interface/lib/classes/ | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
interface/lib/lang/en.lng | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
interface/web/login/index.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history |
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ private $autoCommit = 1; // Autocommit Transactions private $currentRow; // current row number private $errorNumber = 0; // last error number private $errorMessage = ''; // last error message public $errorMessage = ''; // last error message private $errorLocation = '';// last error location private $show_error_messages = false; interface/lib/lang/en.lng
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ <?php // Globale Error Messages //* Global Error Messages $wb[301] = 'Module not permitted for the current user.'; $wb[302] = 'Module invalid.'; $wb[1001] = 'The username and password must not be empty!'; $wb[1001] = 'The username and password cannot be empty !'; $wb[1002] = 'The username and/or password are not correct!'; $wb[1003] = 'The username is deactivated!'; interface/web/login/index.php
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ $_SESSION['s']['module'] = $module; } // TODO: What is all this - pedro //$site = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM mb_sites WHERE name = '".$user["site_preset"]."'"); //$_SESSION["s"]["site"] = $site; @@ -89,19 +90,19 @@ $error = $app->lng(1003); } } else { // Username oder Passwort falsch //* Incorrect login - Username and password incorrect $error = $app->lng(1002); if($app->db->errorMessage != '') $error .= '<br>'.$app->db->errorMessage != ''; } } else { // Username oder Passwort leer //* Username or password empty $error = $app->lng(1001); } } if($error != ''){ $error = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> $error = '<table class="error"> <tr> <td class="error"><b>Error:</b><br>'.$error.'</td> <td><strong>Error:</strong><br>'.$error.'</td> </tr> </table>'; }