| | |
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.syndicationEntries = 25
| | |
| | | # Show the size of each repository on the repositories page.
| | | # This requires recursive traversal of each repository folder. This may be
| | | # non-performant on some operating systems and/or filesystems. |
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.2
| | | web.showRepositorySizes = true
| | |
| | | # This is the message display above the repositories table.
| | | # This can point to a file with Markdown content.
| | | # Specifying "gitblit" uses the internal welcome message.
| | |
| | | # Mount URL parameters
| | | # This setting controls if pretty or parameter URLs are used.
| | | # i.e.
| | | # if true: http://localhost/commit/myrepo/abcdef
| | | # if false: http://localhost/commit/?r=myrepo&h=abcdef
| | | # if true:
| | | # http://localhost/commit/myrepo/abcdef
| | | # if false:
| | | # http://localhost/commit/?r=myrepo&h=abcdef
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.mountParameters = true
| | |
| | | # Some servlet containers (e.g. Tomcat >= 6.0.10) disallow '/' (%2F) encoding
| | | # in URLs as a security precaution for proxies. This setting tells Gitblit
| | | # to preemptively replace '/' with '*' or '!' for url string parameters.
| | | #
| | | # <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1303>
| | | # <http://tomcat.apache.org/security-6.html>
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.2
| | | web.forwardSlashCharacter = /
| | |
| | | # Show other URLs on the summary page for accessing your git repositories
| | | # Use spaces to separate urls. {0} is the token for the repository name.
| | |
| | | server.useNio = true
| | |
| | | # Standard http port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
| | | # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions.
| | | # Recommended value: 80 or 8080
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpPort = 0
| | |
| | | # Secure/SSL https port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
| | | # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions.
| | | # Recommended value: 443 or 8443
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpsPort = 443
| | | server.httpsPort = 8443
| | |
| | | # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the standard connector.
| | | # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.