| | |
| | | /*
| | | * Copyright 2011 gitblit.com.
| | | *
| | | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| | | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| | | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
| | | *
| | | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| | | *
| | | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| | | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| | | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| | | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| | | * limitations under the License.
| | | */
| | | package com.gitblit.wicket.pages;
| | |
| | | import java.util.List;
| | |
| | | import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.BookmarkablePageLink;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.ExternalLink;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Fragment;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.data.DataView;
| | | import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.data.ListDataProvider;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
| | | import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
| | |
| | | import com.gitblit.DownloadZipServlet;
| | | import com.gitblit.GitBlit;
| | | import com.gitblit.Keys;
| | | import com.gitblit.models.PathModel;
| | | import com.gitblit.models.SubmoduleModel;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.ByteFormat;
| | | import com.gitblit.utils.JGitUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.LinkPanel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.RepositoryPage;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.WicketUtils;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.models.PathModel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.panels.CommitHeaderPanel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.panels.LinkPanel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.panels.PathBreadcrumbsPanel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.panels.TreeBlobLinksPanel;
| | | import com.gitblit.wicket.panels.TreeLinksPanel;
| | |
| | |
| | | public class TreePage extends RepositoryPage {
| | |
| | | public TreePage(PageParameters params) {
| | | super(params);
| | |
| | | final String basePath = params.getString("f", null);
| | | final String path = WicketUtils.getPath(params);
| | |
| | | Repository r = getRepository();
| | | RevCommit commit = JGitUtils.getCommit(r, commitId);
| | | List<PathModel> paths = JGitUtils.getFilesInPath(r, basePath, commit);
| | | RevCommit commit = getCommit();
| | | List<PathModel> paths = JGitUtils.getFilesInPath(r, path, commit);
| | |
| | | // tree page links
| | | add(new Label("historyLink", "history"));
| | | add(new Label("headLink", "HEAD"));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("historyLink", HistoryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, objectId, path)));
| | | add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("headLink", TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, Constants.HEAD, path)));
| | | add(new ExternalLink("zipLink", DownloadZipServlet.asLink(getRequest()
| | | .getRelativePathPrefixToContextRoot(), repositoryName, objectId, path))
| | | .setVisible(GitBlit.getBoolean(Keys.web.allowZipDownloads, true)));
| | |
| | | add(new LinkPanel("shortlog", "title", commit.getShortMessage(), CommitPage.class, newCommitParameter()));
| | | add(new CommitHeaderPanel("commitHeader", repositoryName, commit));
| | |
| | | // breadcrumbs
| | | add(new PathBreadcrumbsPanel("breadcrumbs", repositoryName, basePath, commitId)); |
| | | if (basePath != null && basePath.trim().length() > 0) {
| | | paths.add(0, PathModel.getParentPath(basePath, commitId));
| | | add(new PathBreadcrumbsPanel("breadcrumbs", repositoryName, path, objectId));
| | | if (path != null && path.trim().length() > 0) {
| | | // add .. parent path entry
| | | String parentPath = null;
| | | if (path.lastIndexOf('/') > -1) {
| | | parentPath = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
| | | }
| | | PathModel model = new PathModel("..", parentPath, 0, FileMode.TREE.getBits(), null, objectId);
| | | model.isParentPath = true;
| | | paths.add(0, model);
| | | }
| | |
| | | final ByteFormat byteFormat = new ByteFormat();
| | | |
| | | // changed paths list |
| | |
| | | final String baseUrl = WicketUtils.getGitblitURL(getRequest());
| | |
| | | // changed paths list
| | | ListDataProvider<PathModel> pathsDp = new ListDataProvider<PathModel>(paths);
| | | DataView<PathModel> pathsView = new DataView<PathModel>("changedPath", pathsDp) {
| | | private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
| | | int counter = 0;
| | | int counter;
| | |
| | | public void populateItem(final Item<PathModel> item) {
| | | PathModel entry = item.getModelObject();
