| | |
| | | set JVM=C:\Program Files\Java\JVM1.6.0_21
| | | JavaService.exe -install gitblit "%JVM%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" -Xmx1024M -Djava.class.path=%CD%\gitblit.jar;"%JVM%\lib\tools.jar" -start com.gitblit.Launcher -params --storePassword dosomegit -stop com.gitblit.Launcher -params --stop -out %CD%\logs\stdout.log -err %CD%\logs\stderr.log -current %CD% |
| | | @REM Install Gitblit as a Windows service.
| | |
| | | @REM gitblitw.exe (prunmgr.exe) is a GUI application for monitoring |
| | | @REM and configuring the Gitblit procrun service.
| | | @REM
| | | @REM By default this tool launches the service properties dialog
| | | @REM but it also has some other very useful functionality.
| | | @REM
| | | @REM http://commons.apache.org/daemon/procrun.html
| | |
| | | @REM arch = x86, amd64, or ia32
| | | SET ARCH=amd64
| | |
| | | @REM Be careful not to introduce trailing whitespace after the ^ characters.
| | | @REM Use ; or # to separate values in the --StartParams parameter.
| | | "%CD%\%ARCH%\gitblit.exe" //IS//gitblit ^
| | | --DisplayName="gitblit" ^
| | | --Description="a pure Java Git solution" ^
| | | --Startup=auto ^
| | | --LogPath="%CD%\logs" ^
| | | --LogLevel=INFO ^
| | | --LogPrefix=gitblit ^
| | | --StdOutput=auto ^
| | | --StdError=auto ^
| | | --StartPath="%CD%" ^
| | | --StartClass=com.gitblit.Launcher ^
| | | --StartMethod=main ^
| | | --StartParams="--storePassword;gitblit" ^
| | | --StartMode=jvm ^
| | | --StopPath="%CD%" ^
| | | --StopClass=com.gitblit.Launcher ^
| | | --StopMethod=main ^
| | | --StopParams="--stop" ^
| | | --StopMode=jvm ^
| | | --Classpath="%CD%\gitblit.jar" ^
| | | --Jvm=auto ^
| | | --JvmMx=1024
| | | |