| | |
| | | CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail |
| | | =========================== |
| | | |
| | | - Fix inconsistent behaviour of 'delete_always' option (#1486299) |
| | | - Fix deleting all messages from last list page (#1486293) |
| | | - Flag original messages when sending a draft (#1486203) |
| | | - Changed signature separator when top-posting (#1486330) |
| | | - Let the admin define defaults for search modifiers (#1485897) |
| | | - Fix long e-mail addresses validation (#1486453) |
| | | - Remember search modifiers in user prefs (#1486146) |
| | | - Added force_7bit option to force MIME encoding of plain/text messages (#1486510) |
| | | - Use case sensitive check when checking for default folders (#1486346) |
| | | - Fix checking for new mail: now checks unseen count of inbox (#1485794) |
| | | - Improve performance by avoiding unnecessary updates to the session table (#1486325) |
| | | - Fix invalid <font> tags which cause HTML message rendering problems (#1486521) |
| | | - Fix CVE-2010-0464: Disable DNS prefetching (#1486449) |