| | |
| | | # Git Servlet Settings
| | | #
| | |
| | | # Allow push/pull over http/https with JGit servlet
| | | git.enableGitServlet = true
| | |
| | | # Base folder for repositories
| | | # Use forward slashes even on Windows!!
| | | git.repositoriesFolder = c:/git
| | | # e.g. c:/gitrepos
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | git.repositoriesFolder = git
| | |
| | | # Export all repositories
| | | # if false, each exported repository must have a .git/git-daemon-export-ok file
| | | git.exportAll = true
| | | # Search the repositories folder subfolders for other repositories.
| | | # Repositories MAY NOT be nested (i.e. one repository within another)
| | | # but they may be grouped together in subfolders.
| | | # e.g. c:/gitrepos/libraries/mylibrary.git
| | | # c:/gitrepos/libraries/myotherlibrary.git
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | git.searchRepositoriesSubfolders = true
| | |
| | | # Search repositories folder for nested repositories
| | | # e.g. /libraries/mylibrary.git
| | | git.nestedRepositories = true
| | |
| | | # The root clone url
| | | git.cloneUrl = https://localhost/git/
| | | # Allow push/pull over http/https with JGit servlet.
| | | # If you do NOT want to allow Git clients to clone/push to Gitblit set this
| | | # to false. You might want to do this if you are only using ssh:// or git://.
| | | # If you set this false, consider changing the *web.otherUrls* setting to
| | | # indicate your clone/push urls.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | git.enableGitServlet = true
| | |
| | | #
| | | # Authentication Settings
| | | #
| | |
| | | # Require authentication to see everything but the admin pages
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.authenticateViewPages = false
| | |
| | | # Require admin authentication for the admin functions and pages
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.authenticateAdminPages = true
| | |
| | | # Simple user realm file to authenticate users
| | | realm.realmFile = users.properties
| | | # Allow Gitblit to store a cookie in the user's browser for automatic
| | | # authentication. The cookie is generated by the user service.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.allowCookieAuthentication = true
| | |
| | | # Either the path to a simple user properties file
| | | # OR a fully qualified class name that implements the IUserService interface.
| | | # Any custom implementation must have a public default constructor.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | realm.userService = users.properties
| | |
| | | # How to store passwords.
| | | # Valid values are plain, md5 or crypt (unix style). Default is md5. |
| | | # Valid values are plain or md5. Default is md5.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0 |
| | | realm.passwordStorage = md5
| | |
| | | # Minimum valid length for a plain text password.
| | | # Default value is 5. Absolute minimum is 4.
| | | #
| | | # Git:Blit Web Settings
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0 |
| | | realm.minPasswordLength = 5
| | |
| | | #
| | | # If blank Git:Blit is displayed.
| | | # Gitblit Web Settings
| | | #
| | | # If blank Gitblit is displayed.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.siteName =
| | |
| | | # If web.authenticate=true, users with "admin" role can create repositories,
| | | # create users, and edit repository metadata (owner, description, etc)
| | | # If *web.authenticateAdminPages*=true, users with "admin" role can create
| | | # repositories, create users, and edit repository metadata.
| | | #
| | | # If web.authenticate=false, any user can execute the aforementioned functions. |
| | | # If *web.authenticateAdminPages*=false, any user can execute the aforementioned
| | | # functions. |
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0 |
| | | web.allowAdministration = true
| | |
| | | # Allow dynamic zip downloads.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0 |
| | | web.allowZipDownloads = true
| | |
| | | # Default number of entries to include in RSS Syndication links
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.syndicationEntries = 25
| | |
| | | # Show the size of each repository on the repositories page.
| | | # This requires recursive traversal of each repository folder. This may be
| | | # non-performant on some operating systems and/or filesystems. |
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.2
| | | web.showRepositorySizes = true
| | |
| | | # This is the message display above the repositories table.
| | | # This can point to a file with Markdown content.
| | | # Specifying "gitblit" uses the internal welcome message.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.repositoriesMessage = gitblit
| | |
| | | # Use the client timezone when formatting dates.
| | | # This uses AJAX to determine the browser's timezone.
| | | # This uses AJAX to determine the browser's timezone and may require more
| | | # server overhead because a Wicket session is created. All Gitblit pages
| | | # attempt to be stateless, if possible.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.useClientTimezone = false
| | |
| | | # Date and Time formats
| | | # Short date format
| | | # <http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html>
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.datestampShortFormat = yyyy-MM-dd
| | |
| | | # Long timestamp format
| | | # <http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html>
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.datetimestampLongFormat = EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a z
| | |
| | | # Mount URL parameters
| | | # This setting controls if pretty or parameter URLs are used.
| | | # i.e.
| | | # if true:
| | | # http://localhost/commit/myrepo/abcdef
| | | # if false:
| | | # http://localhost/commit/?r=myrepo&h=abcdef
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.mountParameters = true
| | |
| | | # Some servlet containers (e.g. Tomcat >= 6.0.10) disallow '/' (%2F) encoding
| | | # in URLs as a security precaution for proxies. This setting tells Gitblit
| | | # to preemptively replace '/' with '*' or '!' for url string parameters.
