| | |
| | | | program/steps/settings/func.inc | |
| | | | | |
| | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | |
| | | | Copyright (C) 2005-2012, The Roundcube Dev Team | |
| | | | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | |
| | | | | |
| | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | |
| | | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | |
| | |
| | | */ |
| | | |
| | | if (!$OUTPUT->ajax_call) { |
| | | $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(rcube_label('preferences')); |
| | | $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle($RCMAIL->gettext('preferences')); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // register UI objects |
| | | $OUTPUT->add_handlers(array( |
| | | 'settingstabs' => 'rcmail_settings_tabs', |
| | | 'prefsframe' => 'rcmail_preferences_frame', |
| | | 'sectionslist' => 'rcmail_sections_list', |
| | | 'identitieslist' => 'rcmail_identities_list', |
| | | )); |
| | | |
| | | // register action aliases |
| | | $RCMAIL->register_action_map(array( |
| | | 'folders' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'rename-folder' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'delete-folder' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'subscribe' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'unsubscribe' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'purge' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'folder-size' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'add-identity' => 'edit_identity.inc', |
| | | 'add-response' => 'edit_response.inc', |
| | | 'save-response' => 'edit_response.inc', |
| | | 'delete-response' => 'responses.inc', |
| | | 'delete-identity' => 'identities.inc', |
| | | 'upload-display' => 'upload.inc', |
| | | )); |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | // similar function as /steps/settings/identities.inc::rcmail_identity_frame() |
| | | function rcmail_preferences_frame($attrib) |
| | |
| | | list($list, $cols) = rcmail_user_prefs(); |
| | | |
| | | // create XHTML table |
| | | $out = rcube_table_output($attrib, $list, $cols, 'id'); |
| | | $out = $RCMAIL->table_output($attrib, $list, $cols, 'id'); |
| | | |
| | | // set client env |
| | | $RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('sectionslist', $attrib['id']); |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // get identities list and define 'mail' column |
| | | $list = $RCMAIL->user->list_identities(); |
| | | $list = $RCMAIL->user->list_emails(); |
| | | foreach ($list as $idx => $row) { |
| | | $list[$idx]['mail'] = trim($row['name'] . ' <' . rcube_idn_to_utf8($row['email']) .'>'); |
| | | $list[$idx]['mail'] = trim($row['name'] . ' <' . rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($row['email']) . '>'); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // get all identites from DB and define list of cols to be displayed |
| | |
| | | |
| | | // @TODO: use <UL> instead of <TABLE> for identities list |
| | | // create XHTML table |
| | | $out = rcube_table_output($attrib, $plugin['list'], $plugin['cols'], 'identity_id'); |
| | | $out = $RCMAIL->table_output($attrib, $plugin['list'], $plugin['cols'], 'identity_id'); |
| | | |
| | | // set client env |
| | | $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('identitieslist', $attrib['id']); |
| | |
| | | { |
| | | global $RCMAIL; |
| | | |
| | | $sections['general'] = array('id' => 'general', 'section' => rcube_label('uisettings')); |
| | | $sections['mailbox'] = array('id' => 'mailbox', 'section' => rcube_label('mailboxview')); |
| | | $sections['mailview'] = array('id' => 'mailview','section' => rcube_label('messagesdisplaying')); |
| | | $sections['compose'] = array('id' => 'compose', 'section' => rcube_label('messagescomposition')); |
| | | $sections['addressbook'] = array('id' => 'addressbook','section' => rcube_label('addressbook')); |
| | | $sections['folders'] = array('id' => 'folders', 'section' => rcube_label('specialfolders')); |
| | | $sections['server'] = array('id' => 'server', 'section' => rcube_label('serversettings')); |
| | | $sections['general'] = array('id' => 'general', 'section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('uisettings')); |
| | | $sections['mailbox'] = array('id' => 'mailbox', 'section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('mailboxview')); |
| | | $sections['mailview'] = array('id' => 'mailview','section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('messagesdisplaying')); |
| | | $sections['compose'] = array('id' => 'compose', 'section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('messagescomposition')); |
| | | $sections['addressbook'] = array('id' => 'addressbook','section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('addressbook')); |
| | | $sections['folders'] = array('id' => 'folders', 'section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('specialfolders')); |
| | | $sections['server'] = array('id' => 'server', 'section' => $RCMAIL->gettext('serversettings')); |
| | | |
| | | // hook + define list cols |
| | | $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('preferences_sections_list', |
| | |
| | | // general |
| | | case 'general': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'skin' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('skin'))), |
| | | 'browser' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('browseroptions'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'skin' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('skin'))), |
| | | 'browser' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('browseroptions'))), |
| | | 'advanced'=> array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | // language selection |
| | |
| | | $select->add(array_values($a_lang), array_keys($a_lang)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['language'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('language'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('language'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($RCMAIL->user->language), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_timezone'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_timezone', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('autodetect'), 'auto'); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('autodetect'), 'auto'); |
