| | |
| | | $labels['move'] = 'Move'; |
| | | $labels['moveto'] = 'Move to...'; |
| | | $labels['download'] = 'Download'; |
| | | $labels['showattachment'] = 'Show'; |
| | | |
| | | $labels['filename'] = 'File name'; |
| | | $labels['filesize'] = 'File size'; |
| | |
| | | |
| | | // message compose |
| | | $labels['editasnew'] = 'Edit as new'; |
| | | $labels['savemessage'] = 'Save as draft'; |
| | | $labels['send'] = 'Send'; |
| | | $labels['sendmessage'] = 'Send message'; |
| | | $labels['savemessage'] = 'Save as draft'; |
| | | $labels['addattachment'] = 'Attach a file'; |
| | | $labels['charset'] = 'Charset'; |
| | | $labels['editortype'] = 'Editor type'; |
| | |
| | | $labels['showimages'] = 'Display images'; |
| | | $labels['alwaysshow'] = 'Always show images from $sender'; |
| | | $labels['isdraft'] = 'This is a draft message.'; |
| | | $labels['andnmore'] = '$nr more...'; |
| | | $labels['togglemoreheaders'] = 'Show more message headers'; |
| | | $labels['togglefullheaders'] = 'Toggle raw message headers'; |
| | | |
| | | $labels['htmltoggle'] = 'HTML'; |
| | | $labels['plaintoggle'] = 'Plain text'; |
| | |
| | | $labels['importfromfile'] = 'Import from file:'; |
| | | $labels['importtarget'] = 'Add new contacts to address book:'; |
| | | $labels['importreplace'] = 'Replace the entire address book'; |
| | | $labels['importtext'] = 'You can upload contacts from an existing address book.<br/>We currently support importing addresses from the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard">vCard</a> data format.'; |
| | | $labels['importdesc'] = 'You can upload contacts from an existing address book.<br/>We currently support importing addresses from the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard">vCard</a> or CSV (comma-separated) data format.'; |
| | | $labels['done'] = 'Done'; |
| | | |
| | | // settings |
| | |
| | | $labels['pagesize'] = 'Rows per page'; |
| | | $labels['signature'] = 'Signature'; |
| | | $labels['dstactive'] = 'Daylight saving time'; |
| | | $labels['showinextwin'] = 'Open message in a new window'; |
| | | $labels['composeextwin'] = 'Compose in a new window'; |
| | | $labels['htmleditor'] = 'Compose HTML messages'; |
| | | $labels['htmlonreply'] = 'on reply to HTML message'; |
| | | $labels['htmlonreplyandforward'] = 'on forward or reply to HTML message'; |
| | |
| | | $labels['showinlineimages'] = 'Display attached images below the message'; |
| | | $labels['autosavedraft'] = 'Automatically save draft'; |
| | | $labels['everynminutes'] = 'every $n minute(s)'; |
| | | $labels['keepalive'] = 'Check for new messages on'; |
| | | $labels['refreshinterval'] = 'Refresh (check for new messages, etc.)'; |
| | | $labels['never'] = 'never'; |
| | | $labels['immediately'] = 'immediately'; |
| | | $labels['messagesdisplaying'] = 'Displaying Messages'; |
| | |
| | | $labels['reqmdn'] = 'Always request a return receipt'; |
| | | $labels['reqdsn'] = 'Always request a delivery status notification'; |
| | | $labels['replysamefolder'] = 'Place replies in the folder of the message being replied to'; |
| | | $labels['defaultaddressbook'] = 'Add new contacts to the selected addressbook'; |
| | | $labels['defaultabook'] = 'Default address book'; |
| | | $labels['autocompletesingle'] = 'Skip alternative email addresses in autocompletion'; |
| | | $labels['listnamedisplay'] = 'List contacts as'; |
| | | $labels['spellcheckbeforesend'] = 'Check spelling before sending a message'; |
| | |
| | | $labels['sortdesc'] = 'Sort descending'; |
| | | $labels['undo'] = 'Undo'; |
| | | |
| | | $labels['installedplugins'] = 'Installed plugins'; |
| | | $labels['plugin'] = 'Plugin'; |
| | | $labels['version'] = 'Version'; |
| | | $labels['source'] = 'Source'; |