Lahmizzar Muinela
2013-12-05 e5871f1bbd9460e4f5547972259bd5d6fac609e9
2013-12-05 Lahmizzar Muinela
update update.xml, add latest lang pack version
tree@ e5871f commitdiff
2013-09-09 Markus Walz
removed all in one installer, and switched to single install languages, add...
tree@ d63a6b commitdiff
2013-06-15 Markus Walz
added pf4 language pack file to archive, update update.xml
tree@ 7cdc45 commitdiff
2013-04-25 Lahmizzar Muinela
binary change (compress lvl)
tree@ 54e416 commitdiff
2013-04-24 Lahmizzar Muinela
tree@ dd7102 commitdiff
2013-04-22 Lahmizzar Muinela
added to archive folder
tree@ d8a7d8 commitdiff
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