| | | |
| | | $zones = array(); |
| | | foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $i => $tzs) { |
| | | try { |
| | | $tz = new DateTimeZone($tzs); |
| | | $date = new DateTime('2012-12-21', $tz); |
| | | $date = new DateTime(date('Y') . '-12-21', $tz); |
| | | $offset = $date->format('Z') + 45000; |
| | | $sortkey = sprintf('%06d.%s', $offset, $tzs); |
| | | $zones[$sortkey] = array($tzs, $date->format('P')); |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['timezone'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('timezone'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('timezone'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show((string)$config['timezone']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['time_format'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('timeformat'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('timeformat'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($RCMAIL->config->get('time_format')), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['date_format'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('dateformat'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('dateformat'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['date_format']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_pretty_date', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['prettydate'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('prettydate'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('prettydate'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['prettydate']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_refresh_interval'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_refresh_interval', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | foreach (array(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60) as $min) { |
| | | if (!$config['min_refresh_interval'] || $config['min_refresh_interval'] <= $min * 60) { |
| | | $label = rcube_label(array('name' => 'everynminutes', 'vars' => array('n' => $min))); |
| | | $label = $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'everynminutes', 'vars' => array('n' => $min))); |
| | | $select->add($label, $min); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['refresh_interval'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('refreshinterval'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('refreshinterval'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['refresh_interval']/60), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_radiobutton(array('name'=>'_skin')); |
| | | |
| | | foreach ($skins as $skin) { |
| | | $thumbnail = "./skins/$skin/thumbnail.png"; |
| | | if (!is_file($thumbnail)) |
| | | $thumbnail = './program/resources/blank.gif'; |
| | | |
| | | $thumbnail = "skins/$skin/thumbnail.png"; |
| | | $skinname = ucfirst($skin); |
| | | $author_link = $license_link = ''; |
| | | $meta = @json_decode(@file_get_contents("./skins/$skin/meta.json"), true); |
| | | $meta = @json_decode(@file_get_contents(INSTALL_PATH . "skins/$skin/meta.json"), true); |
| | | |
| | | if (is_array($meta) && $meta['name']) { |
| | | $skinname = $meta['name']; |
| | | $author_link = $meta['url'] ? html::a(array('href' => $meta['url'], 'target' => '_blank'), Q($meta['author'])) : Q($meta['author']); |
| | | $license_link = $meta['license-url'] ? html::a(array('href' => $meta['license-url'], 'target' => '_blank'), Q($meta['license'])) : Q($meta['license']); |
| | | $author_link = $meta['url'] ? html::a(array('href' => $meta['url'], 'target' => '_blank'), rcube::Q($meta['author'])) : rcube::Q($meta['author']); |
| | | $license_link = $meta['license-url'] ? html::a(array('href' => $meta['license-url'], 'target' => '_blank', 'tabindex' => '-1'), rcube::Q($meta['license'])) : rcube::Q($meta['license']); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $img = html::img(array( |
| | | 'src' => $thumbnail, |
| | | 'class' => 'skinthumbnail', |
| | | 'alt' => $skin, |
| | | 'width' => 64, |
| | | 'height' => 64, |
| | | 'onerror' => "this.src = rcmail.assets_path('program/resources/blank.gif')", |
| | | )); |
| | | |
| | | $skinnames[] = mb_strtolower($skinname); |
| | | $blocks['skin']['options'][$skin]['content'] = html::label(array('class' => 'skinselection'), |
| | | html::span('skinitem', $input->show($config['skin'], array('value' => $skin, 'id' => $field_id.$skin))) . |
| | | html::span('skinitem', html::img(array('src' => $thumbnail, 'class' => 'skinthumbnail', 'alt' => $skin, 'width' => 64, 'height' => 64))) . |
| | | html::span('skinitem', html::span('skinname', Q($skinname)) . html::br() . |
| | | html::span('skinitem', $img) . |
| | | html::span('skinitem', html::span('skinname', rcube::Q($skinname)) . html::br() . |
| | | html::span('skinauthor', $author_link ? 'by ' . $author_link : '') . html::br() . |
| | | html::span('skinlicense', $license_link ? rcube_label('license').': ' . $license_link : '')) |
| | | html::span('skinlicense', $license_link ? $RCMAIL->gettext('license').': ' . $license_link : '')) |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | array_multisort($blocks['skin']['options'], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $skinnames); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | |
| | | $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_standard_windows', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['browser']['options']['standard_windows'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('standardwindows'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('standardwindows'))), |
| | | 'content' => $checkbox->show($config['standard_windows']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | if ($current) { |
| | | $product_name = $RCMAIL->config->get('product_name', 'Roundcube Webmail'); |
| | | $RCMAIL->output->add_script(sprintf("%s.check_protocol_handler('%s', '#mailtoprotohandler');", |
| | | JS_OBJECT_NAME, JQ($product_name)), 'foot'); |
| | | rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME, rcube::JQ($product_name)), 'docready'); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['browser']['options']['mailtoprotohandler'] = array( |
| | | 'content' => html::a(array( |
| | | 'href' => '#', |
| | | 'id' => 'mailtoprotohandler'), Q(rcube_label('mailtoprotohandler'))), |
| | | 'href' => '#', |
| | | 'id' => 'mailtoprotohandler' |
| | | ), |
| | | rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mailtoprotohandler'))) . |
| | | html::span('mailtoprotohandler-status', ''), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | break; |
| | |
| | | // Mailbox view (mail screen) |
| | | case 'mailbox': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'new_message' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('newmessage'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'new_message' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('newmessage'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | // show config parameter for preview pane |
| | |
| | | 'onchange' => "$('#rcmfd_preview_pane_mark_read').prop('disabled', !this.checked)")); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['preview_pane'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('previewpane'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('previewpane'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['preview_pane']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_preview_pane_mark_read', 'id' => $field_id, |
| | | 'disabled' => $config['preview_pane']?0:1)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), '-1'); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('immediately'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), '-1'); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('immediately'), 0); |
| | | |
| | | foreach (array(5, 10, 20, 30) as $sec) { |
| | | $label = rcube_label(array('name' => 'afternseconds', 'vars' => array('n' => $sec))); |
| | | $label = $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'afternseconds', 'vars' => array('n' => $sec))); |
| | | $select->add($label, $sec); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['preview_pane_mark_read'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('previewpanemarkread'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('previewpanemarkread'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show(intval($config['preview_pane_mark_read'])), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_mdn_requests'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_mdn_requests', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('askuser'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('autosend'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('autosendknown'), 3); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('autosendknownignore'), 4); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('ignore'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('askuser'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('autosend'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('autosendknown'), 3); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('autosendknownignore'), 4); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('ignorerequest'), 2); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['mdn_requests'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('mdnrequests'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mdnrequests'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['mdn_requests']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | if ($supported) { |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_autoexpand_threads'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_autoexpand_threads', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('do_expand'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('expand_only_unread'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('do_expand'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('expand_only_unread'), 2); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['autoexpand_threads'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('autoexpand_threads'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('autoexpand_threads'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['autoexpand_threads']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $size = intval($config['mail_pagesize'] ? $config['mail_pagesize'] : $config['pagesize']); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['pagesize'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('pagesize'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('pagesize'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($size ? $size : 50), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_check_all_folders', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['new_message']['options']['check_all_folders'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('checkallfolders'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('checkallfolders'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['check_all_folders']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | // Message viewing |
| | | case 'mailview': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | // show checkbox to open message view in new window |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_message_extwin', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['message_extwin'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('showinextwin'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('showinextwin'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['message_extwin']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_message_show_email', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['message_show_email'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('showemail'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('showemail'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['message_show_email']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | 'onchange' => "$('#rcmfd_show_images').prop('disabled', !this.checked).val(0)")); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['prefer_html'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('preferhtml'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('preferhtml'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['prefer_html']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_default_charset'; |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['default_charset'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('defaultcharset'))), |
