James Moger
2015-11-22 ed552ba47c02779c270ffd62841d6d1048dade70
2014-05-16 James Moger
Replace Dagger with Guice 4.0 beta and update Guava to 16.0.1
blob@ aa1361 commitdiff | diff to current
2014-05-16 James Moger
Return of Servlet3 servlet and filter loading
blob@ 17e2d3 commitdiff | diff to current
2014-03-05 James Moger
Remove Dagger injector from the servlet context instead of nulling it
blob@ fc9fee commitdiff | diff to current
2013-12-11 James Moger
Rollback to Servlet 2.5
blob@ 65d5bb commitdiff | diff to current
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