| | |
| | | "Restore last draft": "Utols\u00f3 piszkozat vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa", |
| | | "Special character": "Speci\u00e1lis karakter", |
| | | "Source code": "Forr\u00e1sk\u00f3d", |
| | | "Color": "Sz\u00edn", |
| | | "Right to left": "Jobbr\u00f3l balra", |
| | | "Left to right": "Balr\u00f3l jobbra", |
| | | "Emoticons": "Vigyorok", |
| | |
| | | "Finish": "Befejez\u00e9s", |
| | | "Ignore all": "Mindent figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl hagy", |
| | | "Ignore": "Figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl hagy", |
| | | "Add to Dictionary": "Sz\u00f3t\u00e1rhoz ad", |
| | | "Insert row before": "Sor besz\u00far\u00e1sa el\u00e9", |
| | | "Rows": "Sorok", |
| | | "Height": "Magass\u00e1g", |
| | | "Paste row after": "Sor beilleszt\u00e9se m\u00f6g\u00e9", |
| | | "Alignment": "Igaz\u00edt\u00e1s", |
| | | "Border color": "Szeg\u00e9ly sz\u00edne", |
| | | "Column group": "Oszlop csoport", |
| | | "Row": "Sor", |
| | | "Insert column before": "Oszlop besz\u00far\u00e1sa el\u00e9", |
| | |
| | | "Insert template": "Sablon beilleszt\u00e9se", |
| | | "Templates": "Sablonok", |
| | | "Background color": "H\u00e1tt\u00e9r sz\u00edn", |
| | | "Custom...": "Egy\u00e9ni...", |
| | | "Custom color": "Egy\u00e9ni sz\u00edn", |
| | | "No color": "Nincs sz\u00edn", |
| | | "Text color": "Sz\u00f6veg sz\u00edne", |
| | | "Show blocks": "Blokkok mutat\u00e1sa", |
| | | "Show invisible characters": "L\u00e1thatatlan karakterek mutat\u00e1sa", |