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| | | <body>
| | | <wicket:extend>
| | |
| | | <!-- markdown message -->
| | | <div class="markdown">
| | | <h2>Empty Repository</h2>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <span wicket:id="repository" style="font-weight: bold;">[repository]</span> is an empty repository and can not be viewed by Gitblit.
| | | <p></p>
| | | Please push some commits to <span wicket:id="pushurl"></span>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <h2>Empty Repository</h2>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <div class="row">
| | | <div class="span10">
| | | <div class="alert alert-success">
| | | <span wicket:id="repository" style="font-weight: bold;">[repository]</span> is an empty repository and can not be viewed by Gitblit.
| | | <p></p> |
| | | Please push some commits to <span wicket:id="pushurl"></span>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <hr/>
| | | After you have pushed commits you may <b>refresh</b> this page to view your repository.
| | | </div>
| | | </div>
| | | </div>
| | | |
| | | <h3>Git Command-Line Syntax</h3>
| | | <span style="padding-bottom:5px;">If you do not have a local Git repository, then you should clone this repository, commit some files, and then push your commits back to Gitblit.</span>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <pre style="padding-top:5px;" wicket:id="cloneSyntax"></pre>
| | | <pre style="padding: 5px 30px;" wicket:id="cloneSyntax"></pre>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <span style="padding-bottom:5px;">If you already have a local Git repository with commits, then you may add this repository as a remote and push to it.</span>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <pre wicket:id="remoteSyntax"></pre>
| | | <pre wicket:id="remoteSyntax" style="padding: 5px 30px;"></pre>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <h3>Learn Git</h3>
| | | If you are unsure how to use this information, consider reviewing the <a href="http://book.git-scm.com">Git Community Book</a> or <a href="http://progit.org/book" target="_blank">Pro Git</a> for a better understanding on how to use Git.
| | |
| | | <li><a href="http://git-scm.com">Git</a> - the official, command-line Git</li>
| | | <li><a href="http://tortoisegit.googlecode.com">TortoiseGit</a> - Windows file explorer integration (requires official, command-line Git)</li>
| | | <li><a href="http://eclipse.org/egit">Eclipse/EGit</a> - Git for the Eclipse IDE (based on JGit, like Gitblit)</li>
| | | <li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/">Git Extensions</a> - C# frontend for Git that features Windows Explorer and Visual Studio integration</li>
| | | <li><a href="http://gitx.laullon.com/">GitX (L)</a> - a Mac OS X Git client</li> |
| | | </ul>
| | | <p></p>
| | | <h4>Commercial Git Clients</h4>
| | | <h4>Commercial/Closed-Source Git Clients</h4>
| | | <ul>
| | | <li><a href="http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit">SmartGit</a> - Java application (requires official, command-line Git)</li>
| | | <li><a href="http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit">SmartGit</a> - A Java Git, Mercurial, and SVN client application (requires official, command-line Git)</li>
| | | <li><a href="http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/">SourceTree</a> - A free Mac Client for Git, Mercurial, and SVN</li>
| | | </ul>
| | | </div> |
| | | </wicket:extend>
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