| | |
| | | /*
| | | * Copyright 2011 gitblit.com.
| | | *
| | | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| | | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| | | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
| | | *
| | | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| | | *
| | | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| | | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| | | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| | | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| | | * limitations under the License.
| | | */
| | | package com.gitblit;
| | |
| | | import java.io.BufferedReader;
| | | import java.io.BufferedWriter;
| | | import java.io.File;
| | | import java.io.FileWriter;
| | | import java.io.IOException;
| | | import java.io.InputStreamReader;
| | | import java.io.OutputStream;
| | | import java.net.InetAddress;
| | | import java.net.ServerSocket;
| | | import java.net.Socket;
| | | import java.net.URI;
| | | import java.net.URL;
| | | import java.net.UnknownHostException;
| | | import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
| | | import java.text.MessageFormat;
| | | import java.util.ArrayList;
| | | import java.util.Date;
| | | import java.util.List;
| | | import java.util.Scanner;
| | |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.ajp.Ajp13SocketConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.bio.SocketConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HashSessionManager;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSocketConnector;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool;
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileBasedConfig;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils;
| | | import org.slf4j.Logger;
| | | import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
| | |
| | | import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander;
| | | import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
| | | import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
| | | import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
| | | import com.gitblit.authority.GitblitAuthority;
| | | import com.gitblit.authority.NewCertificateConfig;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.TimeUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils.X509Log;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils.X509Metadata;
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryDirectoryServer;
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig;
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryListenerConfig;
| | | import com.unboundid.ldif.LDIFReader;
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * GitBlitServer is the embedded Jetty server for Gitblit GO. This class starts
| | | * and stops an instance of Jetty that is configured from a combination of the
| | | * gitblit.properties file and command line parameters. JCommander is used to
| | | * simplify command line parameter processing. This class also automatically
| | | * generates a self-signed certificate for localhost, if the keystore does not
| | | * already exist.
| | | *
| | | * @author James Moger
| | | *
| | | */
| | | public class GitBlitServer {
| | |
| | | private static Logger logger;
| | |
| | | public static void main(String... args) {
| | | GitBlitServer server = new GitBlitServer();
| | |
| | | // filter out the baseFolder parameter
| | | List<String> filtered = new ArrayList<String>();
| | | String folder = "data";
| | | for (int i = 0; i< args.length; i++) {
| | | String arg = args[i];
| | | if (arg.equals("--baseFolder")) {
| | | if (i + 1 == args.length) {
| | | System.out.println("Invalid --baseFolder parameter!");
| | | System.exit(-1);
| | | } else if (args[i + 1] != ".") {
| | | folder = args[i + 1];
| | | }
| | | i = i + 1;
| | | } else {
| | | filtered.add(arg);
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | Params.baseFolder = folder;
| | | Params params = new Params();
| | | JCommander jc = new JCommander(params);
| | | try {
| | | jc.parse(filtered.toArray(new String[filtered.size()]));
| | | if (params.help) {
| | | server.usage(jc, null);
| | | }
| | | } catch (ParameterException t) {
| | | server.usage(jc, t);
| | | }
| | |
| | | if (params.stop) {
| | | server.stop(params);
| | | } else {
| | | server.start(params);
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Display the command line usage of Gitblit GO.
| | | *
| | | * @param jc
| | | * @param t
| | | */
| | | protected final void usage(JCommander jc, ParameterException t) {
| | | System.out.println(Constants.BORDER);
| | | System.out.println(Constants.getGitBlitVersion());
| | | System.out.println(Constants.BORDER);
| | | System.out.println();
| | | if (t != null) {
| | | System.out.println(t.getMessage());
| | | System.out.println();
| | | }
| | | if (jc != null) {
| | | jc.usage();
| | | System.out
| | | .println("\nExample:\n java -server -Xmx1024M -jar gitblit.jar --repositoriesFolder c:\\git --httpPort 80 --httpsPort 443");
| | | }
| | | System.exit(0);
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Stop Gitblt GO.
| | | */
| | | public void stop(Params params) {
| | | try {
| | | Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(""), params.shutdownPort);
| | | OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();
| | | System.out.println("Sending Shutdown Request to " + Constants.NAME);
| | | out.write("\r\n".getBytes());
| | | out.flush();
| | | s.close();
| | | } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
| | | e.printStackTrace();
| | | } catch (IOException e) {
| | | e.printStackTrace();
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Start Gitblit GO.
