/* (en) Preparing base layout for print */
/* (de) Basislayout für Druck aufbereiten */
body, #page_margins, #page, #main { margin:0; padding: 0; border: 0; }
#page_margins, #page { width: 100% !important; min-width:0; max-width: none; }
#header { height: auto; }
/* (en) Hide unneeded container of the screenlayout in print layout */
/* (de) Für den Druck nicht benötigte Container des Layouts abschalten */
#topnav, #nav, #search, #footer { display: none; }
/* (en) Linearising subtemplates */
/* (de) Linearisierung der Subtemplates */
.c25l, .c33l, .c38l, .c50l, .c62l, .c66l, .c75l,
.c25r, .c33r, .c38r, .c50r, .c62r, .c66r, .c75r {
width: 100%; margin:0; float:none; overflow:visible; display:table;
.subc, .subcl, .subcr { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
/* (en) make .print class visible */
/* (de) .print-Klasse sichtbar schalten */
.print { position: static; top: 0; left: 0; height: auto; width: auto; }
* @section content preparation
* @see http://www.yaml.de/en/documentation/css-components/layout-for-print-media.html
/* (en) Change font to serif */
/* (de) Zeichensatz auf Serifen umstellen */
body * { font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; }
code, pre { font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono; }
body { font-size: 12pt; }
/* (en) Avoid page breaks right after headings */
/* (de) Vermeidung von Seitenumbrüchen direkt nach einer Überschrift */
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { page-break-after:avoid; }
/* (en) Format acronyms and abbreviations for print*/
/* (de) Auszeichnung von Abkürzungen */
acronym[title]:after { content: '(' attr(title) ')'; }
/* (en) Disable background graphics of links */
/* (de) Abschalten evlt. vorhandener Hintergrundgrafiken zur Linkkennzeichnung */
#page a[href^="http:"],
#page a[href^="https:"] { padding-left: 0; background-image: none; }
/* (en) Enable URL output in print layout */
/* (de) Sichtbare Auszeichnung der URLs von Links */
a[href]:after {
content:" <URL: "attr(href)">";
/* (en) Preparation for optional column labels */
/* (de) Vorbereitung für optionale Spaltenauszeichnung */
#col1_content:before, #col2_content:before, #col3_content:before {
content: "";
* @section browser fixes for print layouts
* @see http://www.yaml.de/en/documentation/css-components/layout-for-print-media.html
* (en) overflow:hidden Bug in print layouts
* (de) overflow:hidden Bug in Drucklayouts
* @bugfix
* @since 3.0
* @affected FF2.0, IE7
* @css-for all browsers
* @valid yes
.subcolums_oldgecko { overflow:visible; display: table; }