| | |
| | | /*
| | | Git:Blit css.
| | | */
| | | html, body, table, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, form, a, span, tr, th, td, div, em {
| | | font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
| | | font-size: 12px;
| | | line-height: 15px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | body {
| | | margin: 5px;
| | | background-color: #ffffff;
| | | color: #000000;
| | | /* 50px to start the container 10px below the navbar */
| | | padding-top: 60px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | pre.prettyprint, pre.plainprint {
| | | color: black;
| | | font-size:12px;
| | | border:0px;
| | | footer {
| | | margin-top: 25px;
| | | padding: 15px 0 16px;
| | | border-top: 1px solid #E5E5E5;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age0: age < 60*60*2 */
| | | .age0 {
| | | color: #009900;
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | body, input, select {
| | | color: #202020;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age1: 60*60*2 <= age < 60*60*24*2 */
| | | .age1 {
| | | color: #009900;
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | ul, ol {
| | | margin-bottom: 10px !important;
| | | }
| | | a:focus {
| | | outline: none;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age2: 60*60*24*2 <= age */
| | | .age2 {
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | hr {
| | | margin-top: 10px;
| | | margin-bottom: 10px;
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | a {
| | | color: #0000cc;
| | | .settings h3 {
| | | margin-bottom: 0.5em; |
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #000080 !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | a:hover, a:visited, a:active {
| | | color: #880000;
| | | .pageTitle {
| | | padding-bottom: 5px;
| | | margin: 0;
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
| | | }
| | |
| | | img.logo {
| | | float: right;
| | | border-width: 0px;
| | | .pageTitle h1, .pageTitle h2 {
| | | color: #0069D6;
| | | }
| | |
| | | img.activityGraph {
| | | float: right;
| | | border-width: 0px;
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | .navbar .brand {
| | | padding: 10px 20px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header {
| | | background-color: #D2C3AF;
| | | padding: 3px;
| | | border: 1px solid #808080;
| | | .navbar .pull-right {
| | | margin: 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header a {
| | | color: black;
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | .navbar ul.nav {
| | | margin: 0 !important;
| | | padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header a:hover {
| | | .navbar ul.nav li a {
| | | color: white; |
| | | text-shadow: none;
| | | outline: 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar ul.nav li a:hover {
| | | color: #abd4ff !important;
| | | text-decoration: underline;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.pager {
| | | padding: 0px 0px 15px 5px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.link {
| | | padding: 2px 5px;
| | | font-family: sans-serif;
| | | font-size: 11px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.link span {
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | font-size: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.link a {
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | font-size: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_header {
| | | height: 25px;
| | | padding: 5px;
| | | font-family: sans-serif;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | font-size: 150%;
| | | color: #bbb;
| | | background-color: #ffffff;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_header span { |
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | font-size: inherit; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_header a {
| | | font-size: inherit; |
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_header a:visited {
| | | color: #000000;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_header a:hover {
| | | color: E66C2C;
| | | .navbar .nav .active > a:hover {
| | | text-decoration: underline;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar-inner {
| | | background-color:#000050;
| | | background-repeat:repeat-x;
| | | background-image:-khtml-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000060), to(#000040));
| | | background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #000060, #000040);
| | | background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #000060, #000040);
| | | background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #000060), color-stop(100%, #000040));
| | | background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000060, #000040);
| | | background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #000060, #000040);
| | | background-image:linear-gradient(top, #000060, #000040);
| | | filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#000060', endColorstr='#000040', GradientType=0);
| | | -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25),inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
| | | -moz-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25),inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
| | | box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25),inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
| | | border-bottom: 2px solid #ff9900 !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar ul li:focus, .navbar .active {
| | | background-repeat:no-repeat;
| | | background-image: url(arrow_page.png);
| | | background-position: center bottom;
| | | outline: 0;
| | | padding-bottom:3px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar .active a {
