| | |
| | | $wb['limit_spamfilter_policy_txt'] = 'Max. počet Spamfilter politík'; |
| | | $wb['default_mailserver_txt'] = 'Predvolený Mailserver'; |
| | | $wb['company_name_txt'] = 'Názov firmy'; |
| | | $wb['contact_firstname_txt'] = 'Contact firstname'; |
| | | $wb['contact_name_txt'] = 'Meno kontaktnej osoby'; |
| | | $wb['username_txt'] = 'Užívateľské meno'; |
| | | $wb['password_txt'] = 'Heslo'; |
| | |
| | | $wb['limit_dns_slave_zone_txt'] = 'Max. number of secondary DNS zones'; |
| | | $wb['limit_webdav_user_txt'] = 'Max. number of Webdav users'; |
| | | $wb['limit_webdav_user_error_notint'] = 'The webdav user limit must be a number.'; |
| | | $wb['limit_backup_txt'] = 'Backupfunction available'; |
| | | $wb['limit_dns_slave_zone_error_notint'] = 'The dns slave zone limit must be a number.'; |
| | | $wb['customer_no_txt'] = 'Customer No.'; |
| | | $wb['vat_id_txt'] = 'VAT ID'; |
| | |
| | | $wb['paypal_email_error_isemail'] = 'Please enter a valid PayPal email address.'; |
| | | $wb['paypal_email_txt'] = 'PayPal Email'; |
| | | $wb['err_msg_master_tpl_set'] = 'All custom limit settings are ignored if any master template other than \\"custom\\" is selected.'; |
| | | $wb['aps_limits_txt'] = 'APS Installer Limits'; |
| | | $wb['limit_aps_txt'] = 'Max. number of APS instances'; |
| | | $wb['limit_aps_error_notint'] = 'The APS instances limit must be a number.'; |
| | | $wb['default_slave_dnsserver_txt'] = 'Default Secondary DNS Server'; |
| | | $wb['locked_txt'] = 'Locked (disables all webs etc.)'; |
| | | $wb['canceled_txt'] = 'Canceled (disables client login)'; |
| | | $wb['gender_txt'] = 'Title'; |
| | | $wb['gender_m_txt'] = 'Mr.'; |
| | | $wb['gender_f_txt'] = 'Ms.'; |
| | | $wb['added_by_txt'] = 'Added by'; |
| | | $wb['added_date_txt'] = 'Added date'; |
| | | $wb['parent_client_id_txt'] = 'Client of reseller'; |
| | | $wb['none_txt'] = 'none'; |
| | | $wb["email_error_empty"] = "Email is empty"; |
| | | ?> |