| | | item.add(new Label("pathPermissions", JGitUtils.getPermissionsFromMode(entry.mode)));
| | | if (entry.isParentPath) {
| | | // parent .. path
| | | item.add(WicketUtils.newBlankImage("pathIcon"));
| | | item.add(new Label("pathSize", ""));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", null, entry.name, TreePage.class, newPathParameter(entry.path)));
| | | item.add(new Label("treeLinks", ""));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", null, entry.name, TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils
| | | .newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId, entry.path)));
| | | item.add(new Label("pathLinks", ""));
| | | } else {
| | | if (entry.isTree()) {
| | | // folder/tree link
| | | item.add(WicketUtils.newImage("pathIcon", "folder_16x16.png"));
| | | item.add(new Label("pathSize", ""));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", null, entry.name, TreePage.class, newPathParameter(entry.path)));
| | | item.add(new TreeLinksPanel("treeLinks", repositoryName, entry));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", "list", entry.name, TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | |
| | | // links
| | | Fragment links = new Fragment("pathLinks", "treeLinks", this);
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("tree", TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("history", HistoryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | | links.add(new ExternalLink("zip", DownloadZipServlet.asLink(baseUrl,
| | | repositoryName, objectId, entry.path)).setVisible(GitBlit
| | | .getBoolean(Keys.web.allowZipDownloads, true)));
| | | item.add(links);
| | | } else if (entry.isSubmodule()) {
| | | // submodule
| | | String submoduleId = entry.objectId; |
| | | String submodulePath;
| | | boolean hasSubmodule = false;
| | | SubmoduleModel submodule = getSubmodule(entry.path);
| | | submodulePath = submodule.gitblitPath;
| | | hasSubmodule = submodule.hasSubmodule;
| | | |
| | | item.add(WicketUtils.newImage("pathIcon", "git-orange-16x16.png"));
| | | item.add(new Label("pathSize", ""));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", "list", entry.name + " @ " + |
| | | getShortObjectId(submoduleId), TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(submodulePath, submoduleId, "")).setEnabled(hasSubmodule));
| | | |
| | | Fragment links = new Fragment("pathLinks", "submoduleLinks", this);
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("view", SummaryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newRepositoryParameter(submodulePath)).setEnabled(hasSubmodule));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("tree", TreePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(submodulePath, submoduleId,
| | | "")).setEnabled(hasSubmodule));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("history", HistoryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(submodulePath, submoduleId,
| | | "")).setEnabled(hasSubmodule));
| | | links.add(new ExternalLink("zip", DownloadZipServlet.asLink(baseUrl,
| | | submodulePath, submoduleId, "")).setVisible(GitBlit
| | | .getBoolean(Keys.web.allowZipDownloads, true)).setEnabled(hasSubmodule));
| | | item.add(links); |
| | | } else {
| | | // blob link
| | | item.add(WicketUtils.getFileImage("pathIcon", entry.name));
| | | item.add(new Label("pathSize", byteFormat.format(entry.size)));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", "list", entry.name, BlobPage.class, newPathParameter(entry.path)));
| | | item.add(new TreeBlobLinksPanel("treeLinks", repositoryName, entry));
| | | item.add(new LinkPanel("pathName", "list", entry.name, BlobPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | |
| | | // links
| | | Fragment links = new Fragment("pathLinks", "blobLinks", this);
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("view", BlobPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("raw", RawPage.class, WicketUtils
| | | .newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId, entry.path)));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("blame", BlamePage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | | links.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("history", HistoryPage.class,
| | | WicketUtils.newPathParameter(repositoryName, entry.commitId,
| | | entry.path)));
| | | item.add(links);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | String clazz = counter % 2 == 0 ? "dark" : "light";
| | | WicketUtils.setCssClass(item, clazz);
| | | WicketUtils.setAlternatingBackground(item, counter);
| | | counter++;
| | | }
| | | };
| | | add(pathsView);
| | |
| | | // footer
| | | addFooter();
| | | }
| | | |
| | |
| | | @Override
| | | protected String getPageName() {
| | | return "tree";
| | | return getString("gb.tree");
| | | }
| | | }