| | |
| | | } else { // new record
| | | $update = 1;
| | | }
| | | if(strlen($this->dataRecord["serial"]) == 10 && intval($this->dataRecord["serial"]) == $this->dataRecord["serial"] && $this->dataRecord["serial"] != $serial){
| | | $update = 0;
| | | $increased_serials[] = $soa['id'];
| | | }
| | | if($update > 0){
| | | $new_serial = $app->validate_dns->increase_serial($serial);
| | | $increased_serials[] = $soa['id'];
| | |
| | | if($soa['origin'] == substr($rr['name'], -(strlen($soa['origin']))) || $soa['origin'] == substr($rr['data'], -(strlen($soa['origin'])))) $update_soas[] = $rr['zone'];
| | | //$update_soas[] = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT DISTINCT zone FROM rr WHERE name LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' OR data LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."'");
| | |
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET name = '".substr($rr['name'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE name LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type != 'PTR'");
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET data = '".substr($rr['data'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE data LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type != 'PTR'");
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET name = '".substr($rr['name'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE name LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type != 'PTR' AND id = ".$rr['id']);
| | |
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET data = '".substr($rr['data'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE data LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type != 'PTR' AND id = ".$rr['id']);
| | |
| | | if($conf['auto_create_ptr'] == 1 && trim($conf['default_ns']) != '' && trim($conf['default_mbox']) != ''){
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET name = '".substr($rr['name'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE name LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type = 'PTR'");
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET data = '".substr($rr['data'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE data LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type = 'PTR'");
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET name = '".substr($rr['name'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE name LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type = 'PTR' AND id = ".$rr['id']);
| | |
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE rr SET data = '".substr($rr['data'], 0, -(strlen($this->dataRecord['origin']))).$this->dataRecord['origin']."' WHERE data LIKE '%".$soa['origin']."' AND type = 'PTR' AND id = ".$rr['id']);
| | |
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | $ptr_soa = $c.'.'.$b.'.'.$a.'.in-addr.arpa.';
| | | if($ptr = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT soa.id, soa.serial FROM soa, rr WHERE rr.type = 'PTR' AND rr.data = '".$fqdn."' AND rr.zone = soa.id AND soa.origin = '".$ptr_soa."'")){
| | | ############
| | | if($a_rr_with_same_ip = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT rr.*, soa.origin FROM rr, soa WHERE rr.type = 'A' AND rr.data = '".$soa_rr['data']."' AND rr.zone = soa.id AND soa.active = 'Y' AND rr.id != ".$soa_rr["id"]." AND rr.zone != '".$soa_rr['zone']."'")){
| | | if($a_rr_with_same_ip = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT rr.*, soa.origin FROM rr, soa WHERE rr.type = 'A' AND rr.data = '".$soa_rr['data']."' AND rr.zone = soa.id AND soa.active = 'Y' AND rr.id != ".$soa_rr["id"]." AND rr.zone != '".$this->dataRecord['zone']."'")){
| | | if(substr($a_rr_with_same_ip['name'], -1) == '.'){
| | | $new_ptr_soa_rr_data = $a_rr_with_same_ip['name'];
| | | } else {
| | |
| | |
| | | if($soa['active'] = 'N' && $this->dataRecord['active'][0] == 'Y'){
| | |
| | | if($soa_rrs = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM rr WHERE zone = ".$this->dataRecord['id']." AND type = 'A'")){
| | | foreach($soa_rrs as $soa_rr){
| | | #################
| | | list($a, $b, $c, $d) = explode('.', $soa_rr['data']);
| | | $ptr_soa = $c.'.'.$b.'.'.$a.'.in-addr.arpa.';
| | | if(substr($soa_rr['name'], -1) == '.'){
| | | $ptr_soa_rr_data = $soa_rr['name'];
| | | } else {
| | | $ptr_soa_rr_data = $soa_rr['name'].(trim($soa_rr['name']) == '' ? '' : '.').$this->dataRecord['origin'];
| | | }
| | |
| | | if(!$ptr_soa_exist = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM soa WHERE origin = '".$ptr_soa."'")){
| | | $app->db->query("INSERT INTO soa (origin, ns, mbox, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum, ttl, active) VALUES ('".$ptr_soa."', '".trim($conf['default_ns'])."', '".trim($conf['default_mbox'])."', '".date("Ymd").'01'."', '".$conf['default_refresh']."', '".$conf['default_retry']."', '".$conf['default_expire']."', '".$conf['default_minimum_ttl']."', '".$conf['default_ttl']."', 'Y')");
| | | $ptr_soa_id = $app->db->insertID();
| | | $app->db->query("INSERT INTO rr (zone, name, type, data, aux, ttl) VALUES ('".$ptr_soa_id."', '".$d."', 'PTR', '".$ptr_soa_rr_data."', '0', '".$conf['default_ttl']."')");
| | | } else {
| | | if($ptr_soa_exist['active'] != 'Y') $app->db->query("UPDATE soa SET active = 'Y' WHERE id = ".$ptr_soa_exist['id']);
| | | if(!$ptr_soa_rr_exist = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM rr WHERE zone = '".$ptr_soa_exist['id']."' AND name = '".$d."' AND type = 'PTR'")){
| | | $app->db->query("INSERT INTO rr (zone, name, type, data, aux, ttl) VALUES ('".$ptr_soa_exist['id']."', '".$d."', 'PTR', '".$ptr_soa_rr_data."', '0', '".$conf['default_ttl']."')");
| | | // increase serial of PTR SOA
| | | if(!in_array($ptr_soa_exist['id'], $increased_serials)){
| | | $ptr_soa_new_serial = $app->validate_dns->increase_serial($ptr_soa_exist['serial']);
| | | $increased_serials[] = $ptr_soa_exist['id'];
| | | $app->db->query("UPDATE soa SET serial = '".$ptr_soa_new_serial."' WHERE id = ".$ptr_soa_exist['id']);
| | | }
| | | }
| | | }
| | | ################
| | | }
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | }
| | | }
| | | }