| | |
| | | */
| | | package com.gitblit.tests;
| | |
| | | import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
| | | import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
| | | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
| | | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
| | | import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
| | |
| | | import java.io.File;
| | | import java.io.FileOutputStream;
| | | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
| | | import java.util.Arrays;
| | | import java.util.Date;
| | | import java.util.List;
| | | import java.util.Map;
| | |
| | | import junit.framework.TestCase;
| | |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
| | |
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryCache.FileKey;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils;
| | | import org.junit.Test;
| | |
| | | import com.gitblit.Constants.SearchType;
| | | import com.gitblit.GitBlit;
| | | import com.gitblit.Keys;
| | | import com.gitblit.models.GitNote;
| | |
| | | import com.gitblit.models.PathModel.PathChangeModel;
| | | import com.gitblit.models.RefModel;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils.SearchType;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
| | |
| | | public class JGitUtilsTest extends TestCase {
| | | public class JGitUtilsTest {
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testDisplayName() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getDisplayName(new PersonIdent("Napoleon Bonaparte", "")).equals(
| | | "Napoleon Bonaparte"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getDisplayName(new PersonIdent("", "someone@somewhere.com")).equals(
| | | "<someone@somewhere.com>"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getDisplayName(
| | | new PersonIdent("Napoleon Bonaparte", "someone@somewhere.com")).equals(
| | | "Napoleon Bonaparte <someone@somewhere.com>"));
| | | assertEquals("Napoleon Bonaparte",
| | | JGitUtils.getDisplayName(new PersonIdent("Napoleon Bonaparte", "")));
| | | assertEquals("<someone@somewhere.com>",
| | | JGitUtils.getDisplayName(new PersonIdent("", "someone@somewhere.com")));
| | | assertEquals("Napoleon Bonaparte <someone@somewhere.com>",
| | | JGitUtils.getDisplayName(new PersonIdent("Napoleon Bonaparte",
| | | "someone@somewhere.com")));
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testFindRepositories() {
| | | List<String> list = JGitUtils.getRepositoryList(null, true, true);
| | | assertTrue(list.size() == 0);
| | | assertEquals(0, list.size());
| | | list.addAll(JGitUtils.getRepositoryList(new File("DoesNotExist"), true, true));
| | | assertTrue(list.size() == 0);
| | | assertEquals(0, list.size());
| | | list.addAll(JGitUtils.getRepositoryList(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, true, true));
| | | assertTrue("No repositories found in " + GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, list.size() > 0);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testOpenRepository() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue("Could not find repository!", repository != null);
| | | assertNotNull("Could not find repository!", repository);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testFirstCommit() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getFirstChange(null, null).equals(new Date(0)));
| | | assertEquals(new Date(0), JGitUtils.getFirstChange(null, null));
| | |
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.getFirstCommit(repository, null);
| | | Date firstChange = JGitUtils.getFirstChange(repository, null);
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue("Could not get first commit!", commit != null);
| | | assertTrue("Incorrect first commit!",
| | | commit.getName().equals("f554664a346629dc2b839f7292d06bad2db4aece"));
| | | assertNotNull("Could not get first commit!", commit);
| | | assertEquals("Incorrect first commit!", "f554664a346629dc2b839f7292d06bad2db4aece",
| | | commit.getName());
| | | assertTrue(firstChange.equals(new Date(commit.getCommitTime() * 1000L)));
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testLastCommit() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getLastChange(null).equals(new Date(0)));
| | | assertEquals(new Date(0), JGitUtils.getLastChange(null, null));
| | |
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getCommit(repository, null) != null);
| | | Date date = JGitUtils.getLastChange(repository);
| | | Date date = JGitUtils.getLastChange(repository, null);
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue("Could not get last repository change date!", date != null);
| | | assertNotNull("Could not get last repository change date!", date);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testCreateRepository() throws Exception {
| | | String[] repositories = { "NewTestRepository.git", "NewTestRepository" };
| | | for (String repositoryName : repositories) {
| | | boolean isBare = repositoryName.endsWith(".git");
| | | Repository repository = JGitUtils.createRepository(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES,
| | | repositoryName, isBare);
| | | File folder;
| | | if (isBare) {
| | | folder = new File(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, repositoryName);
| | | } else {
| | | folder = new File(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, repositoryName + "/.git");
| | | }
| | | assertTrue(repository != null);
| | | repositoryName);
| | | File folder = FileKey.resolve(new File(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, repositoryName),
| | | assertNotNull(repository);
| | | assertFalse(JGitUtils.hasCommits(repository));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getFirstCommit(repository, null) == null);
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getFirstChange(repository, null).getTime() == folder
| | | .lastModified());
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getLastChange(repository).getTime() == folder.lastModified());
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getCommit(repository, null) == null);
| | | assertNull(JGitUtils.getFirstCommit(repository, null));
| | | assertEquals(folder.lastModified(), JGitUtils.getFirstChange(repository, null)
| | | .getTime());
| | | assertEquals(folder.lastModified(), JGitUtils.getLastChange(repository, null).getTime());
| | | assertNull(JGitUtils.getCommit(repository, null));
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue(GitBlit.self().deleteRepository(repositoryName));
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testRefs() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository();
| | | Map<ObjectId, List<RefModel>> map = JGitUtils.getAllRefs(repository);
| | |
| | | List<RefModel> list = entry.getValue();
| | | for (RefModel ref : list) {
| | | if (ref.displayName.equals("refs/tags/spearce-gpg-pub")) {
| | | assertTrue(ref.getObjectId().getName().equals("8bbde7aacf771a9afb6992434f1ae413e010c6d8"));
| | | assertTrue(ref.getAuthorIdent().getEmailAddress().equals("spearce@spearce.org"));
| | | assertEquals("refs/tags/spearce-gpg-pub", ref.toString());
| | | assertEquals("8bbde7aacf771a9afb6992434f1ae413e010c6d8", ref.getObjectId()
| | | .getName());
| | | assertEquals("spearce@spearce.org", ref.getAuthorIdent().getEmailAddress());
| | | assertTrue(ref.getShortMessage().startsWith("GPG key"));
| | | assertTrue(ref.getFullMessage().startsWith("GPG key")); |
| | | assertTrue(ref.getReferencedObjectType() == Constants.OBJ_BLOB);
| | | assertTrue(ref.getFullMessage().startsWith("GPG key"));
| | | assertEquals(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, ref.getReferencedObjectType());
| | | } else if (ref.displayName.equals("refs/tags/v0.12.1")) {
| | | assertTrue(ref.isAnnotatedTag());
| | | }
| | |
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testBranches() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getTicgitRepository();
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getLocalBranches(repository, -1)) {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository();
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getLocalBranches(repository, true, 0).size() == 0);
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getLocalBranches(repository, true, -1)) {
| | | assertTrue(model.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS));
| | | assertTrue(model.equals(model));
| | | assertFalse(model.equals(""));
| | |
| | | + model.getName().hashCode());
| | | assertTrue(model.getShortMessage().equals(model.getShortMessage()));
| | | }
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repository, -1)) {
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repository, true, -1)) {
| | | assertTrue(model.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_REMOTES));
| | | assertTrue(model.equals(model));
| | | assertFalse(model.equals(""));
| | |
| | | + model.getName().hashCode());
| | | assertTrue(model.getShortMessage().equals(model.getShortMessage()));
| | | }
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repository, 10).size() == 10);
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getRemoteBranches(repository, true, 8).size() == 8);
| | | repository.close();
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testTags() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getTicgitRepository();
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getTags(repository, -1)) {
| | | if (model.getObjectId().getName().equals("283035e4848054ff1803cb0e690270787dc92399")) {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository();
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getTags(repository, true, 5).size() == 5);
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getTags(repository, true, -1)) {
| | | if (model.getObjectId().getName().equals("d28091fb2977077471138fe97da1440e0e8ae0da")) {
| | | assertTrue("Not an annotated tag!", model.isAnnotatedTag());
| | | }
| | | assertTrue(model.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_TAGS));
| | |
| | | + model.getName().hashCode());
| | | }
| | | repository.close();
| | | |
| | |
| | | repository = GitBlitSuite.getBluezGnomeRepository();
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getTags(repository, -1)) {
| | | for (RefModel model : JGitUtils.getTags(repository, true, -1)) {
| | | if (model.getObjectId().getName().equals("728643ec0c438c77e182898c2f2967dbfdc231c8")) {
| | | assertFalse(model.isAnnotatedTag());
| | | assertTrue(model.getAuthorIdent().getEmailAddress().equals("marcel@holtmann.org"));
| | | assertTrue(model.getFullMessage().equals("Update changelog and bump version number\n"));
| | | assertEquals("Update changelog and bump version number\n", model.getFullMessage());
| | | }
| | | }
| | | repository.close();
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testCommitNotes() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getJGitRepository();
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.getCommit(repository,
| | |
| | | List<GitNote> list = JGitUtils.getNotesOnCommit(repository, commit);
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue(list.size() > 0);
| | | assertTrue(list.get(0).notesRef.getReferencedObjectId().getName()
| | | .equals("183474d554e6f68478a02d9d7888b67a9338cdff"));
| | | assertEquals("183474d554e6f68478a02d9d7888b67a9338cdff", list.get(0).notesRef
| | | .getReferencedObjectId().getName());
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testCreateOrphanedBranch() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = JGitUtils.createRepository(GitBlitSuite.REPOSITORIES, "orphantest");
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.createOrphanBranch(repository,
| | | "x" + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis()).toUpperCase()));
| | | FileUtils.delete(repository.getDirectory(), FileUtils.RECURSIVE);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testStringContent() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | String contentA = JGitUtils.getStringContent(repository, null, "java.java");
| | |
| | | assertTrue("ContentA is null!", contentA != null && contentA.length() > 0);
| | | assertTrue("ContentB is null!", contentB != null && contentB.length() > 0);
| | | assertTrue(contentA.equals(contentB));
| | | assertTrue(contentC == null);
| | | assertNull(contentC);
| | | assertTrue(contentA.equals(contentD));
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testFilesInCommit() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.getCommit(repository,
| | |
| | | assertTrue("PathChangeModel equals itself failed!", path.equals(path));
| | | assertFalse("PathChangeModel equals string failed!", path.equals(""));
| | | }
| | | assertTrue(deletions.get(0).changeType.equals(ChangeType.DELETE));
| | | assertTrue(additions.get(0).changeType.equals(ChangeType.ADD));
| | | assertEquals(ChangeType.DELETE, deletions.get(0).changeType);
| | | assertEquals(ChangeType.ADD, additions.get(0).changeType);
| | | assertTrue(latestChanges.size() > 0);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testFilesInPath() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getFilesInPath(null, null, null).size() == 0);
| | | assertEquals(0, JGitUtils.getFilesInPath(null, null, null).size());
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | List<PathModel> files = JGitUtils.getFilesInPath(repository, null, null);
| | | repository.close();
| | | assertTrue(files.size() > 10);
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testDocuments() throws Exception {
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getTicgitRepository();
| | | List<String> extensions = GitBlit.getStrings(Keys.web.markdownExtensions);
| | |
| | | assertTrue(allFiles.size() > markdownDocs.size());
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testFileModes() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.TREE.getBits()).equals("drwxr-xr-x"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE.getBits()).equals(
| | | "-rw-r--r--"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE.getBits()).equals(
| | | "-rwxr-xr-x"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.SYMLINK.getBits()).equals("symlink"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.GITLINK.getBits()).equals("gitlink"));
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.MISSING.getBits()).equals("missing"));
| | | assertEquals("drwxr-xr-x", JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.TREE.getBits()));
| | | assertEquals("-rw-r--r--",
| | | JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE.getBits()));
| | | assertEquals("-rwxr-xr-x",
| | | JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE.getBits()));
| | | assertEquals("symlink", JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.SYMLINK.getBits()));
| | | assertEquals("gitlink", JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.GITLINK.getBits()));
| | | assertEquals("missing", JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(FileMode.MISSING.getBits()));
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testRevlog() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(JGitUtils.getRevLog(null, 0).size() == 0);
| | | List<RevCommit> commits = JGitUtils.getRevLog(null, 10);
| | | assertTrue(commits.size() == 0);
| | | assertEquals(0, commits.size());
| | |
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | // get most recent 10 commits
| | | commits = JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, 10);
| | | assertTrue(commits.size() == 10);
| | | assertEquals(10, commits.size());
| | |
| | | // test paging and offset by getting the 10th most recent commit
| | | RevCommit lastCommit = JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, null, 9, 1).get(0);
| | | assertTrue(commits.get(9).equals(lastCommit));
| | | assertEquals(lastCommit, commits.get(9));
| | |
| | | // grab the two most recent commits to java.java
| | | commits = JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, null, "java.java", 0, 2);
| | | assertTrue(commits.size() == 2);
| | | assertEquals(2, commits.size());
| | |
| | | // grab the commits since 2008-07-15
| | | commits = JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, null,
| | | new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2008-07-15"));
| | | assertEquals(12, commits.size());
| | | repository.close();
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testSearchTypes() throws Exception {
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.forName("commit").equals(SearchType.COMMIT));
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.forName("committer").equals(SearchType.COMMITTER));
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.forName("author").equals(SearchType.AUTHOR));
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.forName("unknown").equals(SearchType.COMMIT));
| | | assertEquals(SearchType.COMMIT, SearchType.forName("commit"));
| | | assertEquals(SearchType.COMMITTER, SearchType.forName("committer"));
| | | assertEquals(SearchType.AUTHOR, SearchType.forName("author"));
| | | assertEquals(SearchType.COMMIT, SearchType.forName("unknown"));
| | |
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.COMMIT.toString().equals("commit"));
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.COMMITTER.toString().equals("committer"));
| | | assertTrue(SearchType.AUTHOR.toString().equals("author"));
| | | assertEquals("commit", SearchType.COMMIT.toString());
| | | assertEquals("committer", SearchType.COMMITTER.toString());
| | | assertEquals("author", SearchType.AUTHOR.toString());
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testSearchRevlogs() throws Exception {
| | | assertEquals(0, JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(null, null, "java", SearchType.COMMIT, 0, 0).size());
| | | List<RevCommit> results = JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(null, null, "java", SearchType.COMMIT, 0,
| | | 3);
| | | assertTrue(results.size() == 0);
| | | assertEquals(0, results.size());
| | |
| | | // test commit message search
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | | results = JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(repository, null, "java", SearchType.COMMIT, 0, 3);
| | | assertTrue(results.size() == 3);
| | | assertEquals(3, results.size());
| | |
| | | // test author search
| | | results = JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(repository, null, "timothy", SearchType.AUTHOR, 0, -1);
| | | assertTrue(results.size() == 1);
| | | assertEquals(1, results.size());
| | |
| | | // test committer search
| | | results = JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(repository, null, "mike", SearchType.COMMITTER, 0, 10);
| | | assertTrue(results.size() == 10);
| | | assertEquals(10, results.size());
| | |
| | | // test paging and offset
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.searchRevlogs(repository, null, "mike", SearchType.COMMITTER,
| | | 9, 1).get(0);
| | | assertTrue(results.get(9).equals(commit));
| | | assertEquals(results.get(9), commit);
| | |
| | | repository.close();
| | | }
| | |
| | | @Test
| | | public void testZip() throws Exception {
| | | assertFalse(JGitUtils.zip(null, null, null, null));
| | | Repository repository = GitBlitSuite.getHelloworldRepository();
| | |
| | | assertTrue(zipFileB.length() > 0);
| | | zipFileB.delete();
| | | }
| | |
| | | } |