| | |
| | | <property name="maven.directory" value="${basedir}/../gitblit-maven" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Download links -->
| | | <property name="gc.url" value="http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=" />
| | | <property name="gc.url" value="http://dl.bintray.com/jamesmoger/generic/" />
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | <page name="upgrade Express" src="upgrade_express.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | | <page name="push hooks" src="setup_hooks.mkd" />
| | | <page name="lucene indexing" src="setup_lucene.mkd" />
| | | <page name="reverse proxies" src="setup_proxy.mkd" />
| | | <page name="client app menus" src="setup_clientmenus.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Server Configuration" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | | <page name="push hooks" src="setup_hooks.mkd" />
| | | <page name="lucene indexing" src="setup_lucene.mkd" />
| | | <page name="reverse proxies" src="setup_proxy.mkd" />
| | | <page name="client app menus" src="setup_clientmenus.mkd" />
| | | <page name="bugtraq" src="setup_bugtraq.mkd" />
| | | <page name="mirrors" src="setup_mirrors.mkd" />
| | | <page name="scaling" src="setup_scaling.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="plugins" src="setup_plugins.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="Gitblit as a viewer" src="setup_viewer.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="Gitblit as a viewer" src="setup_viewer.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Client Usage" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="using HTTP/HTTPS" src="setup_transport_http.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using SSH" src="setup_transport_ssh.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using the Eclipse plugin" src="eclipse_plugin.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="git client setup" src="setup_client.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Tickets" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="overview" src="tickets_overview.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using" src="tickets_using.mkd" />
| | | <page name="barnum" src="tickets_barnum.mkd" />
| | | <page name="setup" src="tickets_setup.mkd" />
| | | <page name="replication & advanced administration" src="tickets_replication.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="federation" src="federation.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | |
| | | <link name="Federation Client" src="${gc.url}fedclient-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="API Library" src="${gc.url}gbapi-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Bintray (1.4.0+)" src="https://bintray.com/jamesmoger/generic/Gitblit" />
| | | <link name="GoogleCode (pre-1.4.0)" src="https://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/list?can=1" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Maven Repository" src="${project.mavenUrl}" />
| | | </menu>
| | |
| | | <menu name="links">
| | | <link name="Gitblit Demo (RELEASE)" src="https://demo-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <link name="Gitblit Next (SNAPSHOT)" src="https://next-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Gitblit (Self-Hosted)" src="https://dev.gitblit.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Github" src="${project.scmUrl}" />
| | | <link name="Issues" src="${project.issuesUrl}" />
| | | <link name="Discussion" src="${project.forumUrl}" />
| | | <link name="Google+" src="${project.socialNetworkUrl}" />
| | | <link name="Twitter" src="https://twitter.com/gitblit" />
| | | <link name="Ohloh" src="http://www.ohloh.net/p/gitblit" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="+JamesMoger" src="https://plus.google.com/+JamesMoger" />
| | | <link name="@JamesMoger" src="https://twitter.com/JamesMoger" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | </structure>
| | |
| | |
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(issue)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/issues/detail?id=$3'>issue $3</a>" />
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(pr|pull request)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='https://github.com/gitblit/gitblit/pull/$3'>pull request #$3</a>" />
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(ticket)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='https://dev.gitblit.com/tickets/gitblit.git/$3'>ticket $3</a>" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Set the logo from the mx:doc resources -->
| | | <logo file="${project.resources.dir}/gitblt_25_white.png" />
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Publish binaries to Google Code
| | | Publish binaries to Bintray
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="publishBinaries" depends="prepare" description="Publish the Gitblit binaries to Google Code">
| | | <target name="publishBinaries" depends="prepare" description="Publish the Gitblit binaries to Bintray">
| | |
| | | <echo>Uploading Gitblit ${project.version} binaries</echo>
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit GO Windows ZIP file -->
| | | <mx:gcupload |
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.zipfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="gitblit-${project.version}.zip"
| | | summary="Gitblit GO v${project.version} (standalone, integrated Gitblit server for Windows)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.zipfile}" |
| | | target="gitblit-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit GO Linux/Unix tar.gz file -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.tgzfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="gitblit-${project.version}.tar.gz"
| | | summary="Gitblit GO v${project.version} (standalone, integrated Gitblit server for Linux/Unix)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.tgzfile}" |
| | | target="gitblit-${project.version}.tar.gz" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit WAR file -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.warfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="gitblit-${project.version}.war"
| | | summary="Gitblit WAR v${project.version} (standard WAR webapp for servlet containers)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${distribution.warfile}" |
| | | target="gitblit-${project.version}.war" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit FedClient -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${fedclient.zipfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="fedclient-${project.version}.zip"
