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| | | CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail |
| | | =========================== |
| | | |
| | | - Fix default spell-check configuration after Google suspended their spell service |
| | | - Fix vulnerability in handling _session argument of utils/save-prefs (#1489382) |
| | | - Fix iframe onload for upload errors handling (#1489379) |
| | | - Fix address matching in Return-Path header on identity selection (#1489374) |
| | | - Fix HTML part detection when encapsulated inside multipart/signed (#1489372) |
| | | - Fix text wrapping issue with long unwrappable lines (#1489371) |
| | | - Add spellchecker backend for the After the Deadline service |
| | | - Replace markdown-style [1] link indexes in plain text email bodies |
| | | - Fixed issues where HTML comments inside style tag would hang Internet Explorer |