| | | */
| | | protected final void start(Params params) {
| | | final File baseFolder = new File(Params.baseFolder).getAbsoluteFile();
| | | FileSettings settings = params.FILESETTINGS;
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.settingsfile)) {
| | | if (new File(params.settingsfile).exists()) {
| | | settings = new FileSettings(params.settingsfile);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitBlitServer.class);
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER);
| | | logger.info(" _____ _ _ _ _ _ _");
| | | logger.info(" | __ \\(_)| | | | | |(_)| |");
| | | logger.info(" | | \\/ _ | |_ | |__ | | _ | |_");
| | | logger.info(" | | __ | || __|| '_ \\ | || || __|");
| | | logger.info(" | |_\\ \\| || |_ | |_) || || || |_");
| | | logger.info(" \\____/|_| \\__||_.__/ |_||_| \\__|");
| | | int spacing = (Constants.BORDER.length() - Constants.getGitBlitVersion().length()) / 2;
| | | StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
| | | while (spacing > 0) {
| | | spacing--;
| | | sb.append(' ');
| | | }
| | | logger.info(sb.toString() + Constants.getGitBlitVersion());
| | | logger.info("");
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER);
| | |
| | | System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");
| | |
| | | String osname = System.getProperty("os.name");
| | | String osversion = System.getProperty("os.version");
| | | logger.info("Running on " + osname + " (" + osversion + ")");
| | |
| | | List<Connector> connectors = new ArrayList<Connector>();
| | |
| | | // conditionally configure the http connector
| | | if (params.port > 0) {
| | | Connector httpConnector = createConnector(params.useNIO, params.port, settings.getInteger(Keys.server.threadPoolSize, 50));
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.httpBindInterface, null);
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) {
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("Binding connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}",
| | | params.port, bindInterface));
| | | httpConnector.setHost(bindInterface);
| | | }
| | | if (params.port < 1024 && !isWindows()) {
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!");
| | | }
| | | connectors.add(httpConnector);
| | | }
| | |
| | | // conditionally configure the https connector
| | | if (params.securePort > 0) {
| | | File certificatesConf = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CA_CONFIG);
| | | File serverKeyStore = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.SERVER_KEY_STORE);
| | | File serverTrustStore = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.SERVER_TRUST_STORE);
| | | File caRevocationList = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CA_REVOCATION_LIST);
| | |
| | | // generate CA & web certificates, create certificate stores
| | | X509Metadata metadata = new X509Metadata("localhost", params.storePassword);
| | | // set default certificate values from config file
| | | if (certificatesConf.exists()) {
| | | FileBasedConfig config = new FileBasedConfig(certificatesConf, FS.detect());
| | | try {
| | | config.load();
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | logger.error("Error parsing " + certificatesConf, e);
| | | }
| | | NewCertificateConfig certificateConfig = NewCertificateConfig.KEY.parse(config);
| | | certificateConfig.update(metadata);
| | | }
| | |
| | | metadata.notAfter = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10*TimeUtils.ONEYEAR);
| | | X509Utils.prepareX509Infrastructure(metadata, baseFolder, new X509Log() {
| | | @Override
| | | public void log(String message) {
| | | BufferedWriter writer = null;
| | | try {
| | | writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CERTS + File.separator + "log.txt"), true));
| | | writer.write(MessageFormat.format("{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}: {1}", new Date(), message));
| | | writer.newLine();
| | | writer.flush();
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitblitAuthority.class).error("Failed to append log entry!", e);
| | | } finally {
| | | if (writer != null) {
| | | try {
| | | writer.close();
| | | } catch (IOException e) {
| | | }
| | | }
| | | }
| | | }
| | | });
| | |
| | | if (serverKeyStore.exists()) {
| | | Connector secureConnector = createSSLConnector(params.alias, serverKeyStore, serverTrustStore, params.storePassword,
| | | caRevocationList, params.useNIO, params.securePort, settings.getInteger(Keys.server.threadPoolSize, 50), params.requireClientCertificates);
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.httpsBindInterface, null);
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) {
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(
| | | "Binding ssl connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}", params.securePort,
| | | bindInterface));
| | | secureConnector.setHost(bindInterface);
| | | }
| | | if (params.securePort < 1024 && !isWindows()) {
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!");
| | | }
| | | connectors.add(secureConnector);
| | | } else {
| | | logger.warn("Failed to find or load Keystore?");
| | | logger.warn("SSL connector DISABLED.");
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | // conditionally configure the ajp connector
| | | if (params.ajpPort > 0) {
| | | Connector ajpConnector = createAJPConnector(params.ajpPort);
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.ajpBindInterface, null);
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) {
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("Binding connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}",
| | | params.ajpPort, bindInterface));
| | | ajpConnector.setHost(bindInterface);
| | | }
| | | if (params.ajpPort < 1024 && !isWindows()) {
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!");
| | | }
| | | connectors.add(ajpConnector);
| | | }
| | |
| | | // tempDir is where the embedded Gitblit web application is expanded and
| | | // where Jetty creates any necessary temporary files
| | | File tempDir = com.gitblit.utils.FileUtils.resolveParameter(Constants.baseFolder$, baseFolder, params.temp);
| | | if (tempDir.exists()) {
| | | try {
| | | FileUtils.delete(tempDir, FileUtils.RECURSIVE | FileUtils.RETRY);
| | | } catch (IOException x) {
| | | logger.warn("Failed to delete temp dir " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath(), x);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | if (!tempDir.mkdirs()) {
| | | logger.warn("Failed to create temp dir " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
| | | }
| | |
| | | Server server = new Server();
| | | server.setStopAtShutdown(true);
| | | server.setConnectors(connectors.toArray(new Connector[connectors.size()]));
| | |
| | | // Get the execution path of this class
| | | // We use this to set the WAR path.
| | | ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = GitBlitServer.class.getProtectionDomain();
| | | URL location = protectionDomain.getCodeSource().getLocation();
| | |
| | | // Root WebApp Context
| | | WebAppContext rootContext = new WebAppContext();
| | | rootContext.setContextPath(settings.getString(Keys.server.contextPath, "/"));
| | | rootContext.setServer(server);
| | | rootContext.setWar(location.toExternalForm());
| | | rootContext.setTempDirectory(tempDir);
| | |
| | | // Set cookies HttpOnly so they are not accessible to JavaScript engines
| | | HashSessionManager sessionManager = new HashSessionManager();
| | | sessionManager.setHttpOnly(true);
| | | // Use secure cookies if only serving https
| | | sessionManager.setSecureCookies(params.port <= 0 && params.securePort > 0);
| | | rootContext.getSessionHandler().setSessionManager(sessionManager);
| | |
| | | // Ensure there is a defined User Service
| | | String realmUsers = params.userService;
| | | if (StringUtils.isEmpty(realmUsers)) {
| | | logger.error(MessageFormat.format("PLEASE SPECIFY {0}!!", Keys.realm.userService));
| | | return;
| | | }
| | |
| | | // Override settings from the command-line
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.realm.userService, params.userService);
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.git.repositoriesFolder, params.repositoriesFolder);
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.git.daemonPort, params.gitPort);
| | |
| | | // Start up an in-memory LDAP server, if configured
| | | try {
| | | if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.ldapLdifFile) == false) {
| | | File ldifFile = new File(params.ldapLdifFile);
| | | if (ldifFile != null && ldifFile.exists()) {
| | | URI ldapUrl = new URI(settings.getRequiredString(Keys.realm.ldap.server));
| | | String firstLine = new Scanner(ldifFile).nextLine();
| | | String rootDN = firstLine.substring(4);
| | | String bindUserName = settings.getString(Keys.realm.ldap.username, "");
| | | String bindPassword = settings.getString(Keys.realm.ldap.password, "");
| | |
| | | // Get the port
| | | int port = ldapUrl.getPort();
| | | if (port == -1)
| | | port = 389;
| | |
| | | InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig config = new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig(rootDN);
| | | config.addAdditionalBindCredentials(bindUserName, bindPassword);
| | | config.setListenerConfigs(InMemoryListenerConfig.createLDAPConfig("default", port));
| | | config.setSchema(null);
| | |
| | | InMemoryDirectoryServer ds = new InMemoryDirectoryServer(config);
| | | ds.importFromLDIF(true, new LDIFReader(ldifFile));
| | | ds.startListening();
| | |
| | | logger.info("LDAP Server started at ldap://localhost:" + port);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | // Completely optional, just show a warning
| | | logger.warn("Unable to start LDAP server", e);
| | | }
| | |
| | | // Set the server's contexts
| | | server.setHandler(rootContext);
| | |
| | | // Setup the GitBlit context
| | | GitBlit gitblit = getGitBlitInstance();
| | | gitblit.configureContext(settings, baseFolder, true);
| | | rootContext.addEventListener(gitblit);
| | |
| | | try {
| | | // start the shutdown monitor
| | | if (params.shutdownPort > 0) {
| | | Thread shutdownMonitor = new ShutdownMonitorThread(server, params);
| | | shutdownMonitor.start();
| | | }
| | |
| | | // start Jetty
| | | server.start();
| | | server.join();
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | e.printStackTrace();
| | | System.exit(100);
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | protected GitBlit getGitBlitInstance() {
| | | return GitBlit.self();
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Creates an http connector.
| | | *
| | | * @param useNIO
| | | * @param port
| | | * @param threadPoolSize
| | | * @return an http connector
| | | */
| | | private Connector createConnector(boolean useNIO, int port, int threadPoolSize) {
| | | Connector connector;
| | | if (useNIO) {
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SelectChannelConnector on port " + port);
| | | SelectChannelConnector nioconn = new SelectChannelConnector();
| | | nioconn.setSoLingerTime(-1);
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) {
| | | nioconn.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
| | | }
| | | connector = nioconn;
| | | } else {
| | | logger.info("Setting up SocketConnector on port " + port);
| | | SocketConnector sockconn = new SocketConnector();
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) {
| | | sockconn.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
| | | }
| | | connector = sockconn;
| | | }
| | |
| | | connector.setPort(port);
| | | connector.setMaxIdleTime(30000);
| | | return connector;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Creates an https connector.
| | | *
| | | * SSL renegotiation will be enabled if the JVM is 1.6.0_22 or later.
| | | * oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/tlsreadme2-176330.html
| | | *
| | | * @param certAlias
| | | * @param keyStore
| | | * @param clientTrustStore
| | | * @param storePassword
| | | * @param caRevocationList
| | | * @param useNIO
| | | * @param port
| | | * @param threadPoolSize
| | | * @param requireClientCertificates
| | | * @return an https connector
| | | */
| | | private Connector createSSLConnector(String certAlias, File keyStore, File clientTrustStore,
| | | String storePassword, File caRevocationList, boolean useNIO, int port, int threadPoolSize,
| | | boolean requireClientCertificates) {
| | | GitblitSslContextFactory factory = new GitblitSslContextFactory(certAlias,
| | | keyStore, clientTrustStore, storePassword, caRevocationList);
| | | SslConnector connector;
| | | if (useNIO) {
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SslSelectChannelConnector on port " + port);
| | | SslSelectChannelConnector ssl = new SslSelectChannelConnector(factory);
| | | ssl.setSoLingerTime(-1);
| | | if (requireClientCertificates) {
| | | factory.setNeedClientAuth(true);
| | | } else {
| | | factory.setWantClientAuth(true);
| | | }
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) {
| | | ssl.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
| | | }
| | | connector = ssl;
| | | } else {
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SslSocketConnector on port " + port);
| | | SslSocketConnector ssl = new SslSocketConnector(factory);
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) {
| | | ssl.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
| | | }
| | | connector = ssl;
| | | }
| | | connector.setPort(port);
| | | connector.setMaxIdleTime(30000);
| | |
| | | return connector;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Creates an ajp connector.
| | | *
| | | * @param port
| | | * @return an ajp connector
| | | */
| | | private Connector createAJPConnector(int port) {
| | | logger.info("Setting up AJP Connector on port " + port);
| | | Ajp13SocketConnector ajp = new Ajp13SocketConnector();
| | | ajp.setPort(port);
| | | if (port < 1024 && !isWindows()) {
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!");
| | | }
| | | return ajp;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * Tests to see if the operating system is Windows.
| | | *
| | | * @return true if this is a windows machine
| | | */
| | | private boolean isWindows() {
| | | return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * The ShutdownMonitorThread opens a socket on a specified port and waits
| | | * for an incoming connection. When that connection is accepted a shutdown
| | | * message is issued to the running Jetty server.