| | | summary="Gitblit Federation Client v${project.version} (command-line tool to clone data from federated Gitblit instances)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${fedclient.zipfile}" |
| | | target="fedclient-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit Manager -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${manager.zipfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="manager-${project.version}.zip"
| | | summary="Gitblit Manager v${project.version} (Swing tool to remotely administer a Gitblit server)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${manager.zipfile}" |
| | | target="manager-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit API Library -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${gbapi.zipfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="gbapi-${project.version}.zip"
| | | summary="Gitblit API Library v${project.version} (JSON RPC library to integrate with your software)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${gbapi.zipfile}" |
| | | target="gbapi-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit Express for RedHat OpenShift -->
| | | <mx:gcupload
| | | username="${googlecode.user}"
| | | password="${googlecode.password}"
| | | projectname="gitblit"
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/${express.zipfile}" |
| | | targetFilename="express-${project.version}.zip"
| | | summary="Gitblit Express v${project.version} (run Gitblit on RedHat's OpenShift cloud)" />
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${express.zipfile}" |
| | | target="express-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Publish site to site hosting service
| | |
| | | <page name="upgrade Express" src="upgrade_express.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | | <page name="push hooks" src="setup_hooks.mkd" />
| | | <page name="lucene indexing" src="setup_lucene.mkd" />
| | | <page name="reverse proxies" src="setup_proxy.mkd" />
| | | <page name="client app menus" src="setup_clientmenus.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Server Configuration" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | | <page name="push hooks" src="setup_hooks.mkd" />
| | | <page name="lucene indexing" src="setup_lucene.mkd" />
| | | <page name="reverse proxies" src="setup_proxy.mkd" />
| | | <page name="client app menus" src="setup_clientmenus.mkd" />
| | | <page name="bugtraq" src="setup_bugtraq.mkd" />
| | | <page name="mirrors" src="setup_mirrors.mkd" />
| | | <page name="scaling" src="setup_scaling.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="plugins" src="setup_plugins.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="Gitblit as a viewer" src="setup_viewer.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="Gitblit as a viewer" src="setup_viewer.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Client Usage" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="using HTTP/HTTPS" src="setup_transport_http.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using SSH" src="setup_transport_ssh.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using the Eclipse plugin" src="eclipse_plugin.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="git client setup" src="setup_client.mkd" />
| | | <menu name="Tickets" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="overview" src="tickets_overview.mkd" />
| | | <page name="using" src="tickets_using.mkd" />
| | | <page name="barnum" src="tickets_barnum.mkd" />
| | | <page name="setup" src="tickets_setup.mkd" />
| | | <page name="replication & advanced administration" src="tickets_replication.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <page name="federation" src="federation.mkd" />
| | | <divider />
| | |
| | |
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(issue)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/issues/detail?id=$3'>issue $3</a>" />
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(pr|pull request)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='https://github.com/gitblit/gitblit/pull/$3'>pull request #$3</a>" />
| | | <regex searchPattern="\b(ticket)(\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\d+)\b" replacePattern="<a href='https://dev.gitblit.com/tickets/gitblit.git/$3'>ticket $3</a>" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Set the logo from the mx:doc resources -->
| | | <logo file="${project.resources.dir}/gitblt_25_white.png" />
| | |
| | | <include name="localclone.groovy" />
| | | <include name="fogbugz.groovy" />
| | | <include name="thebuggenie.groovy" />
| | | <include name="fisheye.groovy" />
| | | <include name="redmine-fetch.groovy" />
| | | <include name="subgit.groovy" />
| | | </fileset>
| | | </copy>
| | | </sequential>
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Macro to upload binaries to GoogleCode
| | | Macro to upload binaries to Bintray
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <macrodef name="googleUpload">
| | | <attribute name="sourceFile"/>
| | | <attribute name="targetFile"/>
| | | <attribute name="description"/>
| | | <macrodef name="bintrayUpload">
| | | <attribute name="source"/>
| | | <attribute name="target"/>
| | | <sequential>
| | | <gcupload |
| | | username="${googlecode.user}" |
| | | password="${googlecode.password}" |
| | | projectname="gitblit" |
| | | filename="${project.targetDirectory}/@{sourceFile}" |
| | | targetfilename="@{targetFile}"
| | | summary="@{description}"
| | | labels="Featured, Type-Package, OpSys-All" /> |
| | | </sequential>
| | | <echo>uploading @{source} to Bintray</echo>
| | | <exec executable="curl">
| | | <arg line="--silent --show-error -T @{source} -u${bintray.username}:${bintray.apikey} https://api.bintray.com/content/${bintray.username}/generic/${project.name}/${project.version}/@{target}"></arg>
| | | </exec>
| | | </sequential>
| | | </macrodef>
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | |
| | | <arg value="-DcreateChecksum=true" />
| | | </exec>
| | | </target>
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Install Gitblit JAR for usage as Moxie artifact
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="installMoxie" depends="compile" description="Install Gitblit JAR as a Moxie artifact">
| | | <local name="project.jar" />
| | | <property name="project.jar" value="${project.targetDirectory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar" />
| | | <property name="resourceFolderPrefix" value="" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" includeresources="true" resourceFolderPrefix="${resourceFolderPrefix}" />
| | |
| | | <mx:install />
| | | </target>
| | |
| | | </project>