| | | $blocks['advanced']['options']['default_charset'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('defaultcharset'))), |
| | | 'content' => $RCMAIL->output->charset_selector(array( |
| | | 'id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_default_charset', 'selected' => $config['default_charset'] |
| | | ))); |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_select(array('name' => '_show_images', 'id' => $field_id, |
| | | 'disabled' => !$config['prefer_html'])); |
| | | |
| | | $input->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $input->add(rcube_label('fromknownsenders'), 1); |
| | | $input->add(rcube_label('always'), 2); |
| | | $input->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | $input->add($RCMAIL->gettext('fromknownsenders'), 1); |
| | | $input->add($RCMAIL->gettext('always'), 2); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['show_images'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('showremoteimages'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('showremoteimages'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['prefer_html'] ? $config['show_images'] : 0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_inline_images', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['inline_images'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('showinlineimages'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('showinlineimages'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['inline_images']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_display_next', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['display_next'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('displaynext'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('displaynext'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['display_next']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | // Mail composition |
| | | case 'compose': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'sig' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('signatureoptions'))), |
| | | 'spellcheck' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('spellcheckoptions'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'sig' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('signatureoptions'))), |
| | | 'spellcheck' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('spellcheckoptions'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | // show checkbox to compose messages in a new window |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_compose_extwin', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['compose_extwin'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('composeextwin'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('composeextwin'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['compose_extwin']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_htmleditor'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_htmleditor', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('always'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('htmlonreply'), 2); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('htmlonreplyandforward'), 3); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('always'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('htmlonreply'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('htmlonreplyandforward'), 3); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['htmleditor'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('htmleditor'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('htmleditor'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show(intval($config['htmleditor'])), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_autosave'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_draft_autosave', 'id' => $field_id, 'disabled' => empty($config['drafts_mbox']))); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | foreach (array(1, 3, 5, 10) as $i => $min) { |
| | | $label = rcube_label(array('name' => 'everynminutes', 'vars' => array('n' => $min))); |
| | | $label = $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'everynminutes', 'vars' => array('n' => $min))); |
| | | $select->add($label, $min*60); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['draft_autosave'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('autosavedraft'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('autosavedraft'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['draft_autosave']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_param_folding'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_mime_param_folding', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('2231folding'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('miscfolding'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('2047folding'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('2231folding'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('miscfolding'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('2047folding'), 2); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['mime_param_folding'] = array( |
| | | 'advanced' => true, |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('mimeparamfolding'))), |
| | | $blocks['advanced']['options']['mime_param_folding'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mimeparamfolding'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['mime_param_folding']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_force_7bit'; |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_force_7bit', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['force_7bit'] = array( |
| | | 'advanced' => true, |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('force7bit'))), |
