| | |
| | | Update the gh-pages branch with the current site
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="updateGhPages" depends="buildSite">
| | | <target name="updateGhPages">
| | | <!-- Build gh-pages branch -->
| | | <mx:ghpages repositorydir="${basedir}" obliterate="true" />
| | | </target>
| | |
| | | Publish binaries to Google Code
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="publishBinaries" depends="clean,buildGO,buildWAR,buildExpress,buildFederationClient,buildManager,buildApiLibrary" description="Publish the Gitblit binaries to Google Code">
| | | <target name="publishBinaries" description="Publish the Gitblit binaries to Google Code">
| | |
| | | <echo>Uploading Gitblit ${project.version} binaries</echo>
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Publish site to site hosting service
| | | You must add ext/commons-net-1.4.0.jar to your ANT classpath.
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="publishSite" depends="clean,buildSite,updateGhPages" description="Publish the Gitblit site to a webserver (requires ext/commons-net-1.4.0.jar)" >
| | | <target name="publishSite" depends="clean,buildSite,updateGhPages" description="Publish the Gitblit site to a host" >
| | |
| | | <echo>Uploading Gitblit ${project.version} website</echo>
| | |
| | | <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
| | | <mx:ftp server="${ftp.server}"
| | | userid="${ftp.user}"
| | | password="${ftp.password}"
| | | remotedir="${ftp.dir}"
| | | passive="true"
| | | verbose="yes">
| | | <fileset dir="${project.siteTargetDirectory}" />
| | | </ftp>
| | | </mx:ftp>
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| | | Compile from source, publish binaries, and build & deploy site
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | -->
| | | <target name="publishAll" depends="publishBinaries,publishSite" />
| | |
| | | |
| | | <!--
| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| | | Tag a new version and prepare for the next development cycle.
| | |
| | | <!-- release -->
| | | <property name="dryrun" value="false" />
| | | <mx:version stage="release" dryrun="${dryrun}" />
| | | <property name="project.tag" value="v${project.version}" />
| | | <!-- commit build.moxie & releases.moxie (automatic) -->
| | | <mx:commit showtitle="no">
| | | <message>Prepare ${project.version} release</message>
| | | <tag name="v${project.version}">
| | | <tag name="${project.tag}">
| | | <message>${project.name} ${project.version} release</message>
| | | </tag>
| | | </mx:commit>
| | |
| | | <!-- create the release process script -->
| | | <mx:if>
| | | <os family="windows" />
| | | <then>
| | | <!-- Windows PowerShell script -->
| | | <!-- set-executionpolicy remotesigned -->
| | | <property name="recipe" value="release_${project.version}.ps1" />
| | | </then>
| | | <else>
| | | <!-- Bash script -->
| | | <property name="recipe" value="release_${project.version}.sh" />
| | | </else>
| | | </mx:if>
| | | <delete file="${recipe}" failonerror="false" quiet="true" verbose="false" />
| | | <!-- Work-around for lack of proper ant property substitution in copy -->
| | | <property name="dollar" value="$"/>
| | | <copy file="release.template" tofile="${recipe}">
| | | <filterset begintoken="${dollar}{" endtoken="}">
| | | <filter token="project.version" value="${project.version}" />
| | | <filter token="project.commitId" value="${project.commitId}" />
| | | <filter token="project.tag" value="${project.tag}" />
| | | </filterset>
| | | </copy>
| | | <chmod file="${recipe}" perm="ugo+rx" />
| | |
| | | <!-- next cycle -->
| | | <mx:version stage="snapshot" incrementNumber="incremental" dryrun="${dryrun}" />
| | | <mx:commit showtitle="no">
| | | <message>Reset build identifiers for next development cycle</message>
| | | </mx:commit>
| | | </mx:commit> |
| | | </target>
| | |
| | |