| | | *
| | | * @author James Moger
| | | *
| | | */
| | | private static class ShutdownMonitorThread extends Thread {
| | |
| | | private final ServerSocket socket;
| | |
| | | private final Server server;
| | |
| | | private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShutdownMonitorThread.class);
| | |
| | | public ShutdownMonitorThread(Server server, Params params) {
| | | this.server = server;
| | | setDaemon(true);
| | | setName(Constants.NAME + " Shutdown Monitor");
| | | ServerSocket skt = null;
| | | try {
| | | skt = new ServerSocket(params.shutdownPort, 1, InetAddress.getByName(""));
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | logger.warn("Could not open shutdown monitor on port " + params.shutdownPort, e);
| | | }
| | | socket = skt;
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Override
| | | public void run() {
| | | logger.info("Shutdown Monitor listening on port " + socket.getLocalPort());
| | | Socket accept;
| | | try {
| | | accept = socket.accept();
| | | BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
| | | accept.getInputStream()));
| | | reader.readLine();
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER);
| | | logger.info("Stopping " + Constants.NAME);
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER);
| | | server.stop();
| | | server.setStopAtShutdown(false);
| | | accept.close();
| | | socket.close();
| | | } catch (Exception e) {
| | | logger.warn("Failed to shutdown Jetty", e);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | /**
| | | * JCommander Parameters class for GitBlitServer.
| | | */
| | | @Parameters(separators = " ")
| | | public static class Params {
| | |
| | | public static String baseFolder;
| | |
| | | private final FileSettings FILESETTINGS = new FileSettings(new File(baseFolder, Constants.PROPERTIES_FILE).getAbsolutePath());
| | |
| | | /*
| | | * Server parameters
| | | */
| | | @Parameter(names = { "-h", "--help" }, description = "Show this help")
| | | public Boolean help = false;
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--stop" }, description = "Stop Server")
| | | public Boolean stop = false;
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--tempFolder" }, description = "Folder for server to extract built-in webapp")
| | | public String temp = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.tempFolder, "temp");
| | |
| | | /*
| | | * GIT Servlet Parameters
| | | */
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--repositoriesFolder" }, description = "Git Repositories Folder")
| | | public String repositoriesFolder = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.git.repositoriesFolder,
| | | "git");
| | |
| | | /*
| | | * Authentication Parameters
| | | */
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--userService" }, description = "Authentication and Authorization Service (filename or fully qualified classname)")
| | | public String userService = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.realm.userService,
| | | "users.conf");
| | |
| | | /*
| | | * JETTY Parameters
| | | */
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--useNio" }, description = "Use NIO Connector else use Socket Connector.")
| | | public Boolean useNIO = FILESETTINGS.getBoolean(Keys.server.useNio, true);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--httpPort", description = "HTTP port for to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)")
| | | public Integer port = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.httpPort, 0);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--httpsPort", description = "HTTPS port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)")
| | | public Integer securePort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.httpsPort, 8443);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--ajpPort", description = "AJP port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)")
| | | public Integer ajpPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.ajpPort, 0);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--gitPort", description = "Git Daemon port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)")
| | | public Integer gitPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.git.daemonPort, 9418);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--alias", description = "Alias of SSL certificate in keystore for serving https.")
| | | public String alias = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.certificateAlias, "");
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--storePassword", description = "Password for SSL (https) keystore.")
| | | public String storePassword = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.storePassword, "");
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--shutdownPort", description = "Port for Shutdown Monitor to listen on. (port <= 0 will disable this monitor)")
| | | public Integer shutdownPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.shutdownPort, 8081);
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = "--requireClientCertificates", description = "Require client X509 certificates for https connections.")
| | | public Boolean requireClientCertificates = FILESETTINGS.getBoolean(Keys.server.requireClientCertificates, false);
| | |
| | | /*
| | | * Setting overrides
| | | */
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--settings" }, description = "Path to alternative settings")
| | | public String settingsfile;
| | |
| | | @Parameter(names = { "--ldapLdifFile" }, description = "Path to LDIF file. This will cause an in-memory LDAP server to be started according to gitblit settings")
| | | public String ldapLdifFile;
| | |
| | | }
| | | /* |
| | | * Copyright 2011 gitblit.com. |
| | | * |
| | | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| | | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| | | * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| | | * |
| | | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| | | * |
| | | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| | | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| | | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| | | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| | | * limitations under the License. |
| | | */ |
| | | package com.gitblit; |
| | | |
| | | import java.io.BufferedReader; |
| | | import java.io.BufferedWriter; |
| | | import java.io.File; |
| | | import java.io.FileWriter; |
| | | import java.io.IOException; |
| | | import java.io.InputStream; |
| | | import java.io.InputStreamReader; |
| | | import java.io.OutputStream; |
| | | import java.net.InetAddress; |
| | | import java.net.ServerSocket; |
| | | import java.net.Socket; |
| | | import java.net.URI; |
| | | import java.net.URL; |
| | | import java.net.UnknownHostException; |
| | | import java.security.ProtectionDomain; |
| | | import java.text.MessageFormat; |
| | | import java.util.ArrayList; |
| | | import java.util.Date; |
| | | import java.util.List; |
| | | import java.util.Properties; |
| | | import java.util.Scanner; |
| | | |
