| | |
| | |
| | | #### fixes
| | |
| | | - Fixed intermittent bug in identifying line numbers in Lucene search (issue 105)
| | | - Adjust repository search to handle foo.git and foo/bar.git (issue 104)
| | | - Fixed bug where a repository set as authenticated push did not have anonymous clone access (issue 96)
| | | - Fixed bug in Basic authentication if passwords had a colon (Github/peterloron)
| | | - Fixed bug where the Gitblit Manager could not update a setting that was not referenced in reference.properties (issue 85)
| | |
| | | #### changes
| | |
| | | - **Updated Lucene index version which will force a rebuild of ALL your Lucene indexes** |
| | | Make sure to properly set *web.blobEncodings* before starting Gitblit if you are updating! (issue 97)
| | | - Changed default layout for web ui from fixed-width layout to responsive (issue 101) |
| | | - IUserService interface has changed to better accomodate custom authentication and/or custom authorization
| | | - Updated Japanese translation (Github/zakki)
| | |
| | | #### additions
| | |
| | | - Added setting to allow specification of a robots.txt file (issue 99) |
| | | **New:** *web.robots.txt = * |
| | | - Added setting to control responsive or fixed-width layout (issue 101) |
| | | **New:** *web.useResponsiveLayout = true* |
| | | - Added setting to control charsets for blob string decoding. Default encodings are UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and server's default charset. (issue 97)
| | | **New:** *web.blobEncodings = UTF-8 ISO-8859-1*
| | | - Exposed JGit's internal configuration settings in gitblit.properties/web.xml (issue 93)
| | |
| | | **New:** *git.packedGitMmap = false*
| | | - Added default access restriction. Applies to new repositories and repositories that have not been configured with Gitblit. (issue 88)
| | | **New:** *git.defaultAccessRestriction = NONE*
| | | - Added setting to control Groovy Grape root folder. [Grape](http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape) allows you to add Maven dependencies to your pre-/post-receive hook script classpath. |
| | | **New:** *groovy.grapeFolder = groovy/grape* |
| | | - Added LDAP User Service with many new *realm.ldap* keys (Github/jcrygier)
| | | - Added support for custom repository properties for Groovy hooks (Github/jcrygier)
| | | - Added script to facilitate proxy environment setup on Linux (Github/mragab)
| | | - Added Polish translation (Lukasz Jader)
| | | - Added Spanish translation (Eduardo Guervos Narvaez)
| | |
| | | #### dependency changes
| | |
| | | - updated to Bootstrap 2.0.4
| | | - added Ivy 2.2.0 (for Grape support in Groovy hook scripts)
| | | - updated to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.10
| | |
| | | **0.9.3** *released 2012-04-11*
| | |
| | | #### fixes