James Moger
2014-09-25 fbe6dbd1e4c95b33fc21d8a7aaf17f181dacab48
2014-09-25 James Moger
Fix failure to clear/delete ticket topic and description
tree@ 388f49 commitdiff
2014-09-25 James Moger
Restrict Gitblit cookie to the context path
tree@ ec7ed8 commitdiff
2014-09-24 James Moger
Fix GITBLIT_HOME environment variable baseFolder support
tree@ 4b9b3c commitdiff
2014-09-17 James Moger
Fix bug in migrating to BranchTicketService
tree@ ab9c0c commitdiff
2014-09-17 James Moger
Add NO CHANGE REQUIRED ticket status
tree@ 4881b8 commitdiff
2014-09-17 James Moger
Sanitize ticket text at presentation time to avoid unintended html encoding
tree@ a59627 commitdiff
2014-09-17 James Moger
Explicitly declare RepositoryPage subclasses that reference commits
tree@ 5d5e55 commitdiff
2014-09-17 James Moger
Ensure TicketModel comment text is not null in hasComment() test
tree@ fafeb6 commitdiff
2014-09-11 James Moger
Disable permission checkboxes if permission is inherited
tree@ 48019b commitdiff
2014-09-11 James Moger
Preserve refs in commits, tree, & docs navbar links
tree@ 062519 commitdiff
2014-09-09 ThanksForAllTheFish
Repository url is now r
tree@ 079e2c commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix repository deletion bug where the Lucene ticket index was not purged
tree@ c599bd commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix MigrateTickets failure for view-restricted repositories
tree@ e58e09 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix value discarding bug in SafeTextModel
tree@ cefac9 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix potential NPE in TicketListPanel due to missing repository
tree@ bf6814 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Include all users with RW access in New Ticket responsible choices
tree@ 0476cf commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Improve bad request handling in branch graph, zip, & syndication servlets
tree@ 2916cf commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Allow LDAP to reset/delete an user email address value
tree@ 2f0fe2 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Expose setting to control Lucene repository indexing frequency
tree@ 936af6 commitdiff
2014-09-08 James Moger
Fix ticket mail dropping bug when author does not have an address
tree@ 2b8a0f commitdiff
2014-09-07 James Moger
Apply the relaxed XSS filter to Markdown commit messages
tree@ 7fdc29 commitdiff
2014-09-07 James Moger
Enforce relaxed XSS filtering on markup documents
tree@ 11a173 commitdiff
2014-09-06 James Moger
Implement a SafeTextModel and use that for fields vulnerable to XSS
tree@ 209dbd commitdiff
2014-09-06 James Moger
XSS sanitize standard page url parameters
tree@ dfaf1f commitdiff
2014-09-06 James Moger
Create infrastructure for XSS sanitization
tree@ fc3a39 commitdiff
2014-09-05 James Moger
New forks shall respect the source repository access restriction
tree@ a08e6f commitdiff
2014-09-05 James Moger
Specify response header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN for generated pages
tree@ 71647a commitdiff
2014-09-05 James Moger
Change Clippy's script access attribute
tree@ f9ce9f commitdiff
2014-09-05 James Moger
Fix NPE in raw servlet for long project names
tree@ 0a73ab commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Fix raw serving of files/directories that do not exist in a branch/ref
tree@ 846ee5 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Quote all Lucene query args that have non-alphanumeric characters
tree@ a4fa1b commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Fix NPEs when handling referenced milestones that do not exist
tree@ 270e9e commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Alias UTF-9 and UTF-18 as UTF-8 in JGit
tree@ e685ba commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Do not drop missing owners from owners palette
tree@ dd2dc3 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Merged #149 "Repo creation with initial commit fails if user does not have ...
tree@ ddcebb commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Create email address for a user if unset for repo creation
tree@ 2da1f2 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Do not stamp raw servlet responses with cache-control headers
tree@ 818973 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Fix NPE when anonymous admins are editing a repository (issue-490)
tree@ 90c9c9 commitdiff
2014-07-08 Soeren Grunewald
distrib: Add script to install gitblit on fedora
tree@ ddb15d commitdiff
2014-07-08 Soeren Grunewald
distrib: Highlight C/C++ header files by default
tree@ 0a98a6 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Merged #144 "Pretty print perl modules"
tree@ f892c7 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Merged #143 "Fix url-based password keaing in Redmine auth provider"
tree@ 913daf commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Merged #142 "Update setup_authentication.mkd"
tree@ 172f69 commitdiff
2014-09-04 James Moger
Merged #141 "Allow gitblit baseFolder to be defined by a system property"
tree@ b743e0 commitdiff
2014-09-04 Michael Legart
Pretty print perl modules
tree@ 36b5ce commitdiff
2014-08-18 mereth
fix misstyped passwords leaked in log files with redmine auth provider
tree@ 2445d4 commitdiff
2014-08-08 Anthony O.
Update setup_authentication.mkd
tree@ bdcb8d commitdiff
2014-08-03 Koen Serry
Allow gitblit baseFolder to be defined by a system property
tree@ 538991 commitdiff
2014-07-25 Romain GAGNAIRE
Updated french translations
tree@ e8921b commitdiff
2014-07-05 James Moger
Merge branch 'ticket/139'
tree@ 3e0c6c commitdiff
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