2007-11-11 55da9053f974c69bb888892714e8d0f09403734d
- Add comments to system.inc.php (PEAR) and cleanup wrong tabs
- Add some functionallity to MySQL class
3 files modified
2057 ■■■■ changed files
TODO.txt 3 ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
interface/lib/classes/db_mysql.inc.php 13 ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
server/lib/classes/system.inc.php 2041 ●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -73,6 +73,3 @@
- Add, extend or modify comments in PEAR syntax so that they can be read with phpdocumentor.
- Add a function to prevent brute force password attacks to the login script. E.g. by
  logging all login attempts and allowing only 5 logins every 15 minutes.
  Task assigned to: BPSsoft
@@ -217,10 +217,21 @@
    public function closeConn()
            return true;
        } else { return false; }
    public function freeResult()
    public function freeResult($query)
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public function delete()
@@ -30,970 +30,1083 @@
class system{
var $FILE = "/root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/classes/ispconfig_system.lib.php";
var $server_id;
var $server_conf;
var $data;
function system(){
  global $go_info;
  $this->server_id = $go_info["isp"]["server_id"];
  $this->server_conf = $go_info["isp"]["server_conf"];
  $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"] = '/etc/passwd';
  $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] = '/etc/shadow';
  $this->server_conf["group_datei"] = '/etc/group';
function hostname(){
  $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
  $hostname = ob_get_contents();
  $hostname = trim($hostname);
  if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
  } else {
  $domainname = ob_get_contents();
  $domainname = trim($domainname);
  if($domainname != ""){
    if(!strstr($hostname, $domainname)) $hostname .= ".".$domainname;
  return $hostname;
function adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){
  global $app;
    return false;
  } else {
          if(trim($user_username) != '') {
                $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
            $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
            $shell = realpath($shell);
            if(trim($passwort) == "") $passwort = '*';
            $new_user = "\n$user_username:x:$uid:$gid:$username:$homedir:$shell\n";
                $app->log->msg("USER: $new_user");
            $app->file->af($user_datei, $new_user);
            if($shadow_datei == "/etc/shadow"){
                      $datum = time();
                      $tage = floor($datum/86400);
                      $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$tage:0:99999:7:::\n";
            } else {
                      $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$uid:$gid::0:0:$username:$homedir:$shell\n";
            $app->file->af($shadow_datei, $new_passwd);
                // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen
            // TB: user Sortierung deaktiviert
            if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
                      $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n");
                        // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen
                      $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            return true;
function updateuser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){
  $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort);
function deactivateuser($user_username){
  $passwort = str_rot13($this->getpasswd($user_username));
  $user_attr = $this->get_user_attributes($user_username);
  $uid = $user_attr["uid"];
  $gid = $user_attr["gid"];
  $username = $user_attr["name"];
  $homedir = $user_attr["homedir"];
  $shell = "/dev/null";
  $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort);
function deluser($user_username){
  global $app;
    $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
    $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
    $users = $app->file->rf($user_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $users);
      $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
        if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
          if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
      $new_users = implode("\n", $new_lines);
      $app->file->wf($user_datei, $new_users);
    $passwds = $app->file->rf($shadow_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
      $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
        if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
          if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
      $new_passwds = implode("\n", $new_lines);
      $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $new_passwds);
    $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
    $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
    foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
      if(trim($group_file_line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $group_file_line);
        $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $f4));
        if(in_array($user_username, $group_users)){
          $g_users = array();
          foreach($group_users as $group_user){
            if($group_user != $user_username) $g_users[] = $group_user;
          $f4 = implode(",", $g_users);
        $new_group_file[] = $f1.":".$f2.":".$f3.":".$f4;
    $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
    $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
    // TB: auskommentiert
    if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
      $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n");
      $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
function addgroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){
  global $app;
    return false;
  } else {
    $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
    $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
    $new_group = "\n$group:x:$gid:$members\n";
    $app->file->af($group_datei, $new_group);
        // TB: auskommentiert
    if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
      $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    return true;
function updategroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){
  $this->addgroup($group, $gid, $members);
function delgroup($group){
  global $app;
    $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
    $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
    $groups = $app->file->rf($group_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
      $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
        if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
          if($f1 != $group) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
      $new_groups = implode("\n", $new_lines);
      $app->file->wf($group_datei, $new_groups);
        // TB: auskommentiert
    if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
      $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
function order_users_groups(){
  global $app;
  $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
  $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
  $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
  $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
        $arr[$f3] = $line;
  if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
    $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)."\n");
  }else {
    $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
  $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $users);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
        if($f1 != "toor"){
          $arr[$f3] = $line;
        } else {
          $arr[70000] = $line;
  $app->file->wf($user_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
  $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
        if($f1 != "toor"){
          $uid = $this->getuid($f1);
          if(!is_bool($uid)) $arr[$uid] = $line;
        } else {
          $arr[70000] = $line;
  $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
function find_uid_gid($min, $max){
  global $app;
  if($min < $max && $min >= 0 && $max >= 0 && $min <= 65536 && $max <= 65536 && is_int($min) && is_int($max)){
      $uid_arr[$i] = $gid_arr[$i] = 1;
    $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
    $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
    $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $users);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        if(trim($line) != ""){
          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
          if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($uid_arr[$f3]);
        foreach($uid_arr as $key => $val){
          $uids[] = $key;
        $min_uid = min($uids);
      } else {
        return false;
    $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        if(trim($line) != ""){
          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
          if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($gid_arr[$f3]);
        foreach($gid_arr as $key => $val){
          $gids[] = $key;
        $min_gid = min($gids);
      } else {
        return false;
    $result = array_intersect($uids, $gids);
    $new_id = (max($result));
    if($new_id <= $max){
      return $new_id;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;
function is_user($user){
  global $app;
  $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
  $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $users);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
        if($f1 == $user) return true;
  return false;
function is_group($group){
  global $app;
  $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
  $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
        if($f1 == $group) return true;
  return false;
function root_group(){
  global $app;
  $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
  $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
        if($f3 == 0) return $f1;
  return false;
function get_user_groups($username){
  global $app;
  $user_groups = array();
  $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
  $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
  $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
    foreach($lines as $line){
      if(trim($line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
        if(intval($f3) < intval($this->server_conf["groupid_von"]) && trim($f1) != 'users'){
          $tmp_group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $f4));
          if(in_array($username, $tmp_group_users) && trim($f1) != '') $user_groups[] = $f1;
  if(!empty($user_groups)) return implode(',', $user_groups);
  return '';
function getpasswd($user){
  global $app;
    $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
    $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        if(trim($line) != ""){
          list($f1, $f2,) = explode(":", $line);
          if($f1 == $user) return $f2;
  } else {
    return false;
function getuid($user){
  global $app;
    $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
    $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $users);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        if(trim($line) != ""){
          list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
          if($f1 == $user) return $f3;
  } else {
    return false;
function get_user_attributes($user){
  global $app;
    $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
    $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
    $lines = explode("\n", $users);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        if(trim($line) != ""){
          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
          if($f1 == $user){
            $user_attr["username"] = $f1;
            $user_attr["x"] = $f2;
            $user_attr["uid"] = $f3;
            $user_attr["gid"] = $f4;
            $user_attr["name"] = $f5;
            $user_attr["homedir"] = $f6;
            $user_attr["shell"] = $f7;
            return $user_attr;
  } else {
    return false;
function chown($file, $owner, $group = ''){
  $owner_change = @chown($file, $owner);
  if($group != ""){
    $group_change = @chgrp($file, $group);
  } else {
    $group_change = 1;
  if($owner_change && $group_change){
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
function add_user_to_group($group, $user = 'admispconfig'){
  global $app;
  $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
  $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
  foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
    list($group_name,$group_x,$group_id,$group_users) = explode(":",$group_file_line);
    if($group_name == $group){
      $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $group_users));
      if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){
        $group_users[] = $user;
      $group_users = implode(",", $group_users);
      if(substr($group_users,0,1) == ",") $group_users = substr($group_users,1);
      $group_file_line = $group_name.":".$group_x.":".$group_id.":".$group_users;
    $new_group_file[] = $group_file_line;
  $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
  $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
  if($this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] != "/etc/shadow"){
    $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb ".$this->server_conf["shadow_datei"]." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
function usermod($user, $groups){
  global $app;
    $groups = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $groups));
    $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
    $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
    foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
      if(trim($group_file_line) != ""){
        list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $group_file_line);
        $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $f4));
        if(!in_array($f1, $groups)){
          if(in_array($user, $group_users)){
            $g_users = array();
            foreach($group_users as $group_user){
              if($group_user != $user) $g_users[] = $group_user;
            $f4 = implode(",", $g_users);
        } else {
          if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){
            if(trim($group_users[0]) == "") unset($group_users);
            $group_users[] = $user;
          $f4 = implode(",", $group_users);
        $new_group_file[] = $f1.":".$f2.":".$f3.":".$f4;
    $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
    $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
    if($this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] != "/etc/shadow"){
      $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb ".$this->server_conf["shadow_datei"]." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
function rc_edit($service, $rl, $action){
  // $action = "on|off";
  global $app;
  $dist_init_scripts = $app->system->server_conf["dist_init_scripts"];
  $dist_runlevel = $app->system->server_conf["dist_runlevel"];
  $dist = $app->system->server_conf["dist"];
  if(trim($dist_runlevel) == ""){ // falls es keine runlevel gibt (FreeBSD)
    if($action == "on"){
      @symlink($dist_init_scripts."/".$service, $dist_init_scripts."/".$service.".sh");
    if($action == "off"){
      } else {
        exec("mv -f ".$dist_init_scripts."/".$service.".sh ".$dist_init_scripts."/".$service." &> /dev/null");
  } else { // Linux
    if(substr($dist, 0,4) == 'suse'){
      if($action == "on"){
        exec("chkconfig --add $service &> /dev/null");
      if($action == "off"){
        exec("chkconfig --del $service &> /dev/null");
    } else {
      $runlevels = explode(",", $rl);
      foreach($runlevels as $runlevel){
        $runlevel = trim($runlevel);
        if($runlevel != "" && is_dir($dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d")){
          while($file = readdir($handle)){
            if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
              $target = @readlink($dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/".$file);
              if(strstr($file, $service) && strstr($target, $service) && substr($file,0,1) == "S") $ln_arr[$runlevel][] = $dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/".$file;
        if($action == "on"){
          if(!is_array($ln_arr[$runlevel])) @symlink($dist_init_scripts."/".$service, $dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/S99".$service);
        if($action == "off"){
            foreach($ln_arr[$runlevel] as $link){
function grep($content, $string, $params = ''){
  global $app;
  // params: i, v, w
  $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content);
  $lines = explode("\n", $content);
  foreach($lines as $line){
    if(!strstr($params, 'w')){
      if(strstr($params, 'i')){
        if(strstr($params, 'v')){
          if(!stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
        } else {
          if(stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
      } else {
        if(strstr($params, 'v')){
          if(!strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
        } else {
          if(strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
    } else {
      if(strstr($params, 'i')){
        if(strstr($params, 'v')){
          if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line;
        } else {
          if($app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line;
      } else {
        if(strstr($params, 'v')){
          if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line;
        } else {
          if($app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line;
    $ret_val = implode("\n", $find);
    if(substr($ret_val,-1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n";
    $find = NULL;
    return $ret_val;
  } else {
    return false;
function cut($content, $field, $delimiter = ':'){
  global $app;
  $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content);
  $lines = explode("\n", $content);
  foreach($lines as $line){
    $elms = explode($delimiter, $line);
    $find[] = $elms[($field-1)];
    $ret_val = implode("\n", $find);
    if(substr($ret_val,-1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n";
    $find = NULL;
    return $ret_val;
  } else {
    return false;
function cat($file){
  global $app;
  return $app->file->rf($file);
function daemon_init($daemon, $action){
  // $action = start|stop|restart|reload
  global $app;
  $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
  $dist_init_scripts = $this->server_conf["dist_init_scripts"];
  if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
    $app->log->caselog("$dist_init_scripts/$daemon $action &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
  } else {
    if(is_file($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh") || is_link($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh")){
      if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
        $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
      } else {
        $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
        $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    } else {
      if(is_file($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon) || is_link($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon)){
        if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
        } else {
          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
      } else {
        if(is_file("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon) || is_link("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon)){
          if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
          } else {
            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
function netmask($netmask){
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($netmask));
  $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $parts = explode("0", $bin);
  $bin = str_pad($parts[0], 32, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
  $bin = wordwrap($bin, 8, ".", 1);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($bin));
  return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
function binary_netmask($netmask){
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($netmask));
  $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $parts = explode("0", $bin);
  return substr_count($parts[0], "1");
function network($ip, $netmask){
  $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $netmask);
  $netmask_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $ip);
  $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $network_bin .= substr($netmask_bin,$i,1) * substr($ip_bin,$i,1);
  $network_bin = wordwrap($network_bin, 8, ".", 1);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($network_bin));
  return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
function broadcast($ip, $netmask){
  $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask);
  $binary_netmask = $this->binary_netmask($netmask);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $ip);
  $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $broadcast_bin = str_pad(substr($ip_bin, 0, $binary_netmask),32,"1",STR_PAD_RIGHT);
  $broadcast_bin = wordwrap($broadcast_bin, 8, ".", 1);
  list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($broadcast_bin));
  return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
function network_info(){
  $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
  $output = ob_get_contents();
  $lines = explode("\n", $output);
  foreach($lines as $line){
    $elms = explode(" ", $line);
    if(trim($elms[0]) != "" && substr($elms[0],0,1) != "\t"){
      $elms[0] = trim($elms[0]);
      if(strstr($dist, "freebsd")) $elms[0] = substr($elms[0],0,-1);
      $interfaces[] = $elms[0];
    foreach($interfaces as $interface){
      if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
        passthru("ifconfig ".$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1 -d' '");
      }else {
        passthru("ifconfig ".$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | grep -iv 'inet6' | cut -f2 -d' '");
      $output = trim(ob_get_contents());
      if($output != ""){
        $ifconfig["INTERFACE"][$interface] = $output;
        $ifconfig["IP"][$output] = $interface;
      return $ifconfig;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;
function network_config(){
  $ifconfig = $this->network_info();
    $main_interface = $ifconfig["IP"][$this->server_conf["server_ip"]];
    if(strstr($main_interface, ":")){
      $parts = explode(":", $main_interface);
      $main_interface = trim($parts[0]);
    if($main_interface != ""){
      $ips = $this->data["isp_server_ip"];
        foreach($ips as $ip){
            $to_set[] = $ip["server_ip"];
          } else {
          foreach($ifconfig["IP"] as $key => $val){
            if(!strstr($val, "lo") && !strstr($val, "lp") && strstr($val, $main_interface)){
              exec("ifconfig ".$val." down &> /dev/null");
         foreach($to_set as $to){
           $i = 0;
           while($i >= 0){
             } else {
               $new_interface = $main_interface.":".$i;
               $i = -1;
           exec("ifconfig ".$new_interface." ".$to." netmask ".$this->server_conf["server_netzmaske"]." up &> /dev/null");
           $ifconfig["INTERFACE"][$new_interface] = $to;
function quota_dirs(){
  global $app;
  $content = $app->file->unix_nl($app->file->no_comments("/etc/fstab"));
  $lines = explode("\n", $content);
  foreach($lines as $line){
    $line = trim($line);
    if($line != ""){
      $elms = explode("\t", $line);
      foreach($elms as $elm){
        if(trim($elm) != "") $f[] = $elm;
      if(!empty($f) && stristr($f[3], "userquota") && stristr($f[3], "groupquota")){
        $q_dirs[] = trim($f[1]);
    return $q_dirs;
  } else {
    return false;
function make_trashscan(){
  global $app;
  //trashscan erstellen
  // Template Ã–ffnen
  $app->tpl->define( array(table    => "trashscan.master"));
  if(!isset($this->server_conf["virusadmin"]) || trim($this->server_conf["virusadmin"]) == "") $this->server_conf["virusadmin"] = "admispconfig@localhost";
  if(substr($this->server_conf["virusadmin"],0,1) == "#"){
    $notify = "no";
  } else {
    $notify = "yes";
  // Variablen zuweisen
  $app->tpl->assign( array(VIRUSADMIN => $this->server_conf["virusadmin"],
                           NOTIFICATION => $notify));
  $app->tpl->parse(TABLE, table);
  $trashscan_text = $app->tpl->fetch();
  $datei = "/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/trashscan";
  $app->file->wf($datei, $trashscan_text);
  exec("chown admispconfig:admispconfig $datei &> /dev/null");
  exec("chmod 755 $datei");
function get_time(){
  $addr = "http://www.ispconfig.org/";
  $timeout = 1;
  $url_parts = parse_url($addr);
  $path = $url_parts["path"];
  $port = 80;
  $urlHandle = @fsockopen($url_parts["host"], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
  if ($urlHandle){
    socket_set_timeout($urlHandle, $timeout);
    $urlString = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$url_parts["host"]."\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n";
    if ($user) $urlString .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n";
    $urlString .= "\r\n";
    fputs($urlHandle, $urlString);
    $month["Jan"] = "01";
    $month["Feb"] = "02";
    $month["Mar"] = "03";
    $month["Apr"] = "04";
    $month["May"] = "05";
    $month["Jun"] = "06";
    $month["Jul"] = "07";
    $month["Aug"] = "08";
    $month["Sep"] = "09";
    $month["Oct"] = "10";
    $month["Nov"] = "11";
    $month["Dec"] = "12";
    $c = 0;
    $l = 0;
    $startzeit = time();
    while(!feof($urlHandle) && $c < 2 && $l == 0){
      $line = trim(fgets($urlHandle,128));
      $response .= $line;
      $c = time() - $startzeit;
      if($line == "" || substr($line, 0, 5) == "Date:") $l += 1; // nur den Header auslesen
      if(substr($line, 0, 5) == "Date:"){
        $parts = explode(" ", $line);
        $tag = $parts[2];
        $monat = $month[$parts[3]];
        $jahr = $parts[4];
        list($stunde, $minute, $sekunde) = explode(":", $parts[5]);
        $timestamp = mktime($stunde,$minute,$sekunde,$monat,$tag,$jahr);
    return $timestamp;
  } else {
    return false;
    var $FILE = "/root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/classes/ispconfig_system.lib.php";
    var $server_id;
    var $server_conf;
    var $data;
     * Construct for this class
     * @return system
    public function system(){
        global $go_info;
          $this->server_id = $go_info["isp"]["server_id"];
          $this->server_conf = $go_info["isp"]["server_conf"];
          $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"] = '/etc/passwd';
          $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] = '/etc/shadow';
          $this->server_conf["group_datei"] = '/etc/group';
     * Get the hostname from the server
     * @return string
    public function hostname(){
        $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
          $hostname = ob_get_contents();
        $hostname = trim($hostname);
          if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
          } else {
          $domainname = ob_get_contents();
          $domainname = trim($domainname);
          if($domainname != ""){
            if(!strstr($hostname, $domainname)) $hostname .= ".".$domainname;
          return $hostname;
     * Add an user to the system
    public function adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){
        global $app;
            return false;
          } else {
            if(trim($user_username) != '') {
                $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
                $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
                $shell = realpath($shell);
                if(trim($passwort) == "") $passwort = '*';
                $new_user = "\n$user_username:x:$uid:$gid:$username:$homedir:$shell\n";
                $app->log->msg("USER: $new_user");
                $app->file->af($user_datei, $new_user);
                if($shadow_datei == "/etc/shadow"){
                    $datum = time();
                    $tage = floor($datum/86400);
                    $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$tage:0:99999:7:::\n";
                } else {
                    $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$uid:$gid::0:0:$username:$homedir:$shell\n";
                $app->file->af($shadow_datei, $new_passwd);
                // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen
                // TB: user Sortierung deaktiviert
                if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
                    $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n");
                    // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen
                    $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                return true;
     * Update users when someone edit it
    function updateuser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){
        //* First delete the users
        //* Add the user again
          $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort);
     * Lock the user
    function deactivateuser($user_username){
        $passwort = str_rot13($this->getpasswd($user_username));
          $user_attr = $this->get_user_attributes($user_username);
          $uid = $user_attr["uid"];
          $gid = $user_attr["gid"];
          $username = $user_attr["name"];
          $homedir = $user_attr["homedir"];
          $shell = "/dev/null";
          $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort);
     * Delete a user from the system
    function deluser($user_username){
        global $app;
            $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
            $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
            $users = $app->file->rf($user_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $users);
                  $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
                    if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
                          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
                          if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
                  $new_users = implode("\n", $new_lines);
                  $app->file->wf($user_datei, $new_users);
            $passwds = $app->file->rf($shadow_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
                  $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
                    if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
                          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
                          if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
                  $new_passwds = implode("\n", $new_lines);
                  $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $new_passwds);
            $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
            $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
            foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
                  if(trim($group_file_line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $group_file_line);
                    $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $f4));
                    if(in_array($user_username, $group_users)){
                          $g_users = array();
                          foreach($group_users as $group_user){
                            if($group_user != $user_username) $g_users[] = $group_user;
                          $f4 = implode(",", $g_users);
                    $new_group_file[] = $f1.":".$f2.":".$f3.":".$f4;
            $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
            $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
            // TB: auskommentiert
            if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
                  $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n");
                  $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Add a usergroup to the system
    function addgroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){
        global $app;
            return false;
          } else {
            $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
            $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
            $new_group = "\n$group:x:$gid:$members\n";
            $app->file->af($group_datei, $new_group);
            // TB: auskommentiert
            if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
                  $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            return true;
     * Update usersgroup in way to delete and add it again
    function updategroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){
          $this->addgroup($group, $gid, $members);
     * Delete a usergroup from the system
    function delgroup($group){
        global $app;
            $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
            $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
            $groups = $app->file->rf($group_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
                  $num_lines = sizeof($lines);
                    if(trim($lines[$i]) != ""){
                          list($f1,) = explode(":", $lines[$i]);
                          if($f1 != $group) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i];
                  $new_groups = implode("\n", $new_lines);
                  $app->file->wf($group_datei, $new_groups);
            // TB: auskommentiert
            if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
                  $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Order usergroups
    function order_users_groups(){
        global $app;
          $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
          $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
          $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
          $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
                    $arr[$f3] = $line;
          if($shadow_datei != "/etc/shadow"){
            $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)."\n");
          }else {
            $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
          $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $users);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
                    if($f1 != "toor"){
                          $arr[$f3] = $line;
                    } else {
                          $arr[70000] = $line;
          $app->file->wf($user_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
          $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
                    if($f1 != "toor"){
                          $uid = $this->getuid($f1);
                          if(!is_bool($uid)) $arr[$uid] = $line;
                    } else {
                          $arr[70000] = $line;
          $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0));
     * Find a user / group id
    function find_uid_gid($min, $max){
        global $app;
          if($min < $max && $min >= 0 && $max >= 0 && $min <= 65536 && $max <= 65536 && is_int($min) && is_int($max)){
                  $uid_arr[$i] = $gid_arr[$i] = 1;
            $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
            $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
            $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $users);
                  foreach($lines as $line){
                    if(trim($line) != ""){
                          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
                          if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($uid_arr[$f3]);
                    foreach($uid_arr as $key => $val){
                          $uids[] = $key;
                    $min_uid = min($uids);
                  } else {
                    return false;
            $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
                  foreach($lines as $line){
                    if(trim($line) != ""){
                          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
                          if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($gid_arr[$f3]);
                    foreach($gid_arr as $key => $val){
                          $gids[] = $key;
                    $min_gid = min($gids);
                  } else {
                    return false;
            $result = array_intersect($uids, $gids);
            $new_id = (max($result));
            if($new_id <= $max){
                  return $new_id;
            } else {
                  return false;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Check if the users is really a user into the system
    function is_user($user){
        global $app;
          $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
          $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $users);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
                    if($f1 == $user) return true;
          return false;
     * Check if the group is on this system
    function is_group($group){
        global $app;
          $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
          $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
                    if($f1 == $group) return true;
          return false;
    function root_group(){
        global $app;
          $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
          $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
                    if($f3 == 0) return $f1;
          return false;
     * Get the groups of an user
    function get_user_groups($username){
        global $app;
          $user_groups = array();
          $group_datei = $this->server_conf["group_datei"];
          $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei);
          $lines = explode("\n", $groups);
            foreach($lines as $line){
                  if(trim($line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $line);
                    if(intval($f3) < intval($this->server_conf["groupid_von"]) && trim($f1) != 'users'){
                          $tmp_group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $f4));
                          if(in_array($username, $tmp_group_users) && trim($f1) != '') $user_groups[] = $f1;
          if(!empty($user_groups)) return implode(',', $user_groups);
          return '';
     * Get a user password
    function getpasswd($user){
        global $app;
            $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf["shadow_datei"];
            $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $passwds);
                  foreach($lines as $line){
                    if(trim($line) != ""){
                          list($f1, $f2,) = explode(":", $line);
                          if($f1 == $user) return $f2;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Get the user id from an user
    function getuid($user){
        global $app;
            $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
            $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $users);
                  foreach($lines as $line){
                    if(trim($line) != ""){
                          list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(":", $line);
                          if($f1 == $user) return $f3;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Get all information from a user
    function get_user_attributes($user){
        global $app;
            $user_datei = $this->server_conf["passwd_datei"];
            $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei);
            $lines = explode("\n", $users);
                  foreach($lines as $line){
                    if(trim($line) != ""){
                          list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(":", $line);
                          if($f1 == $user){
                            $user_attr["username"] = $f1;
                            $user_attr["x"] = $f2;
                            $user_attr["uid"] = $f3;
                            $user_attr["gid"] = $f4;
                            $user_attr["name"] = $f5;
                            $user_attr["homedir"] = $f6;
                            $user_attr["shell"] = $f7;
                            return $user_attr;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Edit the owner of a file
    function chown($file, $owner, $group = ''){
      $owner_change = @chown($file, $owner);
      if($group != ""){
        $group_change = @chgrp($file, $group);
      } else {
        $group_change = 1;
      if($owner_change && $group_change){
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
     * Add an user to a specific group
    function add_user_to_group($group, $user = 'admispconfig'){
        global $app;
          $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
          $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
          foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
            list($group_name,$group_x,$group_id,$group_users) = explode(":",$group_file_line);
            if($group_name == $group){
                  $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $group_users));
                  if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){
                    $group_users[] = $user;
                  $group_users = implode(",", $group_users);
                  if(substr($group_users,0,1) == ",") $group_users = substr($group_users,1);
                  $group_file_line = $group_name.":".$group_x.":".$group_id.":".$group_users;
            $new_group_file[] = $group_file_line;
          $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
          $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
          if($this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] != "/etc/shadow"){
            $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb ".$this->server_conf["shadow_datei"]." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    function usermod($user, $groups){
        global $app;
            $groups = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $groups));
            $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf["group_datei"]);
            $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file);
            foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){
                  if(trim($group_file_line) != ""){
                    list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(":", $group_file_line);
                    $group_users = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $f4));
                    if(!in_array($f1, $groups)){
                          if(in_array($user, $group_users)){
                            $g_users = array();
                            foreach($group_users as $group_user){
                                  if($group_user != $user) $g_users[] = $group_user;
                            $f4 = implode(",", $g_users);
                    } else {
                          if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){
                            if(trim($group_users[0]) == "") unset($group_users);
                            $group_users[] = $user;
                          $f4 = implode(",", $group_users);
                    $new_group_file[] = $f1.":".$f2.":".$f3.":".$f4;
            $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file);
            $app->file->wf($this->server_conf["group_datei"], $new_group_file);
            if($this->server_conf["shadow_datei"] != "/etc/shadow"){
                  $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb ".$this->server_conf["shadow_datei"]." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
    /**boot autostart etc
    function rc_edit($service, $rl, $action){
        // $action = "on|off";
          global $app;
          $dist_init_scripts = $app->system->server_conf["dist_init_scripts"];
          $dist_runlevel = $app->system->server_conf["dist_runlevel"];
          $dist = $app->system->server_conf["dist"];
          if(trim($dist_runlevel) == ""){ // falls es keine runlevel gibt (FreeBSD)
            if($action == "on"){
                @symlink($dist_init_scripts."/".$service, $dist_init_scripts."/".$service.".sh");
            if($action == "off"){
                  } else {
                    exec("mv -f ".$dist_init_scripts."/".$service.".sh ".$dist_init_scripts."/".$service." &> /dev/null");
          } else { // Linux
            if(substr($dist, 0,4) == 'suse'){
                  if($action == "on"){
                    exec("chkconfig --add $service &> /dev/null");
                  if($action == "off"){
                    exec("chkconfig --del $service &> /dev/null");
            } else {
                  $runlevels = explode(",", $rl);
                  foreach($runlevels as $runlevel){
                    $runlevel = trim($runlevel);
                    if($runlevel != "" && is_dir($dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d")){
                          while($file = readdir($handle)){
                            if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
                                  $target = @readlink($dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/".$file);
                                  if(strstr($file, $service) && strstr($target, $service) && substr($file,0,1) == "S") $ln_arr[$runlevel][] = $dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/".$file;
                    if($action == "on"){
                          if(!is_array($ln_arr[$runlevel])) @symlink($dist_init_scripts."/".$service, $dist_runlevel."/rc".$runlevel.".d/S99".$service);
                    if($action == "off"){
                            foreach($ln_arr[$runlevel] as $link){
     * Filter information from the commands
    function grep($content, $string, $params = ''){
        global $app;
          // params: i, v, w
          $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content);
          $lines = explode("\n", $content);
          foreach($lines as $line){
            if(!strstr($params, 'w')){
                  if(strstr($params, 'i')){
                    if(strstr($params, 'v')){
                          if(!stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
                    } else {
                          if(stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
                  } else {
                    if(strstr($params, 'v')){
                          if(!strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
                    } else {
                          if(strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line;
            } else {
                  if(strstr($params, 'i')){
                    if(strstr($params, 'v')){
                          if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line;
                    } else {
                          if($app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line;
                  } else {
                    if(strstr($params, 'v')){
                          if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line;
                    } else {
                          if($app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line;
            $ret_val = implode("\n", $find);
            if(substr($ret_val,-1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n";
            $find = NULL;
            return $ret_val;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Strip content from fields
    function cut($content, $field, $delimiter = ':'){
        global $app;
          $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content);
          $lines = explode("\n", $content);
          foreach($lines as $line){
            $elms = explode($delimiter, $line);
            $find[] = $elms[($field-1)];
            $ret_val = implode("\n", $find);
            if(substr($ret_val,-1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n";
            $find = NULL;
            return $ret_val;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Get the content off a file
    function cat($file){
        global $app;
          return $app->file->rf($file);
     * Control services to restart etc
    function daemon_init($daemon, $action){
        //* $action = start|stop|restart|reload
          global $app;
          $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
          $dist_init_scripts = $this->server_conf["dist_init_scripts"];
          if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
            $app->log->caselog("$dist_init_scripts/$daemon $action &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
          } else {
            if(is_file($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh") || is_link($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh")){
                  if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
                    $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                  } else {
                    $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                    $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon.".sh start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
            } else {
                  if(is_file($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon) || is_link($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon)){
                    if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
                          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                    } else {
                          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                          $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts."/".$daemon." start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                  } else {
                    if(is_file("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon) || is_link("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon)){
                          if($action == "start" || $action == "stop"){
                            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." ".$action." &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                          } else {
                            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." stop &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
                            $app->log->caselog("/etc/rc.d/".$daemon." start &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__);
    function netmask($netmask){
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($netmask));
      $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
      $parts = explode("0", $bin);
      $bin = str_pad($parts[0], 32, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
      $bin = wordwrap($bin, 8, ".", 1);
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($bin));
      return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
    function binary_netmask($netmask){
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($netmask));
      $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
      $parts = explode("0", $bin);
      return substr_count($parts[0], "1");
    function network($ip, $netmask){
      $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask);
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $netmask);
      $netmask_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $ip);
      $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $network_bin .= substr($netmask_bin,$i,1) * substr($ip_bin,$i,1);
      $network_bin = wordwrap($network_bin, 8, ".", 1);
      list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($network_bin));
      return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
     * Make a broadcast address from an IP number in combination with netmask
    function broadcast($ip, $netmask){
        $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask);
          $binary_netmask = $this->binary_netmask($netmask);
          list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", $ip);
          $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4),8,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
          $broadcast_bin = str_pad(substr($ip_bin, 0, $binary_netmask),32,"1",STR_PAD_RIGHT);
          $broadcast_bin = wordwrap($broadcast_bin, 8, ".", 1);
          list($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = explode(".", trim($broadcast_bin));
          return bindec($f1).".".bindec($f2).".".bindec($f3).".".bindec($f4);
     * Get the network address information
    function network_info(){
        $dist = $this->server_conf["dist"];
          $output = ob_get_contents();
          $lines = explode("\n", $output);
          foreach($lines as $line){
            $elms = explode(" ", $line);
            if(trim($elms[0]) != "" && substr($elms[0],0,1) != "\t"){
                  $elms[0] = trim($elms[0]);
                  if(strstr($dist, "freebsd")) $elms[0] = substr($elms[0],0,-1);
                  $interfaces[] = $elms[0];
            foreach($interfaces as $interface){
                  if(!strstr($dist, "freebsd")){
                    passthru("ifconfig ".$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1 -d' '");
                  } else {
                    passthru("ifconfig ".$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | grep -iv 'inet6' | cut -f2 -d' '");
                  $output = trim(ob_get_contents());
                  if($output != ""){
                    $ifconfig["INTERFACE"][$interface] = $output;
                    $ifconfig["IP"][$output] = $interface;
                  return $ifconfig;
            } else {
                  return false;
          } else {
            return false;
     * Configure the network settings from the system
    function network_config(){
        $ifconfig = $this->network_info();
            $main_interface = $ifconfig["IP"][$this->server_conf["server_ip"]];
            if(strstr($main_interface, ":")){
                  $parts = explode(":", $main_interface);
                  $main_interface = trim($parts[0]);
            if($main_interface != ""){
                  $ips = $this->data["isp_server_ip"];
                    foreach($ips as $ip){
                            $to_set[] = $ip["server_ip"];
                          } else {
                          foreach($ifconfig["IP"] as $key => $val){
                            if(!strstr($val, "lo") && !strstr($val, "lp") && strstr($val, $main_interface)){
                                  exec("ifconfig ".$val." down &> /dev/null");
                         foreach($to_set as $to){
                               $i = 0;
                               while($i >= 0){
                                 } else {
                                       $new_interface = $main_interface.":".$i;
                                       $i = -1;
                               exec("ifconfig ".$new_interface." ".$to." netmask ".$this->server_conf["server_netzmaske"]." up &> /dev/null");
                               $ifconfig["INTERFACE"][$new_interface] = $to;
    function quota_dirs(){
      global $app;
      $content = $app->file->unix_nl($app->file->no_comments("/etc/fstab"));
      $lines = explode("\n", $content);
      foreach($lines as $line){
        $line = trim($line);
        if($line != ""){
          $elms = explode("\t", $line);
          foreach($elms as $elm){
            if(trim($elm) != "") $f[] = $elm;
          if(!empty($f) && stristr($f[3], "userquota") && stristr($f[3], "groupquota")){
            $q_dirs[] = trim($f[1]);
        return $q_dirs;
      } else {
        return false;
     * Scan the trash for virusses infection
    function make_trashscan(){
        global $app;
          //trashscan erstellen
          // Template Ã–ffnen
          $app->tpl->define( array(table    => "trashscan.master"));
          if(!isset($this->server_conf["virusadmin"]) || trim($this->server_conf["virusadmin"]) == "") $this->server_conf["virusadmin"] = "admispconfig@localhost";
          if(substr($this->server_conf["virusadmin"],0,1) == "#"){
            $notify = "no";
          } else {
            $notify = "yes";
          // Variablen zuweisen
          $app->tpl->assign( array(VIRUSADMIN => $this->server_conf["virusadmin"],
                               NOTIFICATION => $notify));
          $app->tpl->parse(TABLE, table);
          $trashscan_text = $app->tpl->fetch();
          $datei = "/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/trashscan";
          $app->file->wf($datei, $trashscan_text);
          exec("chown admispconfig:admispconfig $datei &> /dev/null");
          exec("chmod 755 $datei");
     * Get the current time
    function get_time(){
      $addr = "http://www.ispconfig.org/";
      $timeout = 1;
      $url_parts = parse_url($addr);
      $path = $url_parts["path"];
      $port = 80;
      $urlHandle = @fsockopen($url_parts["host"], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
      if ($urlHandle){
        socket_set_timeout($urlHandle, $timeout);
        $urlString = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$url_parts["host"]."\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n";
        if ($user) $urlString .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n";
        $urlString .= "\r\n";
        fputs($urlHandle, $urlString);
        $month["Jan"] = "01";
        $month["Feb"] = "02";
        $month["Mar"] = "03";
        $month["Apr"] = "04";
        $month["May"] = "05";
        $month["Jun"] = "06";
        $month["Jul"] = "07";
        $month["Aug"] = "08";
        $month["Sep"] = "09";
        $month["Oct"] = "10";
        $month["Nov"] = "11";
        $month["Dec"] = "12";
        $c = 0;
        $l = 0;
        $startzeit = time();
        while(!feof($urlHandle) && $c < 2 && $l == 0){
          $line = trim(fgets($urlHandle,128));
          $response .= $line;
          $c = time() - $startzeit;
          if($line == "" || substr($line, 0, 5) == "Date:") $l += 1; // nur den Header auslesen
          if(substr($line, 0, 5) == "Date:"){
            $parts = explode(" ", $line);
            $tag = $parts[2];
            $monat = $month[$parts[3]];
            $jahr = $parts[4];
            list($stunde, $minute, $sekunde) = explode(":", $parts[5]);
            $timestamp = mktime($stunde,$minute,$sekunde,$monat,$tag,$jahr);
        return $timestamp;
      } else {
        return false;