| | | $blocks['advanced']['options']['force_7bit'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('force7bit'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['force_7bit']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_mdn_default', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['mdn_default'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('reqmdn'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('reqmdn'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['mdn_default']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_dsn_default', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['dsn_default'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('reqdsn'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('reqdsn'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['dsn_default']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_reply_same_folder', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['reply_same_folder'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('replysamefolder'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('replysamefolder'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['reply_same_folder']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_reply_mode'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_reply_mode', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('replyempty'), -1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('replybottomposting'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('replytopposting'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replyempty'), -1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replybottomposting'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replytopposting'), 1); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['reply_mode'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('whenreplying'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('whenreplying'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show(intval($config['reply_mode'])), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spellcheck_before_send', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['spellcheck']['options']['spellcheck_before_send'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('spellcheckbeforesend'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('spellcheckbeforesend'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['spellcheck_before_send']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_'.$key, 'id' => 'rcmfd_'.$key, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['spellcheck']['options'][$key] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label(str_replace('_', '', $key)))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext(str_replace('_', '', $key)))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config[$key]?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_show_sig'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_show_sig', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('always'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('newmessageonly'), 2); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('replyandforwardonly'), 3); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('never'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('always'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('newmessageonly'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replyandforwardonly'), 3); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['sig']['options']['show_sig'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('autoaddsignature'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('autoaddsignature'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($RCMAIL->config->get('show_sig', 1)), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_strip_existing_sig', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['sig']['options']['strip_existing_sig'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('replyremovesignature'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('replyremovesignature'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['strip_existing_sig']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_forward_attachment'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_forward_attachment', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('inline'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('asattachment'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('inline'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('asattachment'), 1); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['forward_attachment'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('forwardmode'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('forwardmode'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show(intval($config['forward_attachment'])), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['default_font'])) { |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['default_font']) || !isset($no_override['default_font_size'])) { |
| | | if (!$current) { |
| | | continue 2; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_default_font'; |
| | | $fonts = rcube_fontdefs(); |
| | | $selected = $config['default_font']; |
| | | // Default font size |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_default_font_size'; |
| | | $select_default_font_size = new html_select(array('name' => '_default_font_size', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select = '<select name="_default_font" id="'.$field_id.'">'; |
| | | $select .= '<option value=""' . (!$selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>---</option>'; |
| | | foreach ($fonts as $fname => $font) { |
| | | $select .= '<option value="'.$fname.'"' |
| | | . ($fname == $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') |
| | | . ' style=\'font-family: ' . $font . '\'>' |
| | | . Q($fname) . '</option>'; |
| | | $fontsizes = array('', '8pt', '10pt', '12pt', '14pt', '18pt', '24pt', '36pt'); |
| | | foreach ($fontsizes as $size) { |
| | | $select_default_font_size->add($size, $size); |
| | | } |
| | | $select .= '</select>'; |