| | | import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.ajp.Ajp13SocketConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.security.ConstraintMapping; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.security.ConstraintSecurityHandler; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.bio.SocketConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HashSessionManager; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSocketConnector; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.util.security.Constraint; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileBasedConfig; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS; |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils; |
| | | import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; |
| | | import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; |
| | | import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; |
| | | import org.slf4j.Logger; |
| | | import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; |
| | | |
| | | import com.gitblit.authority.GitblitAuthority; |
| | | import com.gitblit.authority.NewCertificateConfig; |
| | | import com.gitblit.servlet.GitblitContext; |
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils; |
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.TimeUtils; |
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils; |
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils.X509Log; |
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.X509Utils.X509Metadata; |
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryDirectoryServer; |
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig; |
| | | import com.unboundid.ldap.listener.InMemoryListenerConfig; |
| | | import com.unboundid.ldif.LDIFReader; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * GitBlitServer is the embedded Jetty server for Gitblit GO. This class starts |
| | | * and stops an instance of Jetty that is configured from a combination of the |
| | | * gitblit.properties file and command line parameters. JCommander is used to |
| | | * simplify command line parameter processing. This class also automatically |
| | | * generates a self-signed certificate for localhost, if the keystore does not |
| | | * already exist. |
| | | * |
| | | * @author James Moger |
| | | * |
| | | */ |
| | | public class GitBlitServer { |
| | | |
| | | private static Logger logger; |
| | | |
| | | public static void main(String... args) { |
| | | GitBlitServer server = new GitBlitServer(); |
| | | |
| | | // filter out the baseFolder parameter |
| | | List<String> filtered = new ArrayList<String>(); |
| | | String folder = "data"; |
| | | for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { |
| | | String arg = args[i]; |
| | | if (arg.equals("--baseFolder")) { |
| | | if (i + 1 == args.length) { |
| | | System.out.println("Invalid --baseFolder parameter!"); |
| | | System.exit(-1); |
| | | } else if (!".".equals(args[i + 1])) { |
| | | folder = args[i + 1]; |
| | | } |
| | | i = i + 1; |
| | | } else { |
| | | filtered.add(arg); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | Params.baseFolder = folder; |
| | | Params params = new Params(); |
| | | CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(params); |
| | | try { |
| | | parser.parseArgument(filtered); |
| | | if (params.help) { |
| | | server.usage(parser, null); |
| | | } |
| | | } catch (CmdLineException t) { |
| | | server.usage(parser, t); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (params.stop) { |
| | | server.stop(params); |
| | | } else { |
| | | server.start(params); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Display the command line usage of Gitblit GO. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param parser |
| | | * @param t |
| | | */ |
| | | protected final void usage(CmdLineParser parser, CmdLineException t) { |
| | | System.out.println(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | System.out.println(Constants.getGitBlitVersion()); |
| | | System.out.println(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | System.out.println(); |
| | | if (t != null) { |
| | | System.out.println(t.getMessage()); |
| | | System.out.println(); |
| | | } |
| | | if (parser != null) { |
| | | parser.printUsage(System.out); |
| | | System.out |
| | | .println("\nExample:\n java -server -Xmx1024M -jar gitblit.jar --repositoriesFolder c:\\git --httpPort 80 --httpsPort 443"); |
| | | } |
| | | System.exit(0); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Stop Gitblt GO. |
| | | */ |
| | | public void stop(Params params) { |
| | | try { |
| | | Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(""), params.shutdownPort); |
| | | OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream(); |
| | | System.out.println("Sending Shutdown Request to " + Constants.NAME); |
| | | out.write("\r\n".getBytes()); |
| | | out.flush(); |
| | | s.close(); |
| | | } catch (UnknownHostException e) { |
| | | e.printStackTrace(); |
| | | } catch (IOException e) { |
| | | e.printStackTrace(); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Start Gitblit GO. |
| | | */ |
| | | protected final void start(Params params) { |
| | | final File baseFolder = new File(Params.baseFolder).getAbsoluteFile(); |
| | | FileSettings settings = params.FILESETTINGS; |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.settingsfile)) { |
| | | if (new File(params.settingsfile).exists()) { |
| | | settings = new FileSettings(params.settingsfile); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (params.dailyLogFile) { |
| | | // Configure log4j for daily log file generation |
| | | InputStream is = null; |
| | | try { |
| | | is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/log4j.properties"); |
| | | Properties loggingProperties = new Properties(); |
| | | loggingProperties.load(is); |
| | | |
| | | loggingProperties.put("log4j.appender.R.File", new File(baseFolder, "logs/gitblit.log").getAbsolutePath()); |
| | | loggingProperties.put("log4j.rootCategory", "INFO, R"); |
| | | |
| | | if (settings.getBoolean(Keys.web.debugMode, false)) { |
| | | loggingProperties.put("log4j.logger.com.gitblit", "DEBUG"); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | PropertyConfigurator.configure(loggingProperties); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | e.printStackTrace(); |
| | | } finally { |
| | | try { |
| | | is.close(); |
| | | } catch (IOException e) { |
| | | e.printStackTrace(); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitBlitServer.class); |
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | logger.info(" _____ _ _ _ _ _ _"); |
| | | logger.info(" | __ \\(_)| | | | | |(_)| |"); |
| | | logger.info(" | | \\/ _ | |_ | |__ | | _ | |_"); |
| | | logger.info(" | | __ | || __|| '_ \\ | || || __|"); |
| | | logger.info(" | |_\\ \\| || |_ | |_) || || || |_"); |
| | | logger.info(" \\____/|_| \\__||_.__/ |_||_| \\__|"); |
| | | int spacing = (Constants.BORDER.length() - Constants.getGitBlitVersion().length()) / 2; |
| | | StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
| | | while (spacing > 0) { |
| | | spacing--; |
| | | sb.append(' '); |
| | | } |
| | | logger.info(sb.toString() + Constants.getGitBlitVersion()); |
| | | logger.info(""); |
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | |
| | | System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); |
