| | |
| | | CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail |
| | | =========================== |
| | | |
| | | - Deprecate $DB, $USER, $IMAP global variables, Use $RCMAIL instead |
| | | - Add option to set default font for HTML message (#1484137) |
| | | - Fix issues with big memory allocation of IMAP results |
| | | - Replace prompt() with jQuery UI dialog (#1485135) |
| | | - Fix navigation in messages search results |
| | | - Improved handling of some malformed values encoded with quoted-printable (#1488232) |
| | | - Add possibility to do LDAP bind before searching for bind DN |
| | | - Fix handling of empty <U> tags in HTML messages (#1488225) |
| | | - Add content filter for embedded attachments to protect from XSS on IE (#1487895) |
| | | - Use strpos() instead of strstr() when possible (#1488211) |
| | | - Fix handling HTML entities when converting HTML to text (#1488212) |
| | | - Fix fit_string_to_size() renders browser and ui unresponsive (#1488207) |
| | | - Fix handling of invalid characters in request (#1488124) |
| | | - Fix merging some configuration options in update.sh script (#1485864) |
| | | - Fix so TEXT key will remove all HEADER keys in IMAP SEARCH (#1488208) |
| | | - Fix handling contact photo url with https:// prefix (#1488202) |
| | | - Prevent from memory_limit exceeding when trying to parse big messages bodies (#1487424) |
| | | - Add possibility to add SASL mechanisms for SMTP in smtp_connect hook (#1487937) |