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| | | ## Troubleshooting
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| | | ### push failed for branch (n/a (unpacker error))
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| | | This is a bug in JGit (issue-408). TLDR: Newer git clients are optimized to send less data on the wire. JGit expects complete data to be sent, but there are scenarios where native git can optimize-out sending objects. By default, JGit requires everything sent be complete and referenceable.
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| | | If you experience this, the workaround is to temporarily disable the reachable check for the receive pack, push, and then re-enable the setting.
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| | | git.checkReferencedObjectsAreReachable = false
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| | | ### Eclipse/Egit/JGit complains that it "can't open upload pack"?
| | | There are a few ways this can occur:
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| | | Care must be taken to preserve the relationship between user roles and repository names.<br/>Please see the *User Roles* section of the [setup](/setup.html) page for details.
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| | | ### Can I restrict access to branches or paths within a repository?
| | | No, not out-of-the-box. Access restrictions apply to the repository as a whole.
| | | No, not yet. Access restrictions apply to the repository as a whole.
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| | | Gitblit's simple authentication and authorization mechanism can be used to facilitate one or more of the [workflows outlined here](http://progit.org/book/ch5-1.html).
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| | | ### Can I authenticate users against XYZ?
| | | Yes. The user service is pluggable. You may write your own complete user service by implementing the *com.gitblit.IUserService* interface. Or you may subclass *com.gitblit.GitblitUserService* and override just the authentication. Set the fully qualified classname as the *realm.userService* property.
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| | | ### Why doesn't Gitblit support SSH?
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| | | It will. This feature is in development and should land in the 1.5.0 release.
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| | | ### What types of Search does Gitblit support?
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