| | |
| | | $wb['limit_spamfilter_policy_txt'] = 'Max. aantal spamfilter policys'; |
| | | $wb['default_mailserver_txt'] = 'Standaard Mailserver'; |
| | | $wb['company_name_txt'] = 'Bedrijfsnaam'; |
| | | $wb['contact_firstname_txt'] = 'Contact firstname'; |
| | | $wb['contact_name_txt'] = 'Contactpersoon'; |
| | | $wb['username_txt'] = 'Gebruikersnaam'; |
| | | $wb['password_txt'] = 'Wachtwoord'; |
| | |
| | | $wb['ssh_chroot_txt'] = 'SSH-Chroot Opties'; |
| | | $wb['web_php_options_txt'] = 'PHP Opties'; |
| | | $wb['limit_client_error'] = 'Het max. aantal klanten is bereikt.'; |
| | | $wb['limit_client_error_positive'] = 'Het aantal klanten moet > 0'; |
| | | $wb['limit_client_error_positive_or_unlimited'] = 'Het aantal klanten moet > 0'; |
| | | $wb['limit_web_quota_txt'] = 'Web Quota'; |
| | | $wb['limit_traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota'; |
| | | $wb['limit_trafficquota_error_notint'] = 'Traffic Quota moet een numerieke waarde zijn.'; |
| | |
| | | $wb['required_fields_txt'] = '* Verplichte velden'; |
| | | $wb['limit_webdav_user_txt'] = 'Max. number of Webdav users'; |
| | | $wb['limit_webdav_user_error_notint'] = 'The webdav user limit must be a number.'; |
| | | $wb['limit_backup_txt'] = 'Backupfunction available'; |
| | | $wb['limit_mailmailinglist_txt'] = 'Max. number of mailing lists'; |
| | | $wb['limit_mailaliasdomain_txt'] = 'Max. number of domain aliases'; |
| | | $wb['limit_mailmailinglist_error_notint'] = 'The mailing list record limit must be a number.'; |
| | |
| | | $wb['limit_domainmodule_txt'] = 'Domainmodule Limit'; |
| | | $wb['client_limits_txt'] = 'Client Limits'; |
| | | $wb['err_msg_master_tpl_set'] = 'All custom limit settings are ignored if any master template other than \\"custom\\" is selected.'; |
| | | $wb["btn_save_txt"] = "Save"; |
| | | $wb["btn_cancel_txt"] = "Cancel"; |
| | | $wb["email_error_empty"] = "Email is empty"; |
| | | ?> |