| | | background-color: transparent !important;
| | | outline: 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar div > ul .menu-dropdown .selected, .nav .menu-dropdown .selected, .navbar div > ul .dropdown-menu .selected, .nav .dropdown-menu .selected { |
| | | background-image: url("bullet_blue.png");
| | | background-repeat: no-repeat;
| | | background-position: left; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | .navbar div>ul .dropdown-menu li a {
| | | color: #555;
| | | }
| | |
| | | navbar div>ul .menu-dropdown li a:hover,.nav .menu-dropdown li a:hover,.navbar div>ul .dropdown-menu li a:hover,.nav .dropdown-menu li a:hover{
| | | background-color: #000070;
| | | color: #ffffff !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .breadcrumb {
| | | margin-top: 5px !important;
| | | margin-bottom: 5px !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .pageTitle { |
| | | margin-bottom: 5px; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | .pageTitle h2 small {
| | | font-size: 80%;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_footer {
| | | clear: both;
| | | height: 17px;
| | | color: black;
| | | background-color: #ffffff;
| | |
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_nav {
| | | color: #ddd;
| | | background-color: #000070;
| | | padding: 5px;
| | | pre, code, pre.prettyprint, pre.plainprint {
| | | background-color: #ffffff;
| | | color: black;
| | | font-family: monospace;
| | | font-size:12px;
| | | border:0px;
| | | padding: 0;
| | | line-height: 1.35em;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_nav a {
| | | color: yellow;
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | table {
| | | margin-bottom: 5px;
| | | font-size: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_nav a:hover { |
| | | text-decoration: underline;
| | | .table th {
| | | vertical-align: top;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_nav2 {
| | | padding: 2px 5px 7px 5px; |
| | | th {
| | | vertical-align: middle;
| | | text-align: left; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | .repositories_message {
| | | border: solid #bbb;
| | | border-width: 0px 0px 1px;
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | pre.prettyprint ol {
| | | padding-left:25px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.page_path {
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | h1 small, h2 small, h3 small, h4 small, h5 small, h6 small {
| | | color: #888;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .age0, .age1, .age2, .age3, .age4 { |
| | | font-size: 12px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age0: age < 2 hours */
| | | .age0 {
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | color: #008000;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | border: solid #bbb;
| | | border-width: 0px 0px 1px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.commit_message {
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | border: solid #bbb;
| | | border-width: 1px 0px 1px;
| | | /* age1: 2 hours <= age < 2 days */
| | | .age1 {
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | color: #0000ff;
| | | font-weight: bold; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age2: 2 days < age <= 7 days */
| | | .age2 {
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | color: #2b60de;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age3: 7 days < age <= 30 days */
| | | .age3 {
| | | color: #800080;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* age4: > 30 days */
| | | .age4 {
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* Ensure that hovered ages are white */
| | | tr.light:hover .age0,
| | | tr.light:hover .age1,
| | | tr.light:hover .age2,
| | | tr.light:hover .age3,
| | | tr.light:hover .age4,
| | | tr.dark:hover .age0,
| | | tr.dark:hover .age1,
| | | tr.dark:hover .age2,
| | | tr.dark:hover .age3,
| | | tr.dark:hover .age4 {
| | | color: #ffffff !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | a.list {
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | color: #000000;
| | | color: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | a.list.subject {
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | }
| | |
| | | a.list.name {
| | | font-weight: bold; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | a.list:hover {
| | |
| | | color: #880000;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table {
| | | border-spacing: 0px;
| | | span.empty {
| | | font-size: 0.9em;
| | | font-style: italic;
| | | padding-left:10px;
| | | color: #008000;
| | | }
| | |
| | | th {
| | | padding: 2px 5px;
| | | font-size: 100%;
| | | text-align: left;
| | | span.link {
| | | color: #888;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.plain {
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | span.link, span.link a {
| | | font-family: sans-serif;
| | | font-size: 11px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.pretty, table.repositories {
| | | margin-top:5px;
| | | margin-bottom:5px;
| | | border-spacing: 0px;
| | | border-top: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | border-left: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | border-right: 1px solid #bbb; |
| | | span.link em, div.link span em {
| | | font-style: normal;
| | | font-family: sans-serif;
| | | font-size: 11px; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories {
| | | width:100%; |
| | | span.repositorySwatch {
| | | border-radius: 3px; |
| | | padding: 1px 4px 2px 4px; |
| | | color: #ffffff;
| | | vertical-align: center;
| | | }
| | | span.repositorySwatch a {
