| | |
| | | ### Bundled Dependencies
| | | The following dependencies are bundled with Gitblit.
| | |
| | | - [Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap) (Apache 2.0)
| | | - [google-code-prettify](http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify) (Apache 2.0)
| | | - [Commons Daemon](http://commons.apache.org/daemon) (Apache 2.0)
| | | - magnifying glass search icon courtesy of [Gnome](http://gnome.org) (Creative Commons CC-BY)
| | |
| | | - [JSch - Java Secure Channel](http://www.jcraft.com/jsch) (BSD)
| | | - [Rome](http://rome.dev.java.net) (Apache 1.1)
| | | - [jdom](http://www.jdom.org) (Apache-style JDOM license)
| | | - [google-gson](http://code.google.com/google-gson) (Apache 2.0)
| | | - [javamail](http://kenai.com/projects/javamail) (CDDL-1.0, BSD, GPL-2.0, GNU-Classpath)
| | |
| | | ### Other Build Dependencies
| | | - [Fancybox image viewer](http://fancybox.net) (MIT and GPL dual-licensed)
| | | - [JUnit](http://junit.org) (Common Public License)
| | | - [commons-net](http://commons.apache.org/net) (Apache 2.0)
| | | - [ant-googlecode](http://code.google.com/p/ant-googlecode) (New BSD)
| | | - [GenJar](http://genjar.sourceforge.net) (Apache 1.1)
| | |
| | | ## Building from Source
| | | [Eclipse](http://eclipse.org) is recommended for development as the project settings are preconfigured.