| | |
| | | ## Gitblit Features
| | | ## Standard Features (GO/WAR)
| | | - JGit SmartHTTP servlet
| | | - Browser and git client authentication
| | | - Four *per-repository* access control configurations with a Read-Only control flag
| | | <ul class='noBullets'>
| | | <li> *Anonymous View, Clone & Push*</li>
| | | <li> *Authenticated Push*</li>
| | | <li> *Authenticated Clone & Push*</li>
| | | <li> *Authenticated View, Clone & Push*</li>
| | | <li> Freeze repository (i.e. deny push, make read-only)
| | | </ul>
| | | -  *Anonymous View, Clone & Push*
| | | -  *Authenticated Push*
| | | -  *Authenticated Clone & Push*
| | | -  *Authenticated View, Clone & Push*
| | | -  Freeze repository (i.e. deny push, make read-only)
| | | - Ability to federate with one or more other Gitblit instances
| | | - RSS/JSON RPC interface
| | | - Java/Swing Gitblit Manager tool |
| | | - Gitweb inspired web UI
| | | - Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete repositories through the web UI
| | | - Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete users through the web UI
| | | - Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete repositories through the web UI or RPC interface
| | | - Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete users through the web UI or RPC interface
| | | - Repository Owners may edit repositories through the web UI
| | | - Git-notes support
| | | - Git-notes display support
| | | - Branch metrics (uses Google Charts)
| | | - HEAD and Branch RSS feeds
| | | - Blame annotations view
| | |
| | | - Customizable regular expression substitution for commit messages (i.e. bug or code review link integration)
| | | - Single text file for users configuration
| | | - Optional utility pages
| | | <ul class='noBullets'>
| | | <li> Docs page which enumerates all Markdown files within a repository</li>
| | | <li> Ticgit ticket pages *(based on last MIT release bf57b032 2009-01-27)*</li>
| | | </ul>
| | | -  Docs page which enumerates all Markdown files within a repository
| | | -  Ticgit ticket pages *(based on last MIT release bf57b032 2009-01-27)*
| | |
| | | ## Gitblit GO Features
| | | - Out-of-the-box integrated stack requiring minimal configuration
| | | - Automatically generates a self-signed certificate for *localhost* https communications<br/>(includes script to generate a self-signed certificate for *your hostname*, see [setup](/setup.html) for details)
| | | - Automatically generates a self-signed certificate for *localhost* https communications |
| | | (includes script to generate a self-signed certificate for *your hostname*, see [setup](/setup.html) for details)
| | | - Single text file for configuring server and gitblit
| | | - A Windows service installation script and configuration tool
| | |
| | | ## Limitations
| | | - HTTP/HTTPS are the only supported protocols
| | | - HTTP/HTTPS are the only supported Git protocols
| | | - Access controls are not path-based, they are repository-based
| | | - Only Administrators can create, rename or delete repositories
| | | - Only Administrators can create, modify or delete users
| | | - Commit hooks are not supported
| | | - Native Git may be needed to periodically run git-gc as [JGit][jgit] does not fully support the git-gc featureset.
| | |
| | | ### Caveats