| | | |
| | | // Default font |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_default_font'; |
| | | $select_default_font = new html_select(array('name' => '_default_font', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | $select_default_font->add('', ''); |
| | | |
| | | $fonts = rcmail::font_defs(); |
| | | foreach (array_keys($fonts) as $fname) { |
| | | $select_default_font->add($fname, $fname); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['default_font'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('defaultfont'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('defaultfont'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select_default_font->show($RCMAIL->config->get('default_font', 1)) . |
| | | $select_default_font_size->show($RCMAIL->config->get('default_font_size', 1)) |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['reply_all_mode'])) { |
| | | if (!$current) { |
| | | continue 2; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_reply_all_mode'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_reply_all_mode', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replyalldefault'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('replyalllist'), 1); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['reply_all_mode'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('replyallmode'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show(intval($config['reply_all_mode'])), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['compose_save_localstorage'])) { |
| | | if (!$current) { |
| | | continue 2; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_compose_save_localstorage'; |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_compose_save_localstorage', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['advanced']['options']['compose_save_localstorage'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('savelocalstorage'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['compose_save_localstorage']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | break; |
| | | |
| | | // Addressbook config |
| | | case 'addressbook': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['default_addressbook']) |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['default_addressbook'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('defaultabook'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('defaultabook'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['default_addressbook']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_addressbook_name_listing'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_addressbook_name_listing', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('name'), 0); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('firstname') . ' ' . rcube_label('surname'), 1); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('surname') . ' ' . rcube_label('firstname'), 2); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('surname') . ', ' . rcube_label('firstname'), 3); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('name'), 0); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('firstname') . ' ' . $RCMAIL->gettext('surname'), 1); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('surname') . ' ' . $RCMAIL->gettext('firstname'), 2); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('surname') . ', ' . $RCMAIL->gettext('firstname'), 3); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['list_name_listing'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('listnamedisplay'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('listnamedisplay'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['addressbook_name_listing']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $field_id = 'rcmfd_addressbook_sort_col'; |
| | | $select = new html_select(array('name' => '_addressbook_sort_col', 'id' => $field_id)); |
| | | |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('name'), 'name'); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('firstname'), 'firstname'); |
| | | $select->add(rcube_label('surname'), 'surname'); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('name'), 'name'); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('firstname'), 'firstname'); |
| | | $select->add($RCMAIL->gettext('surname'), 'surname'); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['sort_col'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('listsorting'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('listsorting'))), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['addressbook_sort_col']), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $size = intval($config['addressbook_pagesize'] ? $config['addressbook_pagesize'] : $config['pagesize']); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['pagesize'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('pagesize'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('pagesize'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($size ? $size : 50), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_autocomplete_single', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['autocomplete_single'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('autocompletesingle'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('autocompletesingle'))), |
| | | 'content' => $checkbox->show($config['autocomplete_single']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | // Special IMAP folders |
| | | case 'folders': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['show_real_foldernames'])) { |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_show_real_foldernames', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['show_real_foldernames'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('show_real_foldernames'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('show_real_foldernames'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['show_real_foldernames']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // Configure special folders |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['default_folders']) && $current) { |
| | | $select = rcmail_mailbox_select(array( |
