| | |
| | | */
| | | package com.gitblit.wicket.pages;
| | |
| | | import java.text.MessageFormat;
| | | import java.text.ParseException;
| | |
| | | import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
| | |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
| | |
| | | import com.gitblit.GitBlit;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.MarkdownUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.RepositoryPage;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.WicketUtils;
| | |
| | | public class MarkdownPage extends RepositoryPage {
| | | |
| | |
| | | public MarkdownPage(PageParameters params) {
| | | super(params);
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Repository r = getRepository();
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.getCommit(r, objectId);
| | |
| | | String [] encodings = GitBlit.getEncodings();
| | | |
| | | // markdown page links
| | | add(new Label("blameLink", getString("gb.blame")));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("historyLink", HistoryPage.class, WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, objectId, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("rawLink", RawPage.class, WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, objectId, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("headLink", MarkdownPage.class, WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, Constants.HEAD, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("blameLink", BlamePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, objectId, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("historyLink", HistoryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, objectId, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("rawLink", RawPage.class, WicketUtils.newPathParameter(
| | | repositoryName, objectId, markdownPath)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("headLink", MarkdownPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, Constants.HEAD, markdownPath)));
| | |
| | | // Read raw markdown content and transform it to html |
| | | String markdownText = JGitUtils.getRawContentAsString(r, commit, markdownPath);
| | | // Read raw markdown content and transform it to html
| | | String markdownText = JGitUtils.getStringContent(r, commit.getTree(), markdownPath, encodings);
| | | String htmlText;
| | | try {
| | | htmlText = MarkdownUtils.transformMarkdown(markdownText);
| | | } catch (ParseException p) {
| | | error(p.getMessage());
| | | htmlText = markdownText;
| | | markdownText = MessageFormat.format("<div class=\"alert alert-error\"><strong>{0}:</strong> {1}</div>{2}", getString("gb.error"), getString("gb.markdownFailure"), markdownText);
| | | htmlText = StringUtils.breakLinesForHtml(markdownText);
| | | }
| | | |
| | |
| | | // Add the html to the page
| | | add(new Label("markdownText", htmlText).setEscapeModelStrings(false));
| | | }