| | | #
| | | # <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1303>
| | | # <http://tomcat.apache.org/security-6.html>
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.2
| | | web.forwardSlashCharacter = /
| | |
| | | # Show other URLs on the summary page for accessing your git repositories
| | | # Use spaces to separate urls. {0} is the token for the repository name.
| | | # e.g.
| | | # web.otherUrls = ssh://localhost/git/{0} git://localhost/git/{0}
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.otherUrls = |
| | |
| | | # Choose how to present the repositories list.
| | | # grouped = group nested/subfolder repositories together (no sorting)
| | | # flat = flat list of repositories (sorting allowed)
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.repositoryListType = grouped
| | |
| | | # If using a grouped repository list and there are repositories at the
| | | # root level of your repositories folder, you may specify the displayed
| | | # group name with this setting. This value is only used for web presentation.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.repositoryRootGroupName = main
| | |
| | | # Choose the diff presentation style: gitblt, gitweb, or plain
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.diffStyle = gitblit
| | |
| | | # Control if email addresses are shown in web ui
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.showEmailAddresses = true
| | |
| | | # Shows a combobox in the page links header with commit, committer, and author
| | | # search selection. Default search is commit.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.showSearchTypeSelection = false
| | |
| | | # Generates a line graph of repository activity over time on the Summary page.
| | | # This is a real-time graph so generation may be expensive. |
| | | # This uses the Google Charts API.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0 |
| | | web.generateActivityGraph = true
| | |
| | | # The number of commits to display on the summary page
| | | # Value must exceed 0 else default of 20 is used
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.summaryCommitCount = 16
| | |
| | | # The number of tags/heads to display on the summary page
| | | # Value must exceed 0 else default of 5 is used
| | | # The number of tags/branches to display on the summary page.
| | | # -1 = all tags/branches
| | | # 0 = hide tags/branches
| | | # N = N tags/branches
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.summaryRefsCount = 5
| | |
| | | # The number of items to show on a page before showing the first, prev, next
| | | # pagination links. A default if 50 is used for any invalid value.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.itemsPerPage = 50
| | |
| | | # Registered extensions for google-code-prettify
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.prettyPrintExtensions = c cpp cs css htm html java js php pl prefs properties py rb sh sql xml vb
| | |
| | | # Registered extensions for markdown transformation
| | | web.markdownExtensions = md mkd markdown
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.markdownExtensions = md mkd markdown MD MKD
| | |
| | | # Image extensions
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.imageExtensions = bmp jpg gif png
| | |
| | | # Registered extensions for binary blobs
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.binaryExtensions = jar pdf tar.gz zip
| | |
| | | # Aggressive heap management will run the garbage collector on every generated
| | | # page. This slows down page generation but improves heap consumption. |
| | | web.aggressiveHeapManagement = true
| | | # page. This slows down page generation a little but improves heap consumption. |
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.aggressiveHeapManagement = false
| | |
| | | # Run the webapp in debug mode
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | web.debugMode = false
| | |
| | | # Enable/disable global regex substitutions (i.e. shared across repositories)
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | regex.global = true
| | |
| | | # Example global regex substitutions
| | | # Use !!! to separate the search pattern and the replace pattern
| | | # searchpattern!!!replacepattern
| | | #regex.global.bug = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
| | | #regex.global.changeid = \\b(Change-Id:\\s*)([A-Za-z0-9]*)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/changeid/$2">Change-Id: $2</a>
| | | regex.global.bug = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
| | | regex.global.changeid = \\b(Change-Id:\\s*)([A-Za-z0-9]*)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/changeid/$2">Change-Id: $2</a>
| | |
| | | # Example per-repository regex substitutions overrides global
| | | #regex.myrepository.bug = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://elsewhere/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
| | | regex.myrepository.bug = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://elsewhere/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
| | |
| | | #
| | | # Server Settings
| | | #
| | |
| | | # The temporary folder to decompress the embedded gitblit webapp. |
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.tempFolder = temp
| | | server.log4jPattern = %-5p %d{MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-20.20c{1} %m%n
| | | server.log4jPattern.windows = %-5p %m%n
| | | server.log4jPattern.linux =
| | |
| | |
| | | #
| | | # Jetty Settings
| | | #
| | |
| | | # Use Jetty NIO connectors. If false, Jetty Socket connectors will be used.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.useNio = true
| | |
| | | # Standard http port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
| | | # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions.
| | | # Recommended value: 80 or 8080
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpPort = 0
| | |
| | | # Secure/SSL https port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
| | | server.httpsPort = 443
| | | # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions.
| | | # Recommended value: 443 or 8443
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpsPort = 8443
| | |
| | | # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the standard connector.
| | | # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces. |
| | | # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.
| | | # Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to
| | | # localhost.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpBindInterface = localhost
| | |
| | | # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the secure connector.
| | | # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.
| | | # Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to
| | | # localhost.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.httpsBindInterface = localhost
| | |
| | | # Password for SSL keystore.
| | | # Keystore password and certificate password must match.
| | | # This is provided for convenience, its probably more secure to set this value
| | | # using the --storePassword command line parameter.
| | | server.storePassword = dosomegit
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.storePassword = gitblit
| | |
| | | # Port for shutdown monitor to listen on.
| | | #
| | | # SINCE 0.5.0
| | | server.shutdownPort = 8081