| | | $set = array('drafts_mbox', 'sent_mbox', 'junk_mbox', 'trash_mbox'); |
| | | if ($current && count(array_intersect($no_override, $set)) < 4) { |
| | | $select = $RCMAIL->folder_selector(array( |
| | | 'noselection' => '---', |
| | | 'realnames' => true, |
| | | 'maxlength' => 30, |
| | | 'folder_filter' => 'mail', |
| | | 'folder_rights' => 'w', |
| | | )); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // #1486114, #1488279, #1489219 |
| | | $onchange = "if ($(this).val() == 'INBOX') $(this).val('')"; |
| | | // #1486114, #1488279, #1489219 |
| | | $onchange = "if ($(this).val() == 'INBOX') $(this).val('')"; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['drafts_mbox'])) { |
| | | if (!$current) { |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['drafts_mbox'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => Q(rcube_label('drafts')), |
| | | 'title' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('drafts')), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['drafts_mbox'], array('name' => "_drafts_mbox", 'onchange' => $onchange)), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['sent_mbox'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => Q(rcube_label('sent')), |
| | | 'title' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('sent')), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['sent_mbox'], array('name' => "_sent_mbox", 'onchange' => '')), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['junk_mbox'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => Q(rcube_label('junk')), |
| | | 'title' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('junk')), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['junk_mbox'], array('name' => "_junk_mbox", 'onchange' => $onchange)), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['trash_mbox'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => Q(rcube_label('trash')), |
| | | 'title' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('trash')), |
| | | 'content' => $select->show($config['trash_mbox'], array('name' => "_trash_mbox", 'onchange' => $onchange)), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | // Server settings |
| | | case 'server': |
| | | $blocks = array( |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'maintenance' => array('name' => Q(rcube_label('maintenance'))), |
| | | 'main' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('mainoptions'))), |
| | | 'maintenance' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('maintenance'))), |
| | | 'advanced' => array('name' => rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('advancedoptions'))), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | if (!isset($no_override['read_when_deleted'])) { |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_read_when_deleted', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['read_when_deleted'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('readwhendeleted'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('readwhendeleted'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['read_when_deleted']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_flag_for_deletion', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['flag_for_deletion'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('flagfordeletion'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('flagfordeletion'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['flag_for_deletion']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_skip_deleted', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['skip_deleted'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('skipdeleted'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('skipdeleted'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['skip_deleted']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_delete_always', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['delete_always'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('deletealways'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('deletealways'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['delete_always']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_delete_junk', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['main']['options']['delete_junk'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('deletejunk'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('deletejunk'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['delete_junk']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_logout_purge', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['maintenance']['options']['logout_purge'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('logoutclear'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('logoutclear'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['logout_purge']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $input = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_logout_expunge', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); |
| | | |
| | | $blocks['maintenance']['options']['logout_expunge'] = array( |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('logoutcompact'))), |
| | | 'title' => html::label($field_id, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('logoutcompact'))), |
| | | 'content' => $input->show($config['logout_expunge']?1:0), |
| | | ); |
| | | } |
| | |
| | | $data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('preferences_list', |
| | | array('section' => $sect['id'], 'blocks' => $blocks, 'current' => $current)); |
| | | |
| | | $advanced_prefs = (array) $RCMAIL->config->get('advanced_prefs'); |
| | | |
| | | // create output |
| | | foreach ($data['blocks'] as $block) { |
| | | foreach ($data['blocks'] as $key => $block) { |
| | | if (!empty($block['content']) || !empty($block['options'])) { |
| | | $found = true; |
| | | break; |
| | | } |
| | | // move some options to the 'advanced' block as configured by admin |
| | | if ($key != 'advanced') { |
| | | foreach ($advanced_prefs as $opt) { |
| | | if ($block['options'][$opt]) { |
| | | $data['blocks']['advanced']['options'][$opt] = $block['options'][$opt]; |