| | | |
| | | String osname = System.getProperty("os.name"); |
| | | String osversion = System.getProperty("os.version"); |
| | | logger.info("Running on " + osname + " (" + osversion + ")"); |
| | | |
| | | List<Connector> connectors = new ArrayList<Connector>(); |
| | | |
| | | // conditionally configure the http connector |
| | | if (params.port > 0) { |
| | | Connector httpConnector = createConnector(params.useNIO, params.port, settings.getInteger(Keys.server.threadPoolSize, 50)); |
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.httpBindInterface, null); |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) { |
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("Binding connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}", |
| | | params.port, bindInterface)); |
| | | httpConnector.setHost(bindInterface); |
| | | } |
| | | if (params.port < 1024 && !isWindows()) { |
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!"); |
| | | } |
| | | if (params.port > 0 && params.securePort > 0 && settings.getBoolean(Keys.server.redirectToHttpsPort, true)) { |
| | | // redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS |
| | | if (httpConnector instanceof SelectChannelConnector) { |
| | | ((SelectChannelConnector) httpConnector).setConfidentialPort(params.securePort); |
| | | } else { |
| | | ((SocketConnector) httpConnector).setConfidentialPort(params.securePort); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | connectors.add(httpConnector); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // conditionally configure the https connector |
| | | if (params.securePort > 0) { |
| | | File certificatesConf = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CA_CONFIG); |
| | | File serverKeyStore = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.SERVER_KEY_STORE); |
| | | File serverTrustStore = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.SERVER_TRUST_STORE); |
| | | File caRevocationList = new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CA_REVOCATION_LIST); |
| | | |
| | | // generate CA & web certificates, create certificate stores |
| | | X509Metadata metadata = new X509Metadata("localhost", params.storePassword); |
| | | // set default certificate values from config file |
| | | if (certificatesConf.exists()) { |
| | | FileBasedConfig config = new FileBasedConfig(certificatesConf, FS.detect()); |
| | | try { |
| | | config.load(); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | logger.error("Error parsing " + certificatesConf, e); |
| | | } |
| | | NewCertificateConfig certificateConfig = NewCertificateConfig.KEY.parse(config); |
| | | certificateConfig.update(metadata); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | metadata.notAfter = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10*TimeUtils.ONEYEAR); |
| | | X509Utils.prepareX509Infrastructure(metadata, baseFolder, new X509Log() { |
| | | @Override |
| | | public void log(String message) { |
| | | BufferedWriter writer = null; |
| | | try { |
| | | writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(baseFolder, X509Utils.CERTS + File.separator + "log.txt"), true)); |
| | | writer.write(MessageFormat.format("{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}: {1}", new Date(), message)); |
| | | writer.newLine(); |
| | | writer.flush(); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitblitAuthority.class).error("Failed to append log entry!", e); |
| | | } finally { |
| | | if (writer != null) { |
| | | try { |
| | | writer.close(); |
| | | } catch (IOException e) { |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | }); |
| | | |
| | | if (serverKeyStore.exists()) { |
| | | Connector secureConnector = createSSLConnector(params.alias, serverKeyStore, serverTrustStore, params.storePassword, |
| | | caRevocationList, params.useNIO, params.securePort, settings.getInteger(Keys.server.threadPoolSize, 50), params.requireClientCertificates); |
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.httpsBindInterface, null); |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) { |
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format( |
| | | "Binding ssl connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}", params.securePort, |
| | | bindInterface)); |
| | | secureConnector.setHost(bindInterface); |
| | | } |
| | | if (params.securePort < 1024 && !isWindows()) { |
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!"); |
| | | } |
| | | connectors.add(secureConnector); |
| | | } else { |
| | | logger.warn("Failed to find or load Keystore?"); |
| | | logger.warn("SSL connector DISABLED."); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // conditionally configure the ajp connector |
| | | if (params.ajpPort > 0) { |
| | | Connector ajpConnector = createAJPConnector(params.ajpPort); |
| | | String bindInterface = settings.getString(Keys.server.ajpBindInterface, null); |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bindInterface)) { |
| | | logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("Binding connector on port {0,number,0} to {1}", |
| | | params.ajpPort, bindInterface)); |
| | | ajpConnector.setHost(bindInterface); |
| | | } |
| | | if (params.ajpPort < 1024 && !isWindows()) { |
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!"); |
| | | } |
| | | connectors.add(ajpConnector); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // tempDir is where the embedded Gitblit web application is expanded and |
| | | // where Jetty creates any necessary temporary files |
| | | File tempDir = com.gitblit.utils.FileUtils.resolveParameter(Constants.baseFolder$, baseFolder, params.temp); |
| | | if (tempDir.exists()) { |
| | | try { |
| | | FileUtils.delete(tempDir, FileUtils.RECURSIVE | FileUtils.RETRY); |
| | | } catch (IOException x) { |
| | | logger.warn("Failed to delete temp dir " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath(), x); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | if (!tempDir.mkdirs()) { |
| | | logger.warn("Failed to create temp dir " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | Server server = new Server(); |
| | | server.setStopAtShutdown(true); |
| | | server.setConnectors(connectors.toArray(new Connector[connectors.size()])); |
| | | |
| | | // Get the execution path of this class |
| | | // We use this to set the WAR path. |
| | | ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = GitBlitServer.class.getProtectionDomain(); |
| | | URL location = protectionDomain.getCodeSource().getLocation(); |
| | | |
| | | // Root WebApp Context |
| | | WebAppContext rootContext = new WebAppContext(); |
| | | rootContext.setContextPath(settings.getString(Keys.server.contextPath, "/")); |
| | | rootContext.setServer(server); |
| | | rootContext.setWar(location.toExternalForm()); |
| | | rootContext.setTempDirectory(tempDir); |
| | | |
| | | // Set cookies HttpOnly so they are not accessible to JavaScript engines |
| | | HashSessionManager sessionManager = new HashSessionManager(); |
| | | sessionManager.setHttpOnly(true); |
| | | // Use secure cookies if only serving https |
| | | sessionManager.setSecureRequestOnly(params.port <= 0 && params.securePort > 0); |
