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| | | <li><a href='http://episodes.gitminutes.com/2014/05/gitminutes-29-james-moger-on-gitblit.html'>GitMinutes #29: James Moger on Gitblit</a></li> |
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| | | </ul><p>Only users with write (RW) permissions to the repository can give a +2 and -2 score. All other users are allowed to score +/-1. If the repository is configured to <em>require approval</em> then then +2 score has an important meaning. The merge button will only be shown if there is at least one +2 score and no -2 scores. If there is a -2 score, the merge is blocked by the web ui. Users with RW permissions, however, can still manually merge and push the patchset to the integration branch; Gitblit does not enforce vetoed patchsets on push.</p> |
| | | <h4 class="section" id='H20'><a href="#H20" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Reviews and Updated or Rewritten Patchsets</h4><p>If the patchset is updated or rewritten, all former review scores are ignored; review scores apply to specific revisions of patchsets - they are not blanket approvals/disapprovals. |
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