| | | unset($data['blocks'][$key]['options'][$opt]); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // move 'advanced' block to the end of the list |
| | | if (!empty($data['blocks']['advanced'])) { |
| | | $adv = $data['blocks']['advanced']; |
| | | unset($data['blocks']['advanced']); |
| | | $data['blocks']['advanced'] = $adv; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | if (!$found) |
| | | unset($sections[$idx]); |
| | | else |
| | | $sections[$idx]['blocks'] = $data['blocks']; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $data = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('preferences_section_header', |
| | | array('section' => $sect['id'], 'header' => '', 'current' => $current)); |
| | | |
| | | if(!empty($data['header'])) { |
| | | $sections[$idx]['header'] = $data['header']; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | return array($sections, $plugin['cols']); |
| | |
| | | { |
| | | global $RCMAIL, $OUTPUT; |
| | | |
| | | $default_folders = (array) $RCMAIL->config->get('default_folders'); |
| | | $protect_folders = $RCMAIL->config->get('protect_default_folders'); |
| | | $storage = $RCMAIL->get_storage(); |
| | | $delimiter = $storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); |
| | | |
| | | $storage = $RCMAIL->get_storage(); |
| | | $delimiter = $storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); |
| | | $name_utf8 = rcube_charset_convert($name, 'UTF7-IMAP'); |
| | | $protected = $protect_folders && in_array($name, $default_folders); |
| | | |
| | | $name_utf8 = rcube_charset::convert($name, 'UTF7-IMAP'); |
| | | $protected = $protect_folders && $storage->is_special_folder($name); |
| | | $foldersplit = explode($delimiter, $storage->mod_folder($name)); |
| | | $level = count($foldersplit) - 1; |
| | | $display_name = str_repeat(' ', $level) |
| | | . Q($protected ? rcmail_localize_foldername($name) : rcube_charset_convert($foldersplit[$level], 'UTF7-IMAP')); |
| | | $display_name = $protected ? $RCMAIL->localize_foldername($name) : rcube_charset::convert($foldersplit[$level], 'UTF7-IMAP'); |
| | | $class_name = trim($class_name . ' mailbox'); |
| | | |
| | | if ($oldname === null) |
| | | $OUTPUT->command('add_folder_row', $name_utf8, $display_name, $protected, $subscribe, |
| | | false, $class_name); |
| | | else |
| | | $OUTPUT->command('replace_folder_row', rcube_charset_convert($oldname, 'UTF7-IMAP'), |
| | | $name_utf8, $display_name, $protected, $class_name); |
| | | if ($oldname === null) { |
| | | $OUTPUT->command('add_folder_row', $name, $name_utf8, $display_name, $protected, $subscribe, |
| | | $class_name); |
| | | } |
| | | else { |
| | | $OUTPUT->command('replace_folder_row', $oldname, $name, $name_utf8, $display_name, $protected, $class_name); |
| | | } |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * Render the list of settings sections (AKA tabs) |
| | | */ |
| | | function rcmail_settings_tabs($attrib) |
| | | { |
| | | global $RCMAIL, $OUTPUT; |
| | | |
| | | // register UI objects |
| | | $OUTPUT->add_handlers(array( |
| | | 'prefsframe' => 'rcmail_preferences_frame', |
| | | 'sectionslist' => 'rcmail_sections_list', |
| | | 'identitieslist' => 'rcmail_identities_list', |
| | | )); |
| | | // add default attributes |
| | | $attrib += array('tagname' => 'span', 'idprefix' => 'settingstab', 'selclass' => 'selected'); |
| | | |
| | | // register action aliases |
| | | $RCMAIL->register_action_map(array( |
| | | 'folders' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'rename-folder' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'delete-folder' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'subscribe' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'unsubscribe' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'purge' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'folder-size' => 'folders.inc', |
| | | 'add-identity' => 'edit_identity.inc', |
| | | 'add-response' => 'edit_response.inc', |
| | | 'save-response' => 'edit_response.inc', |
| | | 'delete-response' => 'responses.inc', |
| | | )); |
| | | $default_actions = array( |
| | | array('command' => 'preferences', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'preferences', 'title' => 'editpreferences'), |
| | | array('command' => 'folders', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'folders', 'title' => 'managefolders'), |
| | | array('command' => 'identities', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'identities', 'title' => 'manageidentities'), |
| | | array('command' => 'responses', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'responses', 'title' => 'manageresponses'), |
| | | ); |
| | | |
| | | // get all identites from DB and define list of cols to be displayed |
| | | $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('settings_actions', array( |
| | | 'actions' => $default_actions, |
| | | 'attrib' => $attrib, |
| | | )); |
| | | |
| | | $attrib = $plugin['attrib']; |
| | | $tagname = $attrib['tagname']; |
| | | $tabs = array(); |
| | | |
| | | foreach ($plugin['actions'] as $action) { |
| | | if (!$action['command'] && !$action['href'] && $action['action']) { |
| | | $action['href'] = $RCMAIL->url(array('_action' => $action['action'])); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $button = $OUTPUT->button($action); |
| | | $attr = $attrib; |
| | | |
| | | $cmd = $action['action'] ? $action['action'] : $action['command']; |
| | | $id = $action['id'] ? $action['id'] : $cmd; |
| | | |
| | | if (!empty($id)) { |
| | | $attr['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $attrib['idprefix'] . $id); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $classnames = array($attrib['class']); |
| | | if (!empty($action['class'])) { |
| | | $classnames[] = $action['class']; |
| | | } |
| | | else if (!empty($cmd)) { |
| | | $classnames[] = $cmd; |
| | | } |
| | | if ($RCMAIL->action == $cmd) { |
| | | $classnames[] = $attrib['selclass']; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | $attr['class'] = join(' ', $classnames); |
| | | $tabs[] = html::tag($tagname, $attr, $button, html::$common_attrib); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | return join('', $tabs); |
| | | } |