| | | rootContext.getSessionHandler().setSessionManager(sessionManager); |
| | | |
| | | // Ensure there is a defined User Service |
| | | String realmUsers = params.userService; |
| | | if (StringUtils.isEmpty(realmUsers)) { |
| | | logger.error(MessageFormat.format("PLEASE SPECIFY {0}!!", Keys.realm.userService)); |
| | | return; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // Override settings from the command-line |
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.realm.userService, params.userService); |
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.git.repositoriesFolder, params.repositoriesFolder); |
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.git.daemonPort, params.gitPort); |
| | | settings.overrideSetting(Keys.git.sshPort, params.sshPort); |
| | | |
| | | // Start up an in-memory LDAP server, if configured |
| | | try { |
| | | if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.ldapLdifFile)) { |
| | | File ldifFile = new File(params.ldapLdifFile); |
| | | if (ldifFile != null && ldifFile.exists()) { |
| | | URI ldapUrl = new URI(settings.getRequiredString(Keys.realm.ldap.server)); |
| | | String firstLine = new Scanner(ldifFile).nextLine(); |
| | | String rootDN = firstLine.substring(4); |
| | | String bindUserName = settings.getString(Keys.realm.ldap.username, ""); |
| | | String bindPassword = settings.getString(Keys.realm.ldap.password, ""); |
| | | |
| | | // Get the port |
| | | int port = ldapUrl.getPort(); |
| | | if (port == -1) |
| | | port = 389; |
| | | |
| | | InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig config = new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig(rootDN); |
| | | config.addAdditionalBindCredentials(bindUserName, bindPassword); |
| | | config.setListenerConfigs(InMemoryListenerConfig.createLDAPConfig("default", port)); |
| | | config.setSchema(null); |
| | | |
| | | InMemoryDirectoryServer ds = new InMemoryDirectoryServer(config); |
| | | ds.importFromLDIF(true, new LDIFReader(ldifFile)); |
| | | ds.startListening(); |
| | | |
| | | logger.info("LDAP Server started at ldap://localhost:" + port); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | // Completely optional, just show a warning |
| | | logger.warn("Unable to start LDAP server", e); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // Set the server's contexts |
| | | server.setHandler(rootContext); |
| | | |
| | | // redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS |
| | | if (params.port > 0 && params.securePort > 0 && settings.getBoolean(Keys.server.redirectToHttpsPort, true)) { |
| | | logger.info(String.format("Configuring automatic http(%1$s) -> https(%2$s) redirects", params.port, params.securePort)); |
| | | // Create the internal mechanisms to handle secure connections and redirects |
| | | Constraint constraint = new Constraint(); |
| | | constraint.setDataConstraint(Constraint.DC_CONFIDENTIAL); |
| | | |
| | | ConstraintMapping cm = new ConstraintMapping(); |
| | | cm.setConstraint(constraint); |
| | | cm.setPathSpec("/*"); |
| | | |
| | | ConstraintSecurityHandler sh = new ConstraintSecurityHandler(); |
| | | sh.setConstraintMappings(new ConstraintMapping[] { cm }); |
| | | |
| | | // Configure this context to use the Security Handler defined before |
| | | rootContext.setHandler(sh); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // Setup the Gitblit context |
| | | GitblitContext gitblit = newGitblit(settings, baseFolder); |
| | | rootContext.addEventListener(gitblit); |
| | | |
| | | try { |
| | | // start the shutdown monitor |
| | | if (params.shutdownPort > 0) { |
| | | Thread shutdownMonitor = new ShutdownMonitorThread(server, params); |
| | | shutdownMonitor.start(); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // start Jetty |
| | | server.start(); |
| | | server.join(); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | e.printStackTrace(); |
| | | System.exit(100); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | protected GitblitContext newGitblit(IStoredSettings settings, File baseFolder) { |
| | | return new GitblitContext(settings, baseFolder); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Creates an http connector. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param useNIO |
| | | * @param port |
| | | * @param threadPoolSize |
| | | * @return an http connector |
| | | */ |
| | | private Connector createConnector(boolean useNIO, int port, int threadPoolSize) { |
| | | Connector connector; |
| | | if (useNIO) { |
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SelectChannelConnector on port " + port); |
| | | SelectChannelConnector nioconn = new SelectChannelConnector(); |
| | | nioconn.setSoLingerTime(-1); |
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) { |
| | | nioconn.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize)); |
| | | } |
| | | connector = nioconn; |
| | | } else { |
| | | logger.info("Setting up SocketConnector on port " + port); |
| | | SocketConnector sockconn = new SocketConnector(); |
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) { |
| | | sockconn.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize)); |
| | | } |
| | | connector = sockconn; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | connector.setPort(port); |
| | | connector.setMaxIdleTime(30000); |
| | | return connector; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Creates an https connector. |
| | | * |
| | | * SSL renegotiation will be enabled if the JVM is 1.6.0_22 or later. |
| | | * oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/tlsreadme2-176330.html |
| | | * |
| | | * @param certAlias |
| | | * @param keyStore |
| | | * @param clientTrustStore |
| | | * @param storePassword |
| | | * @param caRevocationList |
| | | * @param useNIO |
| | | * @param port |
| | | * @param threadPoolSize |
| | | * @param requireClientCertificates |
| | | * @return an https connector |
| | | */ |
| | | private Connector createSSLConnector(String certAlias, File keyStore, File clientTrustStore, |
| | | String storePassword, File caRevocationList, boolean useNIO, int port, int threadPoolSize, |
| | | boolean requireClientCertificates) { |
| | | GitblitSslContextFactory factory = new GitblitSslContextFactory(certAlias, |
| | | keyStore, clientTrustStore, storePassword, caRevocationList); |
| | | SslConnector connector; |
| | | if (useNIO) { |
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SslSelectChannelConnector on port " + port); |
| | | SslSelectChannelConnector ssl = new SslSelectChannelConnector(factory); |
| | | ssl.setSoLingerTime(-1); |
| | | if (requireClientCertificates) { |
| | | factory.setNeedClientAuth(true); |
| | | } else { |
| | | factory.setWantClientAuth(true); |
| | | } |
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) { |
| | | ssl.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize)); |
| | | } |
| | | connector = ssl; |
| | | } else { |
| | | logger.info("Setting up NIO SslSocketConnector on port " + port); |
| | | SslSocketConnector ssl = new SslSocketConnector(factory); |
| | | if (threadPoolSize > 0) { |
| | | ssl.setThreadPool(new QueuedThreadPool(threadPoolSize)); |
| | | } |
| | | connector = ssl; |
| | | } |
| | | connector.setPort(port); |
| | | connector.setMaxIdleTime(30000); |
| | | |
| | | return connector; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Creates an ajp connector. |
| | | * |
| | | * @param port |
| | | * @return an ajp connector |
| | | */ |
| | | private Connector createAJPConnector(int port) { |
| | | logger.info("Setting up AJP Connector on port " + port); |
| | | Ajp13SocketConnector ajp = new Ajp13SocketConnector(); |
| | | ajp.setPort(port); |
| | | if (port < 1024 && !isWindows()) { |
| | | logger.warn("Gitblit needs to run with ROOT permissions for ports < 1024!"); |
| | | } |
| | | return ajp; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Tests to see if the operating system is Windows. |
| | | * |
| | | * @return true if this is a windows machine |
| | | */ |
| | | private boolean isWindows() { |
| | | return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * The ShutdownMonitorThread opens a socket on a specified port and waits |
| | | * for an incoming connection. When that connection is accepted a shutdown |
| | | * message is issued to the running Jetty server. |
| | | * |
| | | * @author James Moger |
| | | * |
| | | */ |
| | | private static class ShutdownMonitorThread extends Thread { |
| | | |
| | | private final ServerSocket socket; |
| | | |
| | | private final Server server; |
| | | |
| | | private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShutdownMonitorThread.class); |
| | | |
| | | public ShutdownMonitorThread(Server server, Params params) { |
| | | this.server = server; |
| | | setDaemon(true); |
| | | setName(Constants.NAME + " Shutdown Monitor"); |
| | | ServerSocket skt = null; |
| | | try { |
| | | skt = new ServerSocket(params.shutdownPort, 1, InetAddress.getByName("")); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | logger.warn("Could not open shutdown monitor on port " + params.shutdownPort, e); |
| | | } |
| | | socket = skt; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @Override |
| | | public void run() { |
| | | logger.info("Shutdown Monitor listening on port " + socket.getLocalPort()); |
| | | Socket accept; |
| | | try { |
| | | accept = socket.accept(); |
| | | BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( |
| | | accept.getInputStream())); |
| | | reader.readLine(); |
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | logger.info("Stopping " + Constants.NAME); |
| | | logger.info(Constants.BORDER); |
| | | server.stop(); |
| | | server.setStopAtShutdown(false); |
| | | accept.close(); |
| | | socket.close(); |
| | | } catch (Exception e) { |
| | | logger.warn("Failed to shutdown Jetty", e); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Parameters class for GitBlitServer. |
| | | */ |
| | | public static class Params { |
| | | |
| | | public static String baseFolder; |
| | | |
| | | private final FileSettings FILESETTINGS = new FileSettings(new File(baseFolder, Constants.PROPERTIES_FILE).getAbsolutePath()); |
| | | |
| | | /* |
| | | * Server parameters |
| | | */ |
| | | @Option(name = "--help", aliases = { "-h"}, usage = "Show this help") |
| | | public Boolean help = false; |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--stop", usage = "Stop Server") |
| | | public Boolean stop = false; |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--tempFolder", usage = "Folder for server to extract built-in webapp", metaVar="PATH") |
| | | public String temp = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.tempFolder, "temp"); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--dailyLogFile", usage = "Log to a rolling daily log file INSTEAD of stdout.") |
| | | public Boolean dailyLogFile = false; |
| | | |
| | | /* |
| | | * GIT Servlet Parameters |
| | | */ |
| | | @Option(name = "--repositoriesFolder", usage = "Git Repositories Folder", metaVar="PATH") |
| | | public String repositoriesFolder = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.git.repositoriesFolder, |
| | | "git"); |
| | | |
| | | /* |
| | | * Authentication Parameters |
| | | */ |
| | | @Option(name = "--userService", usage = "Authentication and Authorization Service (filename or fully qualified classname)") |
| | | public String userService = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.realm.userService, |
| | | "users.conf"); |
| | | |
| | | /* |
| | | * JETTY Parameters |
| | | */ |
| | | @Option(name = "--useNio", usage = "Use NIO Connector else use Socket Connector.") |
| | | public Boolean useNIO = FILESETTINGS.getBoolean(Keys.server.useNio, true); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--httpPort", usage = "HTTP port for to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)", metaVar="PORT") |
| | | public Integer port = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.httpPort, 0); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--httpsPort", usage = "HTTPS port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)", metaVar="PORT") |
| | | public Integer securePort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.httpsPort, 8443); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--ajpPort", usage = "AJP port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)", metaVar="PORT") |
| | | public Integer ajpPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.ajpPort, 0); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--gitPort", usage = "Git Daemon port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)", metaVar="PORT") |
| | | public Integer gitPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.git.daemonPort, 9418); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--sshPort", usage = "Git SSH port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)", metaVar = "PORT") |
| | | public Integer sshPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.git.sshPort, 29418); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--alias", usage = "Alias of SSL certificate in keystore for serving https.", metaVar="ALIAS") |
| | | public String alias = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.certificateAlias, ""); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--storePassword", usage = "Password for SSL (https) keystore.", metaVar="PASSWORD") |
| | | public String storePassword = FILESETTINGS.getString(Keys.server.storePassword, ""); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--shutdownPort", usage = "Port for Shutdown Monitor to listen on. (port <= 0 will disable this monitor)", metaVar="PORT") |
| | | public Integer shutdownPort = FILESETTINGS.getInteger(Keys.server.shutdownPort, 8081); |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--requireClientCertificates", usage = "Require client X509 certificates for https connections.") |
| | | public Boolean requireClientCertificates = FILESETTINGS.getBoolean(Keys.server.requireClientCertificates, false); |
| | | |
| | | /* |
| | | * Setting overrides |
| | | */ |
| | | @Option(name = "--settings", usage = "Path to alternative settings", metaVar="FILE") |
| | | public String settingsfile; |
| | | |
| | | @Option(name = "--ldapLdifFile", usage = "Path to LDIF file. This will cause an in-memory LDAP server to be started according to gitblit settings", metaVar="FILE") |
| | | public String ldapLdifFile; |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | } |