| | |
| | | documentation @ http://gitblit.github.io/moxie
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <property name="moxie.version" value="0.9.1" />
| | | <property name="moxie.version" value="0.9.2" />
| | | <property name="moxie.url" value="http://gitblit.github.io/moxie/maven" />
| | | <property name="moxie.jar" value="moxie-toolkit-${moxie.version}.jar" />
| | | <property name="moxie.dir" value="${user.home}/.moxie" />
| | |
| | | <property name="manager.zipfile" value="manager-${project.version}.zip" />
| | | <property name="authority.zipfile" value="authority-${project.version}.zip" />
| | | <property name="gbapi.zipfile" value="gbapi-${project.version}.zip" />
| | | <property name="express.zipfile" value="express-${project.version}.zip" />
| | | <property name="maven.directory" value="${basedir}/../gitblit-maven" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Download links -->
| | | <property name="gc.url" value="http://dl.bintray.com/jamesmoger/generic/" />
| | | <property name="gc.url" value="http://dl.bintray.com/gitblit/releases/" />
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | <property name="go.dir" value="${project.outputDirectory}/go" />
| | | <delete dir="${go.dir}" />
| | |
| | | <local name="webinf" />
| | | <property name="webinf" value="${project.compileOutputDirectory}/WEB-INF" />
| | |
| | | <prepareDataDirectory toDir="${go.dir}/data" />
| | | |
| | | <!-- Copy the web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->
| | | <copy todir="${webinf}" overwrite="true">
| | | <fileset file="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
| | | <filterset>
| | | <filter token="gb.version" value="${project.version}" />
| | | </filterset>
| | | </copy>
| | |
| | | <!-- Build jar -->
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${go.dir}/gitblit.jar" includeresources="true">
| | |
| | | <!-- Prepare the data directory -->
| | | <prepareDataDirectory toDir="${webinf}/data" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Build the WAR web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->
| | | <mx:webxml sourcefile="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" destfile="${webinf}/web.xml">
| | | <replace token="@gb.version@" value="${project.version}" />
| | | </mx:webxml>
| | | <!-- Copy the web.xml from the prototype web.xml -->
| | | <copy todir="${webinf}" overwrite="true">
| | | <fileset file="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
| | | <filterset>
| | | <filter token="gb.version" value="${project.version}" />
| | | </filterset>
| | | </copy>
| | |
| | | <!-- Gitblit jar -->
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${webinf}/lib/gitblit.jar" includeresources="false" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Cleanup -->
| | | <delete file="${project.targetDirectory}/fedclient.jar" />
| | |
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | | <!-- |
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Build a Gitblit filesystem for deployment to RedHat OpenShift Express
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="buildExpress" depends="compile" description="Build exploded WAR file suitable for deployment to OpenShift Express">
| | | <echo>Building Gitblit Express for RedHat OpenShift ${project.version}</echo>
| | | |
| | | <local name="express.dir" />
| | | <property name="express.dir" value="${project.outputDirectory}/express" /> |
| | | <delete dir="${express.dir}" />
| | | |
| | | <!-- Create the OpenShift filesystem -->
| | | <local name="deployments.root" />
| | | <property name="deployments.root" value="${express.dir}/deployments/ROOT.war"/>
| | | <mkdir dir="${deployments.root}" />
| | | <touch file="${express.dir}/deployments/ROOT.war.dodeploy" />
| | |
| | | <local name="webinf" />
| | | <property name="webinf" value="${deployments.root}/WEB-INF" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Prepare the data directory -->
| | | <prepareDataDirectory toDir="${webinf}/data" />
| | | |
| | | <!-- Build the Express web.xml from the prototype web.xml and gitblit.properties -->
| | | <mx:webxml sourcefile="${project.src.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" destfile="${webinf}/web.xml"
| | | propertiesFile="${project.distrib.dir}/data/gitblit.properties"
| | | skip="server.*">
| | | <replace token="@gb.version@" value="${project.version}" />
| | | </mx:webxml>
| | |
| | | <!-- Gitblit classes -->
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${webinf}/lib/gitblit.jar" includeresources="false" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Build Express Zip file -->
| | | <mx:zip basedir="${express.dir}" destfile="${project.targetDirectory}/${express.zipfile}">
| | | <fileset dir="${basedir}">
| | | <include name="LICENSE" />
| | | <include name="NOTICE" />
| | | </fileset>
| | | <!-- README -->
| | | <zipfileset fullpath="README.gitblit" file="${project.siteSourceDirectory}/openshift.mkd" />
| | | <!-- resources -->
| | | <zipfileset prefix="deployments/ROOT.war" dir="${project.resources.dir}">
| | | <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
| | | <exclude name="*.mkd" />
| | | </zipfileset>
| | | <!-- include "war" tagged dependencies -->
| | | <dependencies prefix="deployments/ROOT.war/WEB-INF/lib" tag="war" />
| | | </mx:zip>
| | |
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | <page name="upgrade WAR" src="upgrade_war.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <menu name="Gitblit Express" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="setup Express" src="setup_express.mkd" />
| | | <page name="upgrade Express" src="upgrade_express.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <menu name="Server Configuration" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | |
| | | <link name="Gitblit GO (Windows)" src="${gc.url}gitblit-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <link name="Gitblit GO (Linux/OSX)" src="${gc.url}gitblit-${project.releaseVersion}.tar.gz" />
| | | <link name="Gitblit WAR" src="${gc.url}gitblit-${project.releaseVersion}.war" />
| | | <link name="Gitblit Express" src="${gc.url}express-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Gitblit GO (Docker)" src="https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/jmoger/gitblit/" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Gitblit Manager" src="${gc.url}manager-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <link name="Federation Client" src="${gc.url}fedclient-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="API Library" src="${gc.url}gbapi-${project.releaseVersion}.zip" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Bintray (1.4.0+)" src="https://bintray.com/jamesmoger/generic/Gitblit" />
| | | <link name="Bintray (1.4.0+)" src="https://bintray.com/gitblit/releases/gitblit" />
| | | <link name="GoogleCode (pre-1.4.0)" src="https://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/list?can=1" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Maven Repository" src="${project.mavenUrl}" />
| | | </menu>
| | |
| | | <menu name="links">
| | | <link name="Gitblit Demo (RELEASE)" src="https://demo-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <link name="Gitblit Next (SNAPSHOT)" src="https://next-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Gitblit (Self-Hosted)" src="https://dev.gitblit.com" />
| | | <link name="dev.gitblit.com (self-hosted)" src="https://dev.gitblit.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Plugin Registry" src="http://plugins.gitblit.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | |
| | | Build all binaries and site
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="buildAll" depends="buildGO,buildWAR,buildExpress,buildFederationClient,buildManager,buildApiLibrary,buildSite" /> |
| | | <target name="buildAll" depends="buildGO,buildWAR,buildFederationClient,buildManager,buildApiLibrary,buildSite" /> |
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | |
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${gbapi.zipfile}"
| | | target="gbapi-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Upload Gitblit Express for RedHat OpenShift -->
| | | <bintrayUpload
| | | source="${project.targetDirectory}/${express.zipfile}" |
| | | target="express-${project.version}.zip" />
| | |
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | | <page name="upgrade WAR" src="upgrade_war.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <menu name="Gitblit Express" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="setup Express" src="setup_express.mkd" />
| | | <page name="upgrade Express" src="upgrade_express.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <divider />
| | | <menu name="Server Configuration" pager="true" pagerPlacement="bottom" pagerLayout="justified">
| | | <page name="administration" src="administration.mkd" />
| | | <page name="authentication" src="setup_authentication.mkd" />
| | |
| | | <page name="older releases" src="releasehistory.mkd" />
| | | </menu>
| | | <menu name="links">
| | | <link name="Gitblit Demo (RELEASE)" src="https://demo-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <link name="Gitbilt Next (SNAPSHOT)" src="https://next-gitblit.rhcloud.com" />
| | | <link name="dev.gitblit.com (self-hosted)" src="https://dev.gitblit.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | | <link name="Plugin Registry" src="http://plugins.gitblit.com" />
| | | <divider />
| | |
| | | <include name="subgit.groovy" />
| | | </fileset>
| | | </copy>
| | | <mkdir dir="@{toDir}/gitignore" />
| | | <copy todir="@{toDir}/gitignore">
| | | <fileset dir="${project.distrib.dir}/data/gitignore"> |
| | | <include name="*.gitignore" />
| | | </fileset>
| | | </copy>
| | | </sequential>
| | | </macrodef>
| | |
| | |
| | | <sequential>
| | | <echo>uploading @{source} to Bintray</echo>
| | | <exec executable="curl">
| | | <arg line="--silent --show-error -T @{source} -u${bintray.username}:${bintray.apikey} https://api.bintray.com/content/${bintray.username}/generic/${project.name}/${project.version}/@{target}"></arg>
| | | <arg line="--silent --show-error -T @{source} -u${bintray.username}:${bintray.apikey} https://api.bintray.com/content/gitblit/releases/gitblit/${project.version}/@{target}"></arg>
| | | </exec>
| | | </sequential>
| | | </macrodef>
| | |
| | | -->
| | | <target name="installMaven" depends="compile" description="Install Gitblit JAR as Maven module">
| | | <local name="project.jar" />
| | | <property name="project.jar" value="${project.outputDirectory}/gitblit.jar" />
| | | <property name="project.jar" value="${project.outputDirectory}/${project.artifactId}.jar" />
| | | <property name="resourceFolderPrefix" value="" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" includeresources="true" resourceFolderPrefix="${resourceFolderPrefix}" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" packageSources="true" includeresources="true" resourceFolderPrefix="${resourceFolderPrefix}" />
| | |
| | | <!-- Install Binary jar -->
| | | <exec executable="mvn">
| | | <arg value="install:install-file" />
| | | <arg value="-Dfile=${project.jar}" />
| | | <arg value="-DpomFile=${basedir}/pom.xml" />
| | | <arg value="-DcreateChecksum=true" />
| | | </exec>
| | | |
| | | <!-- Install Sources jar -->
| | | <exec executable="mvn">
| | | <arg value="install:install-file" />
| | | <arg value="-Dfile=${project.outputDirectory}/${project.artifactId}-sources.jar" />
| | | <arg value="-Dclassifier=sources" />
| | | <arg value="-DpomFile=${basedir}/pom.xml" />
| | | <arg value="-DcreateChecksum=true" />
| | | </exec>
| | |
| | | <target name="uploadMaven" depends="compile" description="Upload Gitblit JAR to remote Maven repository">
| | | <local name="project.jar" />
| | | <property name="project.jar" value="${project.outputDirectory}/gitblit.jar" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" includeresources="true" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" packageSources="true" includeresources="true" />
| | |
| | | <exec executable="mvn">
| | | <arg value="deploy:deploy-file" />
| | |
| | | <local name="project.jar" />
| | | <property name="project.jar" value="${project.targetDirectory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar" />
| | | <property name="resourceFolderPrefix" value="" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" includeresources="true" resourceFolderPrefix="${resourceFolderPrefix}" />
| | | <mx:jar destfile="${project.jar}" packageSources="true" includeresources="true" resourceFolderPrefix="${resourceFolderPrefix}" />
| | |
| | | <mx:install />
| | | </target>