Paul Martin
2015-12-25 46f33f87750573713509fbdbd0fc2ae51dc12044
2015-12-25 Paul Martin
Fix for #976 - Filestore links via browser
tree@ 46f33f commitdiff
2015-12-23 James Moger
Merge pull request #986 from rgroux/jenkins-groovy-all-proto
tree@ 2539ce commitdiff
2015-12-16 rgroux
Change Jenkins groovy script for any protocol (git/http/ssh)
tree@ 306116 commitdiff
2015-12-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #980 from mrjoel/mrjoel-httpheaders
tree@ 7b7b0d commitdiff
2015-12-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #981 from mrjoel/mrjoel-loguseraccess
tree@ 280c0c commitdiff
2015-12-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #982 from gitblit/978-milestone-date-selector
tree@ 63e4d9 commitdiff
2015-12-09 James Moger
Merge pull request #983 from mrjoel/mrjoel-dotfiledetection
tree@ afc9de commitdiff
2015-12-09 Joel Johnson
revise logic for forcing dotfile to text
tree@ 68100a commitdiff
2015-12-09 Paul Martin
fix for #978 - HTML5 date input support
tree@ 71a347 commitdiff
2015-06-19 Joel Johnson
log authenticated username
tree@ c71fe2 commitdiff
2015-07-07 Joel Johnson
remove external account type in lieu of specific type
tree@ fd0fc5 commitdiff
2015-06-29 Joel Johnson
add site documentation for HTTP header authentication
tree@ 0b298b commitdiff
2015-06-12 Joel Johnson
implement an HTTP header AuthenticationProvider
tree@ 46f61d commitdiff
2015-12-08 James Moger
Merge pull request #979 from pingunaut/master
tree@ f7e28a commitdiff
2015-12-08 Martin Spielmann
Remove empty catch blocks to stop swallowing exceptions. #498
tree@ bb8d1a commitdiff
2015-12-08 James Moger
Merge pull request #973 from paulsputer/967-Filestore-Help
tree@ f75535 commitdiff
2015-12-07 Paul Martin
fix for #967 filestore menu for all users
tree@ 697905 commitdiff
2015-12-03 James Moger
Merge pull request #969 from paulsputer/968-GitLFS-Extract-URI-From-Repository
tree@ 0aecfc commitdiff
2015-12-03 Paul Martin
fix for #968 extracting repository from URI
tree@ da29a4 commitdiff
2015-11-25 James Moger
Handle possible NPE when extracting WAR resources into a new directory
tree@ d1eb00 commitdiff
2015-10-17 marco
Fix 2 possible NullPointer occurences
tree@ 1aec17 commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
Raw servlet now assumes text/plain for dot files
tree@ 66e081 commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
Simplify build and contribution process back to master/trunk development
tree@ 3cbfeb commitdiff
2015-11-23 paladox
Match longest repository path towards the shortest pr-950
tree@ 2b1e02 commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
Reset build identifiers for next point release cycle
tree@ 1fe804 commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
Prepare 1.7.1 release
tree@ 390909 commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
tree@ 09714a commitdiff
2015-11-23 James Moger
Fix failure to start WAR variants
tree@ 28cf62 commitdiff
2015-11-22 James Moger
Reset build identifiers for next point release cycle
tree@ a413ed commitdiff
2015-11-22 James Moger
Prepare 1.7.0 release
tree@ b7b04e commitdiff
2015-11-22 James Moger
Merge branch 'develop'
tree@ ed552b commitdiff
2015-11-19 James Moger
Create filestore directory on startup
tree@ e41e8f commitdiff
2015-11-18 James Moger
tree@ fa357d commitdiff
2015-11-18 James Moger
Catch some potential NPEs
tree@ def01d commitdiff
2015-11-18 James Moger
Require admin permissions to view the filestore page
tree@ 6069be commitdiff
2015-11-18 James Moger
Update to JGit 4.1.1
tree@ 174863 commitdiff
2015-11-18 James Moger
tree@ 58479c commitdiff
2015-11-10 James Moger
Do not display fork button if target repo already exists (fixes #944)
tree@ c332d9 commitdiff
2015-11-10 James Moger
Declare top and bottom page links on reflog page (fixes #761)
tree@ 168f03 commitdiff
2015-10-26 James Moger
Merge pull request #947 from paulsputer/LogUpdateForAllAuthentication
tree@ e69804 commitdiff
2015-10-25 Paul Martin
Log update for Fail2Ban usage
tree@ 0d7c65 commitdiff
2015-10-10 James Moger
Merge pull request #921 from paulsputer/git-lfs-support
tree@ a3a18a commitdiff
2015-10-10 Paul Martin
Git-LFS support
tree@ bd0e83 commitdiff
2015-10-09 James Moger
Merge pull request #940 from RainerW/ticket-932-timedpwd
tree@ f2a9b2 commitdiff
2015-10-08 RainerW
#932 do not trim passwords anywhere in the ui
tree@ 979c75 commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Merge branch 'topic/pr-934' into develop
tree@ 4e5468 commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Address review comments
tree@ be49ef commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Merge branch 'topic/pr-935' into develop
tree@ 1c261b commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Ensure a repository is only searched once
tree@ 548b29 commitdiff
2015-10-05 James Moger
Tweak search page translation resource
tree@ 92d0eb commitdiff
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