James Moger
2011-12-22 e6935876b97a63bae2ec087b4fc390c832aef155
2011-05-24 James Moger
Delete/Rename repos & user. Edit link. Dropped crypt. Other git urls.
blob@ 8a2e9c commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-19 James Moger
Owner editing. Frozen status. Grouped repositories. Documentation.
blob@ 00afd7 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-12 James Moger
Moved distribution files. Revised build script. Security revisions.
blob@ f98825 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-11 James Moger
Clarified access restrictions.
blob@ d0d438 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-11 James Moger
Renamed User to UserModel.
blob@ 511554 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-11 James Moger
Add user. Implemented repository view and git access restrictions.
blob@ dfb889 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-04 James Moger
Build infrastructure improvements. Setting to show remote branches.
blob@ cf9550 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-29 James Moger
Working on error handling.
blob@ bc9d4a commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-27 James Moger
Improve repo folder detection. Fail gracefully on create repo error.
blob@ 166e6a commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-27 James Moger
Centralized markdown transforms. Moved config ops to GitBlit.
blob@ f97bf0 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-25 James Moger
Sprinkled some icons throughout ui. Centralized icon retrieval.
blob@ 1e8390 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-23 James Moger
Basic Create/Edit Repository. JGit 0.12-stable. Tag icon.
blob@ f5d0ad commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-15 James Moger
Settings overhaul. Fixes to authentication. Bind interface feature.
blob@ 87cc1e commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-14 James Moger
Generate Keys class from gitblit.properties as part of build process.
blob@ 155bf7 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-04-14 James Moger
Authenticate the webapp against the same realm as the git servlet.
blob@ fc948c commitdiff | diff to current
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