| | |
| | | $wb['dmarc_pct_txt'] = 'Apply Policy to this Percentage'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_pct_note_txt'] = '% (100 default). Messages in percent from the domain you want ISPs to check.'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_ri_txt'] = 'Reporting Interval'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_ri_note_txt'] = 'Seconds (default=86400). The time in seconds that aggregate reports should be generate (86400 repersents 1 day).'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_ri_note_txt'] = 'Seconds (default=86400). The time in seconds that aggregate reports should be generate (86400 represents 1 day).'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_sp_txt'] = 'Subdomain Policy (Defaults to same as domain).'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_sp_same_txt'] = 'same as domain'; |
| | | $wb['dmarc_sp_none_txt'] = 'none'; |