James Moger
2012-10-01 eb1405f736f2f98e14215774dd53eea9b9a77017
2012-07-11 James Moger
Fixes and adjustments to test suite
blob@ f3ce6e commitdiff | diff to current
2011-12-07 James Moger
Unit testing overhaul.
blob@ 7e8873 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-06-08 James Moger
Blame support finished, requires JGit 1.0.0. Checkstyle. Findbugs.
blob@ 008322 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-06-02 James Moger
Unit testing. Start of git-notes display feature.
blob@ a125cf commitdiff | diff to current
2011-06-01 James Moger
Refactored some unit tests and utils.
blob@ 793f76 commitdiff | diff to current
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