| | | color: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories th {
| | | background-color:#000070;
| | | padding: 4px;
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | img.inlineIcon {
| | | padding-left: 1px;
| | | padding-right: 1px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories td {
| | | padding: 4px;
| | | img.overview {
| | | float:right;
| | | border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories th a {
| | | color:#ddd;
| | | img.gravatar {
| | | background-color: #ffffff;
| | | border: 1px solid #ddd;
| | | border-radius: 5px;
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult {
| | | padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .summary {
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .branch {
| | | color: #008000;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .author {
| | | font-style: italic !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .date {
| | | color:#999;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .body {
| | | padding-left:20px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .fragment {
| | | padding: 7px 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .highlight {
| | | background-color: #ccff66;
| | | padding: 0 2px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .ellipses { |
| | | padding-left:25px;
| | | color: #aaa;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult pre {
| | | margin: 1px 0px;
| | | border: 0px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult .text {
| | | border-left: 2px solid #ccc;
| | | border-radius: 0px;
| | | |
| | | padding: 0 0 0 15px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.searchResult ol { |
| | | margin-bottom: 0px !important;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header, div.commitHeader, table.repositories th {
| | | background-color:#e0e0e0;
| | | background-repeat:repeat-x;
| | | background-image:-khtml-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ffffff), to(#e0e0e0));
| | | background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #e0e0e0);
| | | background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #e0e0e0);
| | | background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #e0e0e0));
| | | background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #e0e0e0);
| | | background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #e0e0e0);
| | | background-image:linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #e0e0e0);
| | | filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#e0e0e0', GradientType=0);
| | | -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 #ffffff;
| | | -moz-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 #ffffff;
| | | box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 #ffffff; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header {
| | | padding: 3px;
| | | border: 1px solid #ddd;
| | | border-bottom: 0;
| | | border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.commitHeader {
| | | margin:0 0 2px;
| | | padding:7px 14px; |
| | | border:1px solid #ddd;
| | | border-radius: 3px;
| | | -webkit-border-radius:3px;
| | | -moz-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.header a, div.commitHeader a {
| | | color: black;
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | font-weight: normal;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories th a:hover {
| | | div.header a:hover, div.commitHeader a:hover {
| | | text-decoration: underline;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories th.wicket_orderDown a, table.repositories th.wicket_orderUp a {
| | | color: yellow;
| | | div.page_nav2 {
| | | padding: 2px 5px 7px 5px; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | tr th a { padding-right: 15px; background-position: right; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
| | | div.admin_nav {
| | | border-bottom: 0px;
| | | text-align: right;
| | | padding: 5px 5px 5px 2px; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.admin_nav a {
| | | text-decoration: none;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.admin_nav a:hover { |
| | | text-decoration: underline;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.search {
| | | height: 40px;
| | | padding-top:2px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.search input {
| | | -webkit-border-radius:0;-moz-border-radius:0x;border-radius:0;
| | | vertical-align: top;
| | | background: url(search-icon.png) no-repeat 4px center;
| | | background-color: transparent;
| | | border: 1px solid transparent;
| | | outline: none;
| | | padding: 2px 2px 2px 22px;
| | | text-shadow: none;
| | | margin: 0px;
| | | |
| | | color: #ddd;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.search input:hover, span.search input:focus {
| | | background-color: transparent;
| | | border: 1px solid transparent;
| | | padding: 2px 2px 2px 22px;
| | | box-shadow: none;
| | | color: #ddd;
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #ff9900; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.search input:focus {
| | | color: white;
| | | }
| | |
| | | /* div.search input:focused { */
| | | /* background-color: transparent; */
| | | /* border: 1px solid transparent; */
| | | /* padding: 2px 2px 2px 22px; */
| | | /* text-shadow: none; */
| | | /* } */
| | |
| | | span.login input:focus {
| | | background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); |
| | | text-shadow: none;
| | | color: white;
| | | }
| | |
| | | pre.commit_message { |
| | | padding: 8px;
| | | border: solid #ddd;
| | | border-width: 1px 0px 0px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.bug_open, span.bug_open {
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | background-color: #803333;
| | | color: white; |
| | | text-align: center;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.bug_resolved, span.bug_resolved {
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | background-color: #408040;
| | | color: white;
| | | text-align: center;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.bug_invalid, span.bug_invalid {
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | background-color: gray;
| | | text-align: center;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.bug_hold, span.bug_hold {
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | background-color: orange;
| | | text-align: center;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff {
| | | font-family: monospace;
| | | overflow: auto;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff.header {
| | | -moz-border-bottom-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-image: none;
| | | -moz-border-left-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-right-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-top-colors: none;
| | | background-color: #EDECE6;
| | | border-color: #D9D8D1;
| | | border-style: solid;
| | | border-width: 1px;
| | | font-weight: bold;
| | | margin-top: 10px;
| | | padding: 4px 0 2px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff.extended_header {
| | | background-color: #F6F5EE;
| | | padding: 2px 0;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.diff.add {
| | | color: #008800;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.diff.remove {
| | | color: #FFDDDD;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.diff.unchanged {
| | | color: inherit;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff.hunk_header {
| | | -moz-border-bottom-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-image: none;
| | | -moz-border-left-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-right-colors: none;
| | | -moz-border-top-colors: none;
| | | border-color: #FFE0FF;
| | | border-style: dotted;
| | | border-width: 1px 0 0;
| | | margin-top: 2px;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.diff.hunk_info {
| | | background-color: #FFEEFF; |
| | | color: #990099;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.diff.hunk_section { |
| | | color: #AA22AA;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff.add2 {
| | | background-color: #DDFFDD;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff.remove2 {
| | | background-color: #FFDDDD;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table {
| | | border-radius: 0;
| | | border-right: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | width: 100%;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table th, div.diff table td {
| | | margin: 0px;
| | | padding: 0px;
| | | font-family: monospace;
| | | border: 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table th {
| | | background-color: #f0f0f0;
| | | text-align: center;
| | | color: #999;
| | | padding-left: 5px;
| | | padding-right: 5px;
| | | width: 30px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table th.header {
| | | background-color: #D2C3AF;
| | | border-right: 0px;
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #808080;
| | | font-family: inherit;
| | | font-size:0.9em;
| | | color: black;
| | | padding: 2px;
| | | text-align: left;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table td.hunk_header {
| | | background-color: #dAe2e5 !important;
| | | border-top: 1px solid #bac2c5; |
| | | border-bottom: 1px solid #bac2c5;
| | | color: #555;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.diff table td {
| | | border-left: 1px solid #bbb;
| | | background-color: #f5f5f5;
| | | }
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| | | td.changeType {
| | | width: 15px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.addition, span.modification, span.deletion, span.rename {
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| | | float: left;
| | | height: 0.8em;
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| | | overflow: hidden;
| | | width: 0.8em;
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| | | span.addition {
| | | background-color: #ccffcc;
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| | | span.modification {
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| | | }
| | |
| | | span.deletion {
| | | background-color: #f8bbbb;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.rename {
| | | background-color: #cAc2f5;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.commitLegend {
| | | float: right;
| | | padding: 0.4em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;
| | | vertical-align:top;
| | | margin: 0px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.commitLegend span {
| | | font-size: 0.9em;
| | | vertical-align: top;
| | | }
| | |
| | | div.references {
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| | | text-align: right;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.plain {
| | | width: 0 !important;
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| | | table.plain th, table.plain td {
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| | | table.pretty td {
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| | | table.pretty td.message {
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| | | table.pretty table.nestedTable {
| | | width: 100%;
| | | margin-left: 4px !important;
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| | | table.comments td {
| | | padding: 4px;
| | | line-height: 17px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories { |
| | | border:1px solid #ddd;
| | | border-spacing: 0px;
| | | width: 100%;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.repositories th {
| | | padding: 4px;
| | | border:0;
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| | | table.repositories th.right { |
| | | border-right: 1px solid #ddd; |
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| | | table.repositories td {
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| | | table.repositories td.rightAlign { |
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| | | table.repositories td.icon img {
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| | |
| | | table.repositories tr.group {
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| | |
| | | table.repositories tr.group td {
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| | | color: black;
| | | background-color: #ddd;
| | | padding-left: 5px;
| | | border-top: 1px solid #aaa; |
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| | | table.palette { border:0; width: 0 !important; }
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| | | table.gitnotes { |
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| | | table.gitnotes td {
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| | | padding-top: 3px;
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| | | table.gitnotes table {
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| | | }
| | |
| | | table.gitnotes td table td {
| | | border: none;
| | | padding: 0px;
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| | | table.gitnotes td.info {
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| | | }
| | |
| | | table.gitnotes td.message {
| | | width: 65%;
| | | border-left: 1px solid #ddd;
| | | padding-left: 10px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.annotated {
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| | | table.annotated tr.even {
| | | background-color: white;
| | | }
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| | | table.annotated tr.odd {
| | | background-color: #f5f5f5;
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| | | table.annotated td {
| | | padding: 0px;
| | | border: 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | | table.activity {
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| | | margin-top: 10px;
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| | | table.activity td {
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| | | padding-bottom:7px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | tr th a { background-position: right; padding-right: 15px; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
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| | | tr th.wicket_orderNone a { background-image: url(arrow_off.png); }
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| | | background-color: #ffffff;
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| | | tr.light td {
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| | | tr.dark td {
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| | | background-color: #f5f5f5;
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| | | /* currently both use the same, but it can change */
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| | | color: white;
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| | | td {
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| | | td.author {
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| | | td.date {
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| | | width:90px;
| | | /*font-style: italic !important;*/
| | | white-space: nowrap;
| | | }
| | |
| | | td.sha1, td.sha1 span {
| | | span.sha1, span.sha1 a, span.sha1 a span, pre.commit_message {
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| | | font-size: 13px;
| | | }
| | |
| | | td.mode {
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| | | width: 8em;
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| | | text-align: right;
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| | | span.refs span {
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| | | width: 13em;
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| | | span.help-inline {
| | | color: #777;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.metricsTitle {
| | | font-size: 2em;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .tagRef, .headRef, .localBranch, .remoteBranch, .otherRef { |
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| | | font-family: sans-serif;
| | | font-size: 70%;
| | | font-size: 9px;
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| | | color: black !important;
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| | | span.refs span a:hover {
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| | | }
| | |
| | | span.refs span.indirect {
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| | | border-color: #80aaaa; |
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.refs span.ref {
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| | | .remoteBranch {
| | | background-color: #cAc2f5;
| | | border-color: #6c6cbf;
| | | }
| | |
| | | span.refs span.tag {
| | | .tagRef {
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| | | span.refs span.head {
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| | | .headRef {
| | | background-color: #ffaaff;
| | | border-color: #ff00ee;
| | | }
| | |
| | | .localBranch {
| | | background-color: #ccffcc;
| | | border-color: #00cc